Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2267: Arrow God 1 Arrow Fight

A complicated look flashed in Hu Fan's eyes, and he murmured, "Why don't you recognize it, this is his long bow."

Liu Yu continued to move forward. Suddenly he copied a feather arrow in his hand. The arrow was covered with black blood stains. It seems that it has been a while. Everyone’s eyes widened, Tan Zhuan and Tan Daoji’s. The voice began to choke, "This arrow, isn't this arrow just..."

Hu Fan said loudly, "Yes, this arrow was the last arrow I shot Tan Pingzhi at the time. That arrow was life and death. We all had no arrow in the quiver at that time, so we pulled out an arrow from our body and shot it back. This arrow is also Tan Pingzhi's own!"

Liu Yu stopped, his voice calm, but with a trace of irresistible majesty, "Hu Fan, seventeen steps, this is the last distance between you and Tan Pingzhi when you shoot each other, I'm not wrong, right?"

Hu Fan stood up from Hu’s bed and smiled slightly. "It’s not bad. At the time, Tan Pingzhi and I were like this. The distance of seventeen steps was opposite. We all knew that this was an arrow to life and death. I hate it. He didn't shoot me, but Huangfufu. Otherwise, Liu Yu, who fell in Luoluoqiao, besides him, there are you and me!"

Liu Yu nodded, "The wrongdoer, the debtor, at that time Tan Pingzhi did not shoot you with this arrow. It was for the victory of the battle. Now that he is dead, we have survived. It is because of reason. He shot this last arrow to complete the match with your world's number one archer!"

Hu Fan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "Liu Yu, are you going to humiliate me again? You are not Tan Pingzhi, even if you take his arrow and his bow, you are not. This competition, last time It was over. I was convinced that I was defeated. Tan Pingzhi’s last arrow, whether it was strength, accuracy, or range, was above my arrow. If he shot me, then I’m dead. Even if we die together, there is a difference between superior and inferior. I will definitely die on the spot, and I won't even leave a last word."

Liu Yu sighed and murmured, "Bottle, you can look down, you and Hu Fan's test, finally distinguished, he admits that you are the best archer in the world!"

Hu Fan nodded. "I confessed it in front of him at the time, so he would smile, Liu Yu, you are right. You are wronged, the debtor is the owner. Tan is the one who killed me, you As his best brother, revenge on me is justified. Use his bow and arrow to kill me, but please let my wife, children and family be spared, they are innocent, you and me As soldiers, fighting on the battlefield, acting on orders, can't help but do harm to their families. It is also a rule!"

Liu Yu nodded, "I promise you that you will not hurt your family. Even Huangfu’s family members. I am taking good care of them now. Hu Fan, you are a respectable enemy. The bottle is dying. Ask me to spare your life, but I must shoot this arrow for him, because his brothers, his subordinates, and his relatives all require this arrow to be shot. Your life and death cannot be helped. Let’s decide, if the bottle is alive in the sky and wants to let you go, then God will bless you and let this arrow not take your life. On the contrary, if he can feel the determination of us people to avenge him, he wants to follow If you continue to test the magic arrow under Jiuquan, then this arrow will take you to see him. Hu Fan, all grievances are this arrow, do you have any objections?!"

Tan Zhuan gritted his teeth and said, "No, his fate, we are about to fix it, this arrow won't die, we will continue..."

Liu Yu sternly said, "San Lang, please respect your uncle. It was only this arrow, that revenge, and this arrow that took his life. I have kept this arrow until now for this revenge. If you go your own way No matter whether this arrow kills Hu Fan or not, you still want to kill him, then your uncle’s spirit in the sky will not be calm. What kind of face do you want him to see Hu Fan who goes to him?!"

The muscles on Tan Zhuan’s face were beating, and it took a long time before he stomped his foot. "Well, we can trust Brother Ji Nu, and believe that this is determined by the heroic spirit of Uncle, Hu Fan, regardless of this arrow, you are dead or alive, we The Tan clan will never seek revenge against you and your family again!"

Hu Fan also laughed. "Listen to the Hu clan members. If anyone in my clan, including my son, retaliates against Liu Yu and Tan's family afterwards, they will no longer be my Hu clan. They will be expelled from the family tree and will never be allowed to enter. ,Did you hear that?"

Several cries came from the courtyard wall, "Husband, father!"

Hu Fan said sternly, "Shut up, Jiangmen family, heads can be broken, no tears can flow. If I die today, you will follow my instructions in advance, each of you go to join and make a living by yourself."

After training his family, Hu Fan looked at Liu Yu and said, "Well, this arrow is life and death!"

Liu Yu slowly drew his bow and struck an arrow. His steps were almost exactly the same as Tan Pingzhi's movements at the time. At this moment, all the people who had experienced that **** battle seemed to be on the spot again. From Hu Fan to Tanzhuan, from Tan Daoji to all the soldiers, except Liu Jingxuan, they almost all looked at Liu Yu while secretly sighing in their hearts, "Is this a slave? No, this is obviously Tan Pingzhi, he Obviously, it was attached to Brother Ji Nu's body in this way. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com used his body to shoot this last arrow."

Hu Fan closed his eyes. He originally opened his hands and opened the middle door, as if facing the execution. But seeing Liu Yu's movements, he also opened his lunges, posing with his hands in the void, as if At that time, holding the big bow of chasing the moon, facing Tan Pingzhi at a distance of seventeen steps, he shouted, "This arrow, life and death!"

I don’t know when, in the clear sky, dark clouds and the north wind whistling, it seems that thousands of troops are roaring, and the daylight is dim, as if the Shura battlefield is reappearing. At this moment, everyone feels that they are right there. Luo Luoqiao, the corpses on the riverside are everywhere, and the arrows are densely covered on the ground. At a distance of seventeen steps, two peerless archers are facing each other with arrows, preparing for a life and death! There was a drizzle in the sky, as if God did not want to see it, the best archer in the world is about to die, a heroic loneliness, and it touches everyone's heartstrings!

Liu Yu took the bowstring's hand and suddenly loosened it. This arrow stained with heroic blood, the tail wing brushed Liu Yu's cheek, and a thin blood stain was pulled on his face, and it followed. The bowstring came over this face, and it was able to wipe out the blood stains again. The whole face, except for the infrared ray on the right cheek, and even the beard on the right cheek, was swept away. Anyone can It can be seen that with this arrow, Liu Yu used great power, even he was not fighting alone! Tan Pingzhi's soul possessed the body, and this ghost and goddess shot through the dim sky, and with the scream of death, he went straight to Hu Fan!

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