Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2224: The brothers meet again on the stage

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Liu Jingxuan laughed: "Xiuzhi, you still don’t understand the life-saving friendship of our Beifu brothers. I believe in slavery better than in myself. Even if he really wants my life, I won’t wrinkle. Frowning, after I leave, I'll leave it all to you, and follow the plan!"

Sima Xiuzhi looked at Liu Jingxuan's burly figure, disappearing outside the hall, and sighed softly: "Ashou, cherish all the way!"

At thirty miles south of Pengcheng, a squad of more than a hundred horses sprinted all the way towards Pengcheng. Among them, a scepter composed of eight **** of silk was particularly conspicuous. It represents the eight states of the military governor of Liu Yu, and the shape of a bronze warrior at the top of this scepter, and the arm pointing to the north, clearly shows that under the scepter is the general of the town army of Dajin. .

Liu Yu is holding the horse's rein, his stature is straight, and beside him, holding this scepter is the heavily armed Liu Zhong. He is holding the rein in one hand and holding the knot in the other. A ball of hair flutters in the wind, but the scepter itself is straight and firm, not moving, just like Liu Zhong, with a sculpture-like expression. When the wind blows on his face, his brows and eyebrows are all yellow. The dust, however, was motionless, his eyes wide open, and he stayed with Liu Yu.

Liu Yu stopped the horse, and the hundreds of cavalry around also stopped. Liu Yu probed his hand and copied the water bag beside the saddle in his hand. He twisted the cork and threw it at Liu Zhong. Zhi (Liu Zhong's words), you have worked hard, drink more."

Liu Zhong was not polite. He held the water bag in his right hand and took the water bag with his left hand. He started to pour the water bag into his stomach. It was not until half the water bag was down before he threw the water bag back to Liu Yu with a smile: "Marshal, You stop here, are you waiting for the Chite brothers behind them, they are walking, it will take at least a long time to catch up."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Shizhi, you are holding the festival now, take 80 brothers to Pengcheng, and tell General Yang them that I will be there later."

Liu Zhong's expression changed: "Marshal, what are you..."

Liu Yu sternly said: "I'm going to meet an old friend, Ding Yi, take the rest, and follow me."

As strong as a Xiong Feng, the tower-like Ding Yi solemnly promised, waved the mace that weighs at least 30 kilograms in his hand, and said, "Brother Jinu, I'm already ready."

Liu Yu smiled and pressed down his heavy weapon: "I am going to meet an old friend, I don't need this."

Liu Zhong raised his eyebrows: "Marshal, after all, I am not familiar with the place of life, or else, I think I should wait until Pengcheng, and then lead the troops there."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "I don't want to have any misunderstandings with my old friends. Besides, this time I will go to the appointment by myself. My son, if I haven't returned to Pengcheng in two hours, you will return to Jiankang with the scepter. Fat Lord Bo will know what to do next."

As he said, he pinched the belly of the horse and galloped towards the northwest side of the stage. Ding Yi copied the mace, followed closely, and suddenly more than twenty riders disappeared in the dust and galloped down. The official road soon disappeared in the dense forest.

Liu Zhong sat up straight, held the scepter again, and shouted to the crowd behind him: "Now, go to Pengcheng and eat dog meat!"

In front of the opera stage, Liu Yu looked at this huge building with emotion. Ding Yi on one side touched his head and was surprised: "This, this is at least ten times bigger than the social opera stage in Jingkou. Oh my god, how did such a big stage stand up?"

A military academy on one side spoke with a Fujian-Zhejiang accent. It was the Yongjia Military Academy. The town’s army general’s house did not Jiang Luo Qiu, and said with a smile: "Mighty cow, old fashioned, this is not a stage, this is called a stage. Also known as the fighting field, it is a place where the prisoners of war and slaves can fight for life and death. I think that back then, our commander won three games in a row here. He exposed Xi Chao's conspiracy in public, and his fame was stunned."

Ding Yi spit out his tongue: "I'm a good boy, so powerful, Brother Ji Nu, can you sit here for tens of thousands of people, and you can see your majesty."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "You go to see it, don't you know?"

Luo Qiu looked at Liu Yu: "Marshal, can you tell us now, who do you want to see this time?"

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Go and meet my best brother, the brother who has changed his life." He said, with his legs clamped into the belly of the horse, and the seat under the crotch, with a long hiss, he ran directly towards the gate of the stage. .

After a while, Liu Yu walked through the gate lowered by the suspension bridge. The huge stage is empty. On both sides, the seats, the platforms, and the viewing positions surrounding the entire giant fighting arena are all empty. The dozens of private rooms on the north side were already in dilapidated condition. Occasionally, some of the curtains were covered with holes, shaking weakly, as if they were talking about the glorious past here and witnessing the loneliness now.

On the stage of the stage, there were two people standing, one man and one woman, one black and one green. The burly and tiger-like figure no less than Liu Yu was not exactly Liu Jingxuan. Liu Yu walked towards him step by step, hands gradually Opened, and Liu Jingxuan looked at Liu Yu’s eyes, already full of tears, his nose was slowly twitching, the moment Liu Yu jumped onto the stage, he finally couldn’t stand the excitement in his heart. , Said loudly: "Send a slave, I know you will come."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, stopped, looked at Liu Jingxuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said calmly: "Ashou, long time no see, I'll take you home."

Liu Jingxuan could no longer control his emotions. With a long scream, the whole person rushed over and plunged into Liu Yu's arms: "Jin slave, I miss you so much, I want to die you, I want to die brothers Guys. I hate when I hear about your righteousness, and I hate why I am not by your side!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly, his neck was cold. He knew that this was the tears of excitement shed by this childlike warrior. He gently patted Liu Jingxuan on the back and said softly: "It's okay, your hatred My brother’s grudge, our brother will avenge it. It’s not too late to come back now. We agreed to do something big. Today, I will take you home."

Liu Jingxuan suddenly stepped back from Liu Yu’s arms, plopped, pushed Jinshan down Yuzhu, knelt in front of Liu Yu, took off his helmet, and said loudly: "Ji slave, A Shou is reckless, useless, It caused a terrible disaster, and it even affected my sister-in-law. I have no face to be your brother again, and no face to go back with you. You kill me, take my head and let Murong De retreat. As long as the two countries are safe, What a pity is that I can protect your great cause and exchange it for my sister-in-law?!"

A weird laugh came from the west side of the stage: "It's so touching brotherhood, the old man will cry when I see it, or else, how about sending you on the road together and becoming brothers in the next life?"

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