Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2091: Heavy Armor

Liu Yi led the rein, the pack horse underneath, about 150 steps away from the large array of knife cars, stopped abruptly, he picked up the big bow of the iron tire, facing the knife car on the opposite side It was an arrow, "ding", and the arrow hit the board accurately and steadily, shaking gently.

After shooting the arrow, Liu Yi hung it on the horse's head, and Diaohong's first level took it down, facing the oppressed cart from the opposite side, sneered, "Give it back to you!"

With that said, he threw the first-level leader far away, then whistled, turned and ran towards the rear, more than thirty rides around, followed him back to the horse, the Chu army after the sword car, a bow The crossbow fired, but nothing happened, leaving only more than a hundred bows and arrows, which fell about ten steps before where they had just stood.

A soldier jumped off the knife car, ran forward, and retrieved Diao Hong's first level. Soon, he presented it to the behind Johnson, his brow furrowed: "Diao Hong, this idiot, is dead. Lowering the morale of our army, the enemy army drove more than 300 people without more casualties, and killed more than 500 people in the Diaohong headquarters. Our former army was also discouraged. Now the generals are not as good as they were at the beginning. Violently, if you continue like this, if you encounter the main force of the enemy, you will lose money! "

The lieutenant general said on the side: "General, we are advancing too slowly. It is better to spread the knife truck, and the whole army can attack, and if we are not hindered by the knife truck, we can also shoot with the bow and arrow. Some Beifu army. "

Qiao Sensheng waved his hand: "No, order the cavalry on both sides and chase me down. Although these people are good at shooting, they are not my opponents in armour and riding. Let them see, our Jingzhou Legion is powerful!"

His order was quickly conveyed to the cavalry on both sides. A drum horn sounded. Two hundred riders in horse armor, carrying a long iron ride, roared out and chased in the direction of Liu Yi and others evacuating. More than fifty riders galloped with bows and arrows, while the other one hundred and fifty riders were lined up on the wall and raised up, ready for assault at any time, but no one paid attention, and made appointments behind them. A jungle in five miles.

Two miles away, Juzhangyuan, Liu Yi and other more than thirty ride back, and in the grass here, there are already thousands of heavily armed Beifu army soldiers, all of whom are covered with grass leaves, This made them look the same as their surroundings, and the first person, with a pair of tiger-like eyes and radiant eyes, looked straight ahead, could it be Liu Yu?

Liu Yi jumped off the horse and slapped it on the horse's buttocks. The packhorse made a long hiss and ran sideways from the front. Like more than thirty other rides, Liu Yi strode into the grass with a smile: "Fortunately mission."

He Wuji smiled and said, "Here, doing a beautiful job, not only wiped out Diao Hong, but also attracted the enemy's iron cavalry. Send slaves, do we need to introduce the enemy cavalry into the grass to eliminate it?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, these more than two hundred rides are not my concern. After striking their cavalry line, and then detouring to the enemy side, what I want is to send a signal to the Raptors to let him attack now! "

He Wuji nodded his head, waved his hand backwards, and a herald suddenly stood up, raised a yellow flag, and shaken three times in a row.

On the west side of this grassland, among the long grass of half a person's height, more than three hundred armored vests with a vest were suddenly standing, and more than three hundred tall and cavalry cavalrymen, all of them were wrapped in strict heavy armor In the middle, they also leapt to the horse. In their hands, they held up the two-man tall horse, with a cold war awn flashing in their eyes. They were the first person, holding a double-sided euphorbia, but it was not the Menglong symbol known as the dragon. ?

Meng Longfu raised his hand high, put the euphorbia on the hook, raised his fist with his right hand, pulled the rein with his left hand, and three hundred iron rides, and immediately formed a team of twenty or thirty teams, all of which were in the shape of a wedge. Holding a long chap in his hand, he started walking slowly, and then sprinted, trot, accelerated, and finally sprinted. The distance of two hundred steps changed from the state of lying in the grass just now to a full-speed sprint, the entire earth , All shook slightly with their charge.

The Jing Chu knights on the opposite side also spread out. More than fifty bow riders stood still, facing the Beifu cavalry who rushed towards themselves at more than a hundred steps, shooting a dense arrow rain. These Jingzhou Most of the bow rides were built by Guanzhong Liumin who had fled to Xiangyang in the past, and many of them were still Di, Qiang, and good at shooting. At this time, they were on the horseback, with **** on the hook, and the arrows on the seams. Lian Lian Lian Lian, bowing left and right, almost a blink of an eye, shot more than five arrows, forming a torrent of rain, straight to the sprinting Beifu cavalry!

"Ding", "ding", "dang", "dang", "Xi Yuyu", the arrows hitting the armor, the sound when hitting the war horse, endlessly, the knight was hit at the key point, and the situation of turning over and falling down also began to appear. Five-horse riding horses pounced down on the ground, and three or four horsemen died on the arrow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even though people have lost their lives, they still sit on their horsebacks, just horses in their hands. Already spilled on the ground.

Meng Long said with a sharp voice: "Knight of the Northern House, charge!"

All the knights lying on their horses sat up, and they sent out a roaring battle roar, "Beijing Beijing eight, insert your whole family!" The one-hundred riding team was divided into three waves and rushed to the Chu cavalry opposite.

More than fifty bow riders in front of the Chu army began to retreat, while the 150 riding cavalry soldiers in the rear lined up in a row and spread out, almost in the same formation, the same The equipment, roaring towards the opposite Beifu cavalry, launched a counter-impact!

Liu Yu jumped up from the grass and shouted, "Beifu Army, charge!"

More than a thousand infantry jumped out of the grass, shook off the grass camouflage, shouted, and followed Liu Yu, who was running with a knife, and rushed forward, in front of them, Around two hundred steps, there was a huge noise. It was the sound of hundreds of military horses colliding head-on, and the first wave of knights of the two armies collided head-on.

The horses running at full speed directly drove the opposite rider and the horse to the ground a few steps away, and the soldiers flying from the horseback were like acrobats, rushing forward, the horse was lost Hoofs, people flying forward, and flying backwards, are often hit by the spears of the other side, directly piercing the weapon of the other side. The horse under the horse will still not stop because of the disappearance of the master, glaring **** eyes and continue to rush forward!

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