Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2204: No trace of murder

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Liu Rail’s pupils shrank sharply, covering the scars on his chest with one hand, and tremblingly pointed at the black robe in front of him, wanting to say something. The eyes of the black robe flashed coldly, and the long sword waved again, this Suddenly, there was a thin red line horizontally on Liu throat's throat. The bigger the pull, the longer he couldn't make any sound. He knelt straight down to the ground, breathless, and the blood was dripping. His body flooded out, making the whole tent full of blood.

Liu Jingxuan pulled out his sword and pointed directly at the black robe behind him. Li said, "What are you doing? Who agrees to kill Uncle Rail? I want to kill you and avenge him!"

Sima Xiu's face changed drastically, and he quickly came up to hold Liu Jingxuan: "Ashou, don't be impulsive. At this time, we, ourselves, don't mess up!"

The black robe turned slowly, and the sparkling long sword in his hand was at this moment's time. There was no more blood dripping in the blood trough. He drew his sword into the sheath, facing Liu Jingxuan pointed at his long sword, shining and said calmly: "You killed me now, will Liu Track be able to survive?"

Liu Jingxuan bit his lip and said bitterly: "I shouldn't believe you, you just want to kill Uncle Rail, so that we can't stay!"

The black robe said coldly: "I want to get close to Liu Rail, it's as easy as taking a hand, I want to take his life, and it's even more effortless, why should I fake it with you? Murong Beide doesn't trust you at all, or I will give you the right to lead troops Well, as long as you tell him that he wants to go back to Dongjin, he will definitely kill you. Even if this is the way to return Muronglan to Dongjin, let the only trusted little girl stay here to help, he will do the same Yes. A Shou A Shou, you are almost forty, when will you learn to use your brain to think about the problem?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his body and put down the long sword. In his eyes, tears were gleaming, and he cried aloud: "It's me that hurts Uncle Rail, me, and I **** it!"

Heipao sighed: "A Shou, you are good at everything, but you are too affectionate. Like your father, this is your biggest problem. You must know that this time Jianyu City was built. What happened, why did the road in Jiankang City fail? It was not Liu Yi who paid attention to his affection and sent someone to temporarily inform his timid brother Liu Mai, did this leak the news? In the end, not only did Liu Mai not save him back , And even hundreds of brothers who took Jiankang Road were buried with them. This is the result of a moment of soft heart and affection!"

Liu Jingxuan's face changed, his lips were shaking gently, and in his ears came the ruthless words of the black robe: "Liu Liu's brother Liu Xi, and many friends died in Huan Xuan's hands, with Huan Xuan Chu has a common vengeance. This is the most revengeful one of you. But he is also the best one of you. He holds the military power and defends the inner city. He also settled here. So Before anyone came to him, no one knew his true thoughts, whether he would leave everything to work with us or whether he would be weak and afraid of backing off. If he is weak and afraid of things, it would be considered that he would not report us. Someone will report to Murongde, and you and I will not be able to withdraw at that time. This kind of treason is to take the life of the whole family and act decisively. Either act together, or we must cut off the grass, there is no third way. Let's go!"

Sima Xiuzhi gritted his teeth: "However, even if he killed him, the news could not be concealed. Eun Gong, did you not consider this time?"

Heipao said coldly: "What I fight for is the time to escape, not the time to start the soldiers. Liu Rail refuses to start the soldiers. The plan to attack Murongde and seize Nanyan is no longer possible. Now we can do , Only to escape separately. Yazhi stabilized Liu Rou’s men outside, and you, now fled from behind the account, not to return home, fled directly to Huaibei, only Da Xianshan south, out of Nanyan national border, you To be safe."

Liu Jingxuan said in a deep voice: "Do you want us to go back to Dajin and find a slave?"

Black robe shook his head: "No, that is not a wise choice. This time you will not succeed in rebellion, it will inevitably involve Muronglan. If Muronglan really killed Murongde, how can you still have a face to see your slave brother? Fortunately, wait and see in Huaibei and see the follow-up development. Here I will deal with the list in Liu Rail’s hands so that the brothers in Lianghuai and Lunan will not retaliate against Murongde. You go!"

Sima Xiuzhi turned and ran out of the account. Liu Jingxuan was hesitant and said, "Then we are gone, how do you get out? Senior, just now I was just a moment of excitement, and I said nothing, don't take it seriously."

Black robe smiled slightly and patted Liu Jingxuan's shoulder: "Relax, I'm a local. I'm familiar with the situation here. It's not difficult to get out. I believe that we will see you again when we are destined!"

When Liu Jingxuan's figure also disappeared from the small door behind the account, a smile flashed in the eyes of the black robe. He looked at the body of Liu Rail on the ground and said quietly: "Relax, there will be many soon People go with you, the first one is..."

When the door was lifted, a white light flashed, and the strong sweat from the elegant body followed, followed by his loud voice: "What's the matter, haven't finished talking yet, senior you......... "

His words came to a halt, because he suddenly crossed the figure of the black robe and saw the body of Liu Rail on the ground. He widened his eyes and opened his mouth wide: "This, what's going on, Uncle Rail..."

Black robe suddenly said anxiously: "It's too late to explain~www.wuxiaspot.com~Liu Rail refused to cooperate with us, want to report us, A Shou only killed him with a sword, Ya Zhi, A Shou they have left, you go quickly , My queen."

Elegance gritted his teeth and was about to run to the back door, but his heart hurt suddenly. Instead, he found a half-blooded sword tip on his chest. He immediately realized what he wanted to turn around, but it was The heart was cold again, this time, the sword tip disappeared, and his five internal organs had a sharp pain in his internal organs, his eyes were black, and he fell to the ground and died.

The black robe calmly put the **** sword in his hand into the hands of Liu Rail on the ground, and pulled out the elegant saber smoothly, and inserted it into the blood hole in Liu Rail's chest. This is a perfect mutual killing scene. First Liu Liu puts a sword on his chest, and then takes advantage of the murderer to flee, turning his back to himself, and then fighting back with a sword, killing both.

There was a footstep outside, and several sergeants asked loudly, "General Rail, are you still there?"

The black robe suddenly learned Liu Liu's voice and shouted: "The thief, I will die with you, ah..."

With this sentence, the figure of the black robe disappeared outside the raised back door curtain, invisible and invisible.

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