Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2271: Miao Yin Du to Tao Yuanming

To the west of Jiangling City, Tingxiang Bieyuan.

Wang Shen'ai looked calm, sitting alone in a wing, outside the house patrolling female guards in armor, while Tao Yuanming was sitting cross-legged facing Wang Shen'ai. Between the two, there was a pot of tea. It is cooked on the stove, mixed with the aroma of pepper and cloves, filling the whole house, refreshing.

Wang Shenai sighed quietly, "What are you doing?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly, "What are you doing if you don't leave now?"

Wang Shenai shook his head, "So many deaf and mute female guards are looking at me, how can I go."

Tao Yuanming laughed, "With your ability, if you want to leave, it doesn't take much effort. Besides, if you have been here for so long, I am afraid that more than half of the female guards have been replaced by yours."

Wang Shenai looked as usual, gently picked up a blue and white porcelain tea cup in front of him, covered his face with his sleeves, opened his vermilion lips, took a sip, and frowned, "Bitterness brings fragrance, just like my current life. "

Tao Yuanming said indifferently, "All the hardships will come, just like your future life."

Amidst Wang Shen’s beautiful eyes, light waves spread, and with a light wave of his bare hand, outside the wing, all the guards bowed and bowed, and then turned back, Tao Yuanming shook his head, “I still underestimate you, it’s all women. Guards, it's all under your orders. I'm curious how you did it."

Wang Shenai shook his head, "Tao Gong, open the skylight and speak up. I stay here, not because I can't walk or don't want to go, but I need someone to take me away at this time, so as to avoid others. My suspicion, hide my identity, of course, in return, I will continue to hide your identity."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly, "Do you want to hide it from Liu Yu?"

Wang Shenai calmly said, “That’s a good saying. Even if you are facing the man you love in your life, it’s best to hide some little secrets in every woman’s heart. The cooperation with Tao Gong is my relationship with Brother Yu. 'S little secret, of course, is just one of them."

Tao Yuanming smiled and shook his head, "Too smart women, men don't dare to touch them. Maybe, you and Liu Yu haven't been together for so many years because you are too smart!"

Wang Shenai said coldly, "If you think that you will ridicule me, it will mess up my mind, Tao Gong, I am afraid you have found the wrong person. I don't necessarily need you to take me away. Maybe, another person is more suitable."

Tao Yuanming nodded, "Yin Zhongwen, right? He won't be here in half an hour. You have left this time. You just want to negotiate future cooperation with me within half an hour."

Wang Shenai smiled slightly, "So what does Tao Gong think about the future?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly, "Huanxuan took Sima Dezong and Sima Dewen to face Liu Yi. All fools know how the battle will be won or lost. It will take two days as fast as possible, and three days as slow as the two armies in Zhengrongzhou. Will meet, and the result is self-evident. Huanxuan thought that he could be a talisman with the emperor's brother, but he never thought that Liu Yi was cruel and didn't care about their life or death. Even the dead Sima Dezong treated him even more. favorable."

Wang Shenai frowned, "Do you have a way to protect Sima Dezong from dying in this battle?"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said, "I have no way to protect, but Huanxuan will definitely hold them desperately, because this is his amulet, even if he is defeated, as long as the emperor is in hand, he can temporarily save his life. His antiques, calligraphy and painting, and Put it on the escape boat, I believe this time, he will use it again."

Wang Shenai nodded, "Huanxuan wants you to come, I am afraid he wants to kill me, at least, when I lose the battle, he will want you to kill me, if you don't do it, how can you explain to him?"

Tao Yuanming laughed. "If Huanxuan loses again this time, even this Jiangling, he will not dare to stay longer. The reason why he dared to send troops this time is because he had secretly negotiated with the Mao family in Yizhou, and he occupied Jingzhou. Blocking all orders from Jiankang for the Mao family will allow the Mao family to continue its separatism in Yizhou. In return, he will allow Mao’s nephew to **** the coffin of Mao Fan, the governor of Ningzhou who has just died of illness, through Jiangling and return to Jian Kang is buried."

Wang Shenai raised her eyebrows. "So, if Huanxuan fails, he wants to go to Yizhou to join the Mao brothers instead of returning to Jiangling. So, don't you worry that he will trouble you?"

Tao Yuanming nodded, "Yes, at this time he may not even care about Sima Dezong, let alone you and me. Queen Wang, if you can save Sima Dezong, go back to Jiankang with him, It should be the best choice. There is no need to borrow my hand."

Wang Shenai smiled slightly, "But if I don't pretend to borrow your hand, how can I recommend you to Brother Yu and let you do things under his hand? I'm afraid that is the real purpose of your coming to me."

A smile bloomed on Tao Yuanming’s face, “I can’t hide anything from you, then, will the Queen and Queen help me with this?”

Wang Shenai smiled indifferently, "Since you have done such a big favor to my sister Tingyun, why should you come to me? Maybe, under Liu Yi, you can give full play to your ability."

Tao Yuanming laughed. "If I really cooperated with Liu Tingyun, would I sit and talk with you like this now? Queen Wang, you should know that I am an insecure person, so I like to make more friends, maybe someday , Which friend can use it. Last time I rescued Liu Tingyun in Jiankang, but only to make friendship, does not mean that I will stand on her side to oppose you~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wang God love gently "Oh", "Then that Liu Tingyun approached Liu Yi has nothing to do with you? Also, the Chu Emperor token she used in Xunyang City took the Chu family brothers in and found Princess Langyan, it seemed that the token was also yours. "

Tao Yuanming looked as usual and said calmly, "I can't hide it from you. But do these things mean that I belong to Liu Tingyun?"

Wang Shenai said coldly, "You should know my relationship with her. You and this woman are my enemy."

Tao Yuanming smiled and said, "Are Liu Yu and Liu Yi enemies?"

Wang Shenai did not speak.

Tao Yuanming sighed, "Liu Tingyun used to harm you and Liu Yu because she was Huanxuan's woman. Now Huanxuan is about to die. The relationship between Liu Yu and Liu Yi has become delicate, and the relationship between you and Liu Tingyun will also change. It’s subtle. If Liu Yu tackles Liu Yi so easily, I’m afraid your influence on Liu Yu will be greatly reduced. If Liu Yu orders no one to follow the Beifu, then his next goal will be It's from the great family of Dajin. At that point, it's your turn to taste the taste of Murong Lan, the pain of being an enemy of the beloved, Queen Queen."

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