Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2044: Go out of town to watch the tiger fight

Jiankang west, aunt.

Huan Xuan ’s figure is at least two laps wider than half a year ago. If he used to be able to cross horses and dance back and forth, and he is a big-breasted general, now Huan Xuan is afraid that walking will be difficult. His The weight, at least two hundred and fifty kilograms, I am afraid that only an elephant can become his current mount.

However, Huan Xuan was in a good mood, wearing a special armor, standing at the head of this fortress, looking at the direction of Jiankang City in the east, and smilingly said to Bian Fanzhi: "Respect ancestors, back then When my grandfather raised his soldiers and entered the capital, he used to be stationed here, and was not subject to the office of the prime minister of the court. He also established a captain's house to control the government, but the family of Wu Di at that time still had the power to resist. An and Wang Tanzhi came forward to object, but my father ’s father still failed, and finally hatred. Such a thing, I will not let it happen again. You have been persuading me not to come here, but I do n’t believe this evil. Here, take control of the world! "

Bian Fanzhi sighed: "Lingbao, you are too stubborn, there is no need to be so stubborn. At Jiankang, you can also practice Zen concessions."

Huan Xuan said coldly, "I want the Gaomen family in the city of Jiankang, just like the old man who refused his father, then came to this aunt again and handed over the power to me personally. But my grandfather ’s wish! This time, Jianshui Dashui also gave me this opportunity. Someone began to rumors about what is happening. I just came out here to see if this world has left me. Ok!"

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "It turns out that you want to retreat to Lingbao, which is a choice. But now, let the families in Jiankang City connect in such a free way, is it really good?"

Huan Xuan smiled and waved his hand: "No matter how they connect in series, what can they do, and they still can't make it? As long as Liu Yu can't make a series there, it's enough. What is he doing recently?"

Bian Fanzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "Liu Yu came back from the Kuiji Ping thief, and went back home that night. He arrived at the barracks the next morning and had no contact with the old ministry. Huan Xiu has always been with him now. With eyes and ears closed, even Liu Muzhi did not come to him. "

Huan Xuan nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that he is quite conscious, neither greedy for military power nor keeping distance from those former robes, but how did I hear that his third brother Liu Daojiu is going to marry Wei Yongzhi's sister? Does n’t that woman look beautiful? But as Wei Yongzhi grows up, what other beauty can his sister be? ”

Bian Fanzhi said with a smile: "That woman is a strange thing in Jingkou, and looks more scary than Wei Yongzhi. In the past, Wei used three brothers' military pay for three years and posted 300 acres of land before the little girl found a bachelor. After marrying Wei Fangfang and becoming a Jingkou person for several years, Liu Daojiu was still playing bachelor in his thirties, marrying such a married dead husband, and also carrying his son's ugly girl. To be honest, when I heard , Ca n’t believe it! "

Huan Xuan hooked the corner of his mouth: "Why did Liu Yu arrange such a family matter? Is it possible that he and Wei Yong's marriage are conspiracy?"

Bian Fanzhi shook his head: "I heard that because of the last battle of Hudu, Liu Yu sent Wei Yongzhi's younger brother Wei Shunzhi to Hudu to help Yuan Song to defend the city, but almost let Wei Shun's death. After the city broke, Wei Shunzhi was unwilling to be a prisoner. Together with Chen Yi, the captain of Yuan Song's personal guard, jumped the cliff with hundreds of sergeants, and the two of them survived. Afterwards, they survived on Chen Yi's dry food called Guoba However, although the life was guaranteed, the leg was broken. In the future, I am afraid that I can no longer go to the battlefield or become an official. Liu Yu asked Liu Daogui to marry Wei Fangfang, just because of this apology. "

Huan Xuan smiled coldly: "He just likes to buy people's hearts like this, but this is also good. As long as Liu Yu does not climb up to the family's high gate, it is impossible to really pose a threat to me. He is willing to be the best to have a relationship with him. , With younger siblings, with relatives, then with family, everything has to look forward and backward, it is impossible to let go of desperation, after all, the bachelor desperately is a person ’s business, but the rebellion is the whole family to follow his head. , You will not just consider yourself. "

Bian Fanzhi said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's because the protagonist didn't let Wei Yong be the official last time, but also insulted him face to face. Wei Yongzhi was resentful. When he saw Liu Yu rising step by step with you, he had no official to do, maybe Against Liu Yu, although Liu Yu dared not directly pull these old ministries into the army, he may still take the opportunity to let the old brothers join the army if he really wants to go northward. No one will come. "

Huan Xuan hooked the corner of his mouth: "Well, the last time I insulted Wei Yongzhi, it was also because this person and Yin Zhongkan collided with me before. If I use him like that, then everyone can hit me, Beifu Jun All of these people are pretentious and do not take away their arrogance. They will not really do things for me in the future, but you must help me to keep an eye on it, do n’t let Liu Yu set up private grace, especially do n’t let him really master one. An army, I can let him lead the army temporarily, but I won't let the army listen to him. Understand? "

Bian Fanzhi nodded: "Everything is done according to your instructions, Lingbao. Oh, by the way, the family in Jiankang City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Almost talked about the conditions. Wang Yi and Yu Yue came to see you yesterday I came up with a list of the children of the family, hoping to reserve an official position for these people in the new dynasty. Wang Mo said, he will be responsible for holding the jade seal in his hand and offering it with both hands! "

Huan Xuan laughed: "Jade Seal is in the hands of Wang Shenai, which is equivalent to being controlled by Xie's family. When Wang Mo wants to **** it, it is equivalent to letting Wang and Xie's faces tear apart. The changes in the current situation have made a new start, becoming the leader of the dragon and the founding father. "

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "But has the Queen Queen also negotiated with the protagonist and expressed her willingness to be loyal?"

Huan Xuan smiled coldly: "He wants to cooperate, hum, and he doesn't want to think about the strength of his family of Xie and Wang Xizhi, and what are the conditions for cooperation! When I originally talked to her, I also wanted to keep Liu Yu. Road, in case Liu Yu does n’t listen to it, she can finally ask her mother and daughter to persuade Liu Yu, and then remove it if it ’s not for my use. But now Liu Yu is even smarter than her, so what use can I keep her? Wang Yu, these people can do everything for me in order to get started, that is to drive, not to cooperate, I want to give, just a few bones! "

Bian Fanzhi nodded his head with satisfaction: "In this way, creating divisions between the family's high gates, so that they do not form a whole, Lingbao's trick is smart, you leave Jiankang at this time, just let them each exercise their skills , Fight to death you live. "

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