Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2205: Xiao Lin catches Liu deep

Lunan, outside Linqu City, a team of more than a hundred knights, from the Taolin Xiaoxing in the west of the city, headed all the way to the south. It was Liu Jingxuan who was Xuanjia in his body, just like the **** under his crotch. The horse is abnormal, with a black oolong warrior all over his face, but his face is full of tension and sweat. The cavalry behind him are all strong and strong men. They can be described as human beings like tigers, horses like dragons, even if they are galloping Like a tiger, it is still speechless. Even, the branches and leaves of the Taolin blocked the smoke of this riding team. Even if it was ten miles away, there was no abnormality.

Sima Xiuzhi ran to Liu Jingxuan's side and said, "A Shou, if you run for three more miles, you will get out of this piece of peach forest, and then you will enter Daxian Mountain after crossing the contempt. We are safe at the boundary of Dajin, but should we take a break now? After three days of running, everyone is too tired. There should be no chasing soldiers in the back. After half a hour of rest, we will go."

Liu Jingxuan did not mean to stop the horseshoes, and said loudly: "No, Linqu is Nanyan's important southern town, and also the place where Murongfa guarded. He had just rebelled against the city a month ago, and Alan left us hurriedly after meeting us, saying yes It may be here to investigate the rebellion. I am not afraid of other chasers, but I have no face to face Alan. Anyway, we can only be safe if we go out of Daxian Mountain."

Sima Xiuzhi sighed: "I don't know what happened to Yazhi and Engong."

Liu Jingxuan said bitterly: "I haven't followed me, I'm afraid it will be broken. This debt, I will have to liquidate with Murongde sooner or later!"

While talking, there was a cold voice suddenly in front of more than 100 steps ahead: "A Shou, should we also count our debts?"

Liu Jingxuan's face changed, and with a long cry, he took hold of his horse rein, and saw the end of the forest road in front, slowly turned out of a ride, white horse silver armor, and braided hair, is it not Murrayan who is brave and brave?

Sima Xiuzhi took a breath, "Yes, is it Princess Lan?"

Liu Jingxuan sighed a long time: "I knew it, I knew it would be the result. The sister-in-law is Nanyan's spy queen, and if there is a flying eagle transmitting messages, how could it fall behind us? Just, this thing started for me, Rest, you take the brothers, I will let you leave."

Sima Xiuzhi gritted his teeth: "Ashou, with your martial arts, it shouldn't be a problem to rush past, you don't have to give up like this!"

Liu Jingxuan smiled and shook his head bitterly: "Sister-in-law is here, there must be an ambush, we are running around day after day, we are tired, how can there be a fighting force? Or I can stand out, but how many of you can survive? I will go Sister-in-law, no matter what, I will not let you hurt!"

He said, he squeezed his horse forward and took off his helmet. He didn’t take off his helmet until Murong Lan’s horse. He dared not look directly at the eyes of this beautiful woman and bowed his head like a child who had made a mistake: "Sister-in-law, I…………"

Muronglan said coldly, "I can't stand the sound of my sister-in-law. General Liu, you are really a hero. Seeing my husband starting a military career, I have learned a lot. How could I not find you capable before? What about it?"

Liu Jingxuan said to himself with no place, and sighed: "I have nothing to say until now, how can you call me to beat me, or even kill my life, I will never fight back. I only hope you can let my brothers go and give them a way of life, I also hope that my stupid impulse will not cause my sister-in-law to suffer."

Muronglan raised his hand suddenly, and the whip in his hand brought a gang wind, unbiased, just above Liu Jingxuan's right face, a blood mark flashed on his face, away from the eyes, less than half a minute, Liu Jingxuan He raised his right eyebrow slightly, but he smiled: "Good fight, sister-in-law, you continue, as long as you can let your breath down, you can also hit A Shou ten thousand whip!"

Muronglan looked at Liu Jingxuan's eyes and almost burst into flames: "This whip is not for me, but for elegance. You know, his current head has already hung three times at the south gate of Guanggu City. God? I’ve tried my best to protect your life, is it just to let you die like this, will you revenge?"

The tears in Liu Jingxuan's eyes shone: "Yazhi, it was my fault that I hurt you!"

Muronglan gritted his teeth tightly: "You were not a person who was passionate about power since you were a child. Why did you want to be so impulsive this time? Even if the elder brother can't help you in revenge, it won't stop you from going back to the country. I said I want you to be patient for a while. After the solution, you will be taken back to Dajin. Why don’t you believe me?"

Liu Jingxuan wanted to say something instinctively, but when he talked to his mouth, he sighed: "Sister-in-law, everyone has ambitions, you are our benefactor, but our soldiers in Beifu are like Murong Xianbei. We are in a position to be enemies in the Great Jin Dynasty, but we are the enemy of the enemy. This kind of taste, you can’t understand it. Until now, it’s useless to say anything. Please let me go of my brother. Of course, and my men left, this is the last thing I beg you."

Muronglan stared closely at Liu Jingxuan's eyes: "Ashou, you honestly told me, was there anyone, what did you say to you, let you do this time?"

Liu Jingxuan shouted: "Sister-in-law, you don't need to guess and ask again, this time, I'm doing it by myself, it has nothing to do with others, you want to kill or stab, you can just point at me~www.wuxiaspot.com~Just Please don’t tell Ji Nu about this time, just say, I’m thinking of Nan Yan missing his father and died in depression."

He said, suddenly his wrist turned, and a dazzling dagger fell into his hand, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he spurted it into his throat.

"Woo", with a whip, Muronglan's nine-foot long rope was put on Liu Jingxuan's right wrist, pulling and pulling, Liu Jingxuan only felt that a strong force came like a wave, and the dagger in his hand was never again. Unable to grasp, he fell to the ground all at once, and was stuck in the grass beside the horse, especially since he was shaking lightly.

Liu Jingxuan was stunned for a while, and turned to smile bitterly: "Also, your elder brother must want you to capture me alive, okay, sister-in-law, take me back, I..."

Muronglan said coldly: "I almost know what's going on, A Shou, I'm the only one here today, and the only thing I want to ask is the sentence just now. Go away, Gongsun fifth floor The chasing of the soldiers will arrive at most half an hour. Don’t stay on the way. Only after passing Da Xiankou will it be considered safe."

Liu Jingxuan opened his eyes wide and shook his head incredulously: "Sister-in-law, you, you are, no, I can't be like this, you are ordered to catch us, if you let us go, would your elder brother spare you? Or else, Why don't you go with us."

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