Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2225: Defend loyalty and traitor

Liu Jingxuan's face changed, but Liu Yu's expression remained the same. He turned around and looked at the grandstand on the west side. He saw Liu Kai fully armed, walking slowly out of an abandoned shed, and one body was blue. The masked female killer, with a soaring ponytail, a green cloth mask, holding a pair of split spunlaces in her hands, and a faint blue light on the stinging head, she was poisoned at first glance, and her eyes sparkled.

Beside the two of them, among the stands and huts, there were countless soldiers walking out, some with bows and crossbows, and more with spears. There were thousands of people. Look at this armor. All the soldiers from Beiqingzhou immediately surrounded the stage and the stage, and beside these sergeants, there were hundreds of assassins in strong black suits and soft armors. They were strong and at first-class. Killer.

Liu Jingxuan opened his eyes wide, pointed at Liu Ge, and yelled: "Liu Ge of the dog day, you really are the spy who knows foreign countries!"

Liu Kai smiled slightly: "It is ridiculous that an anti-thief who ran to Nanyan said that others are familiar with foreign countries. Let me tell you, today, I am going to fight for the country's thieves and eliminate traitors, and kill all of you traitors!"

Shuang'er said loudly on the side: "Liu Ge, who instigated you, this meeting is foolproof, how could you know?!"

Liu Cao smiled proudly to the sky: "Murong Lan thought she would be able to pass on a book with a flying eagle, so that the clothes would be seamless. As everyone knows, the sky net is magnificent. I have already noticed your broken birds. It is not too difficult to intercept. Liu Yu, as long as you kill you, soon, your wife will be on the road to find you, and your family. Let’s play with our colleagues in the Beifu and wear a uniform. I will never leave you alone. of!"

Tears flowed from Shuang'er's eyes: "Uncle, it's me, it's me who hurt you."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Shuang'er, it's okay, let me meet this old thief."

As he said, he turned to Liu Ge, and said calmly: "Liu Ge, you said that A Shou took refuge temporarily and temporarily sheltered in Nanyan. He was a traitor to Dajin. Is that also the case for me? You said that for the country. Which country are you seeking for thieves and evil, and which evil are you seeking?"

Liu Ge’s eyes rolled, and he smiled: "Da Jin? There is no such thing as a Da Jin. The last emperor of Da Jin, Sima Dezong, in front of the people of the world, gave the throne to the emperor of Chu. , It is the world of Huanchu. I have a secret edict from Emperor Chu to defeat you, a traitor. What's the problem?"

Liu Yu laughed: "It turns out that you are going to work for Huan Chu. Not to mention that Huan Xuan has failed and was kicked out of Jiankang by us. The main force is completely mourned. Even if he escapes to Jingzhou, there is not much time, you say If you want to play for Huan Xuan, then when he wanted to be King Qin of the various states and counties in the world, you seemed to have nothing to do. If you are really loyal to Huan Chu, what will An?"

These words made a loud noise. In the entire stage, with the howling wind, it poured into the ears of every sergeant. Many people held their bows and crossbows, slowly put them down, and began to whisper left and right, even though these sergeants They were all Liu Ge’s pro-military guards, but all the soldiers were humans, not machines. They began to listen to Liu Ge’s flicker of being a thief for the country, but now listening to Liu Yu’s mention, they feel more and more wrong.

Liu Kai saw that the situation was not good, his face changed slightly, and he sternly said: "Isn't that what you learned from Liu Yu? You treacherously deceived your majesty, and even took the jade seal from the Queen of Jin and dedicated it to your majesty. I defrauded him of his trust, and then deceived the Beifu sergeant to use it for you. In the end, you treacherous party capital and eight thieves were all prosperous and wealthy, but ordinary soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and there was no benefit other than taking some money. Liu Yu, I brought you here today to seek thief for the country, and to seek justice for so many soldiers who died because of your ambitions alone."

Mingyue suddenly said loudly: "Everyone, soldiers, listen carefully, this Liu Yu, Li Tong is foreign, he not only conspired to rebel against Huan Chu, but also because the six counties of Jiangbei remained neutral and did not listen to his orders, so he wanted to understand foreign countries. , Colluding with the national thief Liu Jingxuan, and attracting Nanyan to send troops, such traitorous behavior is not tolerated by the world, and killing him is to plead for the thief for the country, forever!"

Liu Yu looked at Mingyue coldly: "Who are you, blowing this kind of atmosphere here? A Shou was killed by Huan Xuan and had to flee to Nan Yan, but he was in Fanbang, but he didn't forget his homeland and wanted to assassinate Yan Yan. Emperor, I fled back to Huaibei after I missed my hand. I came here to take my brother home to discuss military opportunities and resist Nanyan's army. Gentlemen, don't you know that Nanyan is about to go south?"

The ordinary sergeants didn't even know the news, and their expressions changed drastically. They didn't care about the military order to stop them, and they all shouted: "What, is Nan Yan really going to invade?"

"General, is what Liu Yu said true? You let our wives and children go south a few days ago because of this?"

Liu Cao gritted his teeth and said loudly: "The army should not worry about it. Now, I will not hide it from you. Yes, Liu Yu originally wanted to collude with Murong De, but the price was not agreed. He just wanted Nan Yan to send troops, but The Xianbei people wanted to occupy the entire Jiangbei area, so Liu Yu moved the people and your family to the south and wanted to leave the city empty for Murongde, but Murongde still refused, insisting on the Jiangbei land~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Yu instructed Liu Jingxuan to assassinate Murong De. After the matter failed, Liu Jingxuan fled to Huaibei. The two met here to secretly negotiate the next plan, thinking about how to use us as a meat shield to stand up to the front of Yan Guo's soldiers. You think. Thinking, as a general in power, how could Liu Yu come to the stage in person at this time and secretly join a traitorous general? If they didn’t have any shameful conspiracy, why did they do this? This Liu Yu, a mouthful If you can tell a dead person alive, let's not give him this kind of opportunity to speak and chop him!"

Hearing Liu Ge's words, many sergeants picked up knives, guns and crossbows again, but still no one dared to be the first to step forward. After all, Liu Yu's prestige is well known in the world.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Liu Ge, it is really hard for you to make up these lies, but with your ability, these words are unexpected, I am afraid it is the girl next to her, and the master behind her, I will teach you what to say."

Liu Kai sneered, and Mingyue calmly said: "Liu Yu, you kill people and make countless enemies. The people in the world who want your life do not know wherever they are. Today, you are here for treason and treason. God gave us. This opportunity will take your life. This was the place where you became famous and where you paid the price for your treacherous deeds. Come to death!"

As she said, she conjured up a crossbow from her hand, facing Liu Yu, and buckled the crossbow.

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