Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2266: Send slaves to revenge friends

Bian Fanzhi still frowned, "But as Tao Yuanming said, there is no absolute certainty in this style of play. The soldiers are fierce and dangerous, just in case..."

Huan Xuan gritted his teeth: "If the war is really unfavorable, I have to go to Huanzhen. Lu Zongzhi is ruthless. If you vote for him at this time, he will definitely be given credit. Huanzhen is a family member after all. Thousands of elite soldiers can still defend Jiangling and look for good strategies. The reason why I take the initiative is to keep the battlefield as far away as possible from Jiangling. If I lose the battle, I can give Huanzhen a chance to go back to Jiangling."

Bian Fanzhi nodded: "Since you have already thought about it and decided, then press this way. In any case, I will always support you."

Huan Xuan laughed, stood up, and took Bian Fanzhi's hand: "The only thing I can believe now is you. Although Tao Yuanming is talented, I have never been able to see through and can't trust his heart, as long as we live. After this level, I must listen to your suggestions and reorganize Da Chu."

Bian Fanzhi sighed: "That's the only way I can. I will prepare the grain, grass and ordnance for the expedition. However, Wang Shen loves you really to stay in Jiangling and take care of Tao Yuanming?"

The corner of Huan Xuan's mouth hooked: "If we win, Tao Yuanming won't change anything. If we lose, then return to Jiangling as soon as possible. I will stand in front of you until we reach an agreement with the Mao family. Yin Zhongwen will help us stare. With Tao Yuanming, don't worry too much."

Bian Fanzhi shook his head, did not speak, and walked directly out of the account. Huan Xuan sat back in his commanding position, closed his eyes, and muttered: "Father, please give the child strength to survive this catastrophe. Whether the Da Chu Huan clan can survive this time depends on it!"

Jiangzhou, Yuzhang County, Xinwu County, Hualin Mountain.

This is a beautiful mountain and river. The Yangtze River is like a jade belt in the distance, flowing from southeast to northwest. The continuous mountains and rivers in this area, as well as the ten thousand hectares of fertile fields in the flatland, show the magnificence of this mountain and river, and the abundance of products. At this time, a group of galloping cavalry with more than a hundred horses, people like tigers, horses like dragons, galloping on the official road, the dust and splashing muddy water brought by the horses' hoofs caused the farmers in the field to retreat one after another. People were talking in horror: "These, these seem to be Wu Bing, not our Jiangzhou soldiers and horses. Could it be that Da Chu was defeated again?"

"Yes. Yesterday I saw General Hu riding back alone, with crooked armor and cracked armor. When he left, he took away three sons and hundreds of songs. It seems that he was defeated again. "

"Does this great Chu sky really change?"

On the official road, Tan Zhuan, who took the lead, could not care about these farmers. He turned his head and shouted to the men behind him: "Have you heard all of them? Hu Fan has passed in front. I think he wants to run away with his family. , We have to hurry up, rush into the Hu family in Hualin Mountain, kill Hu Fan, and avenge Uncle Bottle!"

All the soldiers agreed in unison. Soon, this team of murderous knights rushed into the mountain and went straight to the top of the mountain along a winding mountain road. They had already inquired clearly, Na Hu The house of the family is on the top of the mountain, and there is no semicolon in this one.

With a bang, flying over Tan Zhuan's head, he quickly hid in a stirrup, leaned his body on the saddle, and shouted: "Beware, there is an ambush!"

The horse squad, which was still galloping just now, stopped almost instantly. All the knights rolled over and dismounted, using their mounts to cover themselves, and almost at the same time, they all set their arrows and were ready to fight back.

A familiar, majestic and calm voice came from the end of the mountain road ahead: "San Lang, you are so anxious to get revenge, but if Hu Fan laid ambush here, now you are dead."

Tan Zhuan originally wanted to fire his bow and fight back, but when he heard this, his face changed, and he turned to face with joy: "Is this brother Jinu?"

Liu Yu's figure appeared from the top of the mountain road. Standing beside him was Liu Jingxuan's burly figure. Tan Zhuan was no longer worried about it, and he didn't get on his horse. He ran up, the noon sun. From below, he could see clearly, isn't it just Brother Liu and Brother A Shou who have been replaced by fakes?

Tan Zhuan was overjoyed, suddenly thought of something, and lowered his head: "Brother Jinu, I, I left the camp privately this time, and violated the military order. No matter how you punish me, I have nothing to say. Just one thing, this time Whatever I said, I must slash Hu Fan and avenge Uncle A. Even if you kill me, I won't look back."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Why should I kill you? If it wasn't for the bottle to seek justice, how could I come here?"

Tan Daoji behind Liu Yu said solemnly: "San Lang, this time we are here specifically for this matter. Brother Ji Nu said, Uncle's hatred must be reported. We are afraid that you will fall on impulse, so we advance. I took this reconnaissance in one step. However, there is indeed no Hu family ambush on this mountain road. Now all the Hu family members are gathered in the Hualin courtyard. It seems that they are ready to die."

Tan Zhuan laughed. He saw Liu Yu's Benlei bow on his back. This strengthened his judgment. That is Liu Yu's coming this time really wanted to avenge Tan Pingzhi, not himself. Forget about Hu Fan. He said: "Brother Ji Nu, we all listen to your orders. This revenge is up to you to solve Hu Fan yourself. You are Uncle's best brother. You are the best brother of yours. All of us are convinced."

Liu Yu began to wrap a white filial belt around his head, and a black belt was posted on his waist early. He calmly said: "I brought the big bow and arrow of the bottle, which are used for Today, Hu Fan’s life is left to the spirit of the sky in the bottle and decided by my hand. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

As he said, with a horse's belly, he galloped directly in the direction of Hualin Hu's house, and the more than two hundred people behind him all followed closely. Can feel the deep killing intent, screaming and avoiding.

Finally, when the Revenge Team of the Beifu Army rushed to the Hu’s old house, they found that the entire house was empty. Two stone lions in the town house stood on both sides of the gate. The house was filled with firewood, Hu Fan sat on Hu's bed alone, unarmed, wearing the armor from the battle of Luoluoqiao that day, and even **** and battered on it.

When Tan Zhuan and Tan Daoji saw Hu Fan, they were extremely jealous. They instinctively wanted to touch the big bow. Liu Jingxuan said in a deep voice, "Have you forgotten what you just said? Let the slaves come to revenge!"

The soldiers of the Beifu Army all looked at Liu Yu together. His eyes were full of killing intent. He jumped off his horse, holding a long bow, and walking towards Hu Fan step by step: "Hu Fan, this big Ben Lei Do you know the bow?"


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