Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2270: Hu Zhizhun on the Western Zhengzhou Bureau

Speaking of this, Hu Fan paused. "Furthermore, my Hu family has been favored by the Huan family for three generations. Even if it hurts their hearts and does not want to work for them, it would be unjust to bite the old master immediately. Now I accept you. He’s titled, recruiting troops and buying horses in the vicinity, preparing to join the army, and not participating in this Western Expedition. However, I am quite sure that the outcome of this war is that Huanchu’s ambitions are exhausted, and the restoration of Dajin is irreversible."

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction. "You can see the general trend. This is good. Huanxuan usurped the throne to harm the country and endanger the world. You have fought for him to repay your kindness. You have done your best, and there is no need to blame yourself. When China is restored, there will be wars and merits, so don’t worry about it."

Speaking of this, Hu Fan hesitated and said, "Brother Ji Nu, if it is possible, can it be done? Can you spare Huan Xuan's life?"

Liu Yu's face changed slightly, and he turned to say, "How could this be possible? He was a man of treason, and his ambitions killed the soldiers. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the originally powerful Dajin, made him weak. I don’t know how much time it will take and how hard it will take to recover. I can forgive the Chu army soldiers, but the Huan clan will not forgive them!"

Hu Fan sighed, "After all, my Hu family was greatly favored by the three generations of the Huan clan, and I personally ran into Huan Xuan face-to-face, and he did not harm me because of it. It is regarded as a re-use for me. From the perspective of repaying kindness, I must mention this. Even if you don’t forgive Huan Xuan himself, is it the Huan clan, you can leave one or two people to inherit the incense, so as not to kill them, do too much, and violate the way of heaven?"

"The Way of Heaven?" in Liu Yu's heart

Hu Fanzheng said, "The Sima clan usurped the Wei and stood there at the time of Gao Pingling. The Huan clan’s ancestor Huan Fan, who was the brains of Cao Shuang, General Cao Shuang at that time, tried his best to assist Cao Shuang. As a result, he was affected by Cao Shuang’s weakness and the whole clan was destroyed. At that time, in order to declare his authority, Sima Yi attacked the Cao Shuang clan and the Huan clan extremely harshly, slaughtering tens of thousands of people, and even the infants were not spared. Such atrocities, even if the Emperor Sima Shao of our dynasty heard about it, nothing Yan Jianren, sighed that the ancestors' such cruel methods would bring disaster to future generations."

Liu Yu nodded, "So you mean that Huan Xuan finally usurped the Sima Clan's Dajin, and is this also the retribution of Heaven?"

Hu Fan sighed, "I know that Brother Ji Nu is upright and does not believe in ghosts and gods, but my Hu family is a general, and my ancestors are taboos. I am Cao Wei's general. I have witnessed the **** rain of the year and taught our children and grandchildren about everything. Too exhausted, there are endless troubles, staying on the front line, there will be blessings in the future. The Sima family also tried to kill the Long Kanghuan clan, but there are always fish that slip through the net. After many years, you will retaliate by usurping the promotion. You are of course an invincible hero. But the offspring may not have your skills. If you kill too much, the offspring will suffer revenge.

Liu Yuzheng said, "What you said makes sense, and I will seriously consider it. The Huan Xuan rebellion, almost all of the Huan clan responded and participated. It is far-fetched to say who is innocent. However, Huan's gentleness and Huanchong have also made great contributions to the country. It’s not unreasonable for the people to forgive some of the offspring who are not involved in the matter with this merit. However, now the decisive battle is about to talk about these matters too early. I came to pick you up today on a special trip, not to replace Xi Le I will rush back to the capital at night, and there are still many things I need to deal with. Before I leave, I want to ask you from a purely military perspective. From what you see, the development of the current situation What will happen?"

Hu Fan's brows wrinkled slightly. "Although Huan Xuan's defeat is almost certain, if he measures properly, he may be able to hold on for a longer time. Even if he takes the initiative to surrender, go to the emperor and return it to the emperor, maybe Brother Jinu, you will forgive him."

Liu Yu smiled and said, "I don’t need to analyze the impossible. If he really does this, I will definitely forgive him, because I don’t want the war to continue and the lives will be overwhelmed. But Huanxuan is a person who dreams of having power. He has tried to be an emperor. Why don’t you give up? I don’t want my fate, but the throne is absolutely impossible to give up. You only need to analyze the war, and political affairs, no need to say more."

Hu Fan nodded, "If Huanxuan recalls Huanzhen and defends Jiangling, relying on the right place and people and fighting the Western Expeditionary Forces, then there is a 50% chance of winning. Although this way, the Western Expeditionary Forces will get a lot of Jiangzhou along the way. Strong support, but the battle line will also be elongated. From Yuzhang to Jiangling, if you want to fight steadily and advance both land and water, you need to take the grain and grass of Xiakou or Baling. It is necessary to divide the troops. Once the troops are divided, Huanxuan will have a chance. His strength was originally several times better than that of the Western Expeditionary Army. If the main force was concentrated and the navy came to fight, it would be difficult to say."

Liu Yu nodded, "What if Liu Yi does not divide his forces and concentrates his forces to take Jiangling?"

Hu Fan smiled and said, "This move is a murderous move. It ignores the back road and the food road, but seeks a quick battle. However, Jiangling City is the capital of Jingchu. It has been in operation for hundreds of years. The city is high and deep. The family members of the Chu army generals are mostly in the city. Baocheng is also a guarantor. They will fight to the death, and the fortifications are also very complete. Although the soldiers of the Beifu army are brave and good at fighting, their strength is at a disadvantage. The defender went out of the city to build a camp on the hill, and it was the horn of each other with Jiangling City, then you will be able to take command of Brother Ji Nu. There are 100,000 soldiers, and it is difficult to break. Siege of the city is originally a strategy of war. If the time is delayed, then this party will be down. If Liang Dao is attacked again, there is a danger of the entire army being wiped out. If I were the coach, I would not choose this style of play~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Yu smiled and said, "Where is the heart? If Huanxuan faced a strong enemy and didn't even have the courage to fight Jiangling City, what would the powerful soldiers and civilians of Jingxiang Yongzhou think of him? Will there be a large-scale defection? "

Hu Fan shook his head. "The Huan family has been operating in Jingxiang for more than sixty years. It is not a day’s work, and often benefits spread to several generations. Just like me, even if it’s invested in your account, I don’t want to fall into trouble at this time. , To counterattack the Huan clan, at most they would not move their soldiers, and the two would not help each other. What's more, if Liu Yi was under a strong battlefield, if he could not quickly conquer the city, the outcome would be undivided, and time would be advantageous to Huan Xuan, so there would be no such quartet The situation of tyrannical investment."

Liu Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, "So, the West Crusade has a low chance of winning this time, especially if Huanxuan defends the city without fighting, it's almost impossible to do anything?"

Hu Fan thought for a while and said, "If Huanxuan defends the city, then don’t waste time in Jiangling. The army will sweep everywhere. First take the grain of Xiakou and Baling. This can clean the periphery and ensure a back road. The situation is different when the Jiankang direction of reinforcements continue to gather. But it takes time and patience. Moreover, based on my understanding of Huanxuan, he will not choose to defend the city or fight a decisive battle in the Jiangling area. He is most likely , It was to advance troops eastward, and take the initiative to seek a decisive battle with Liu Yi in the Xiakou area, and counting the time, it will be almost two to three days later, Xiakou, Zhengrongzhou!"

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