Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2090: Expel the defeated soldiers to charge the enemy formation

Diao Hong turned over and fell down, and dozens of sergeants followed him, falling down in the arrows. The "scouts" on the opposite side were proficient in bows and horses, and the arrows were like renju. Almost every arrow hit a hundred steps. The target ’s fatal point is either the door or the throat. The middleman often fails to make a scream, and falls to the ground. More than fifty archers suddenly fell by more than half. In confrontation, they screamed back and ran to the rear.

Running behind, panting and rushing to meet, Diao Hong's subordinates, as soon as they saw the formation in front, the army's heart collapsed directly, and more than ten military flags were on the face, saying throw it, and the other sergeants, Without any constraints of formation and military order, he ran all over the ground and ran straight for about a mile to the rear. Then he hurried forward, with more than thirty bladed carts in front of him.

Liu Yi drove forward, ran to Diao Hong's side, and stopped. The white-faced man, who hadn't cut off his breath, fell to the ground, his hands and feet twitched slightly, giving the shot to the neck, blood flowing like a spring, put the long pole The spiked arrow was stained with red feathers, and his eyeballs were still turning hard, and he was already godless. When he saw Liu Yi coming to him, he stared straight and immobile, revealing a pleading .

Liu Yi smiled slightly, bowed, and looked at Diao Hong: "Diao, the second child, we met again. More than 20 years ago, when you first came to Beijing to take your brother ’s scepter and waved here, it seemed like you were I am engaged in the state, welcome you here. "

Diao Hong's lips twitched, not knowing where the power came from, and suddenly said two words: "Save, save me!"

A cold smile flickered on Liu Yi's face: "Don't you be very arrogant, let me serve you as a servant, hold the horse for you, and say what Jingkou people do, but know what I was thinking at that time Am I thinking about **** you one day. In this scene today, to be honest, I have played countless times while practicing arrows and riding! "

Diao Hong's face suddenly became ashamed, and his eyes didn't turn. Liu Yi turned to the people around him who were ready to cut off the first level, Shen said: "Don't cut it, today's battle, Do not take the first level, but seek victory, enter Jiankang, everyone is wealthy, why use this first level? "

All the justices were promised to get on the horse, Liu Yi said nothing, pulled out the long sword on the saddle, and waved it away, Diao Hong's head was separated from the neck, and Liu Yi leaned over and mentioned that **** head, just mention it In his hand, above the white face, it was already stained with blood.

Zhao Yi on the side took off the mask and was surprised: "Brother Xile, you didn't let us take the first rank, but you took it yourself. I'm afraid ..."

Liu Yi said angrily: "Old Zhao, after so many years with me, don't you know the difference between an ordinary head and an enemy general? Last time in Jingkou, a head of Huan Xiu frightened the enemy's 3,000 troops Although this Diaohong ’s dog head is not so valuable, it can also deter enemies. Come and rush with me again. Let ’s show Diaohong ’s head to Wu Fuzhi and them! ”

He said, put on the mask, turned his head and sang to the dozens of rides around him: "Brothers, let's rush!"

Qiao Sensheng was in full caps, carrying macaons, dozens of guards, beside him, riding on horseback, and in front of him, more than two hundred heavy armored men, pushing the more than thirty steps with a knife shield Three cars or three archers stood in each car, and behind them, there were 1,500 long-range warriors in a neat square array, spears like forests, shouting horns, Move forward steadily at a standard march speed.

Two hundred armoured cavalrymen, one hundred on each side, distributed on both sides of this square with a width of about two hundred steps. The two riders, each holding long arms, moved forward with the army, slightly behind the front. The car is about twenty steps away.

Next to Qiao Sensheng, a guard said: "Diao Hong actually killed him like this. It's really useless. His men were defeated and defeated. He escaped this miserable situation. They said that both Xifu and Beifu soldiers were elite , How could the Lord disperse as soon as the Lord dies? "

Qiao Sensheng sneered: "If soldiers don't train, such as driving sheep into tigers' mouths, why don't you understand why you have been fighting with me for many years? Under the leadership of Diao Hong, it's just some Ding dynasty. The soldiers are only for the killing of the soldiers. However, these are all expected. General Wu has orders. They must not let these broken soldiers disperse our formation, pass our military orders, raise a red flag, and let Diao Hong's remnants go around. The two wings retreated and still hit the cart, shot within a hundred steps, and there was no amnesty! "

A drum horn sounded. After the cart, three red flags stood up high, and the 400 or so Diaohong offices running desperately saw these flags. After hesitating, many people began to turn around and wanted to face Flee on both sides.

"Woo" "Woo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There was another strong sound of breaking the sky. Behind these people, a burst of feather arrows hit, but Liu Yi took these riding archers and shot again with a bow and arrow, and again It was more than twenty people who fell in line. The others who had just stood still and turned were frightened and frightened. Although they got so many, they all ran to the opposite car array and lost a lot of people. The weapon in his hand, while running, waved his hands, crying crying: "General Wu, save me, save me! "

The blade cart on the opposite side showed no signs of stopping. Such a pair ran on both sides. Soon, it was close to a distance of about one hundred steps. After the bright blade of the blade, hundreds of people with bows and crossbows suddenly stood up. The sergeant held up the crossbow mercilessly to the defeated soldiers who were fleeing towards it.

More than a dozen people who ran in front, widened their eyes, tried to hold their footsteps as hard as possible, but directly knocked down the unknown people behind and stepped on them, and these people who ran forward, It was too late to be glad that he ran to the front, and he felt a strong breeze, followed by chests, necks, doors, and other places.

The sound of the body thumping on the ground, endlessly, these poor soldiers, some people withdrew their running steps, knelt on their knees, and kept begging for mercy on their mouths, but the ruthless bows and arrows did not stop for a moment. Nearly two hundred soldiers were killed before the army was killed. Everybody inserted at least five bows and arrows and crossbows into their bodies.

The rest of them finally woke up, turned sideways and ran away, Liu Yi and others were riding fast, and they kept throwing arrows behind the broken soldiers, falling down without a string, but there was no one left. The knife car rushed to the opposite side.

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