Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2310: Emperor Sima wants to personally recruit

There was a burst of cheers on both sides of the bank and the surface of the river. The sound of "Long live" resounded throughout the world. On one side of the river bank, in a small forest, the black robe stood with arms folded, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Nice job."

He turned his head to look at Mingyue standing on the side with hands down, "Don't let me down this time."

Mingyue leaned back and paid a gift. By the way, he lifted a trace of flowing hair on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, senior, I have practiced in Shu and I am familiar with this place. I dare not say anything else. Chengdu is mine. Half a maiden's territory, it is much easier to shoot here than in Gangneung."

Hei Pao said coldly: "The last time I was in Jiangling, the order I gave you was to take the opportunity to kill Huan Xuan, but in the end you let him run away because of his lack of ability, or he listened to your lord’s order, deliberately not Follow my instructions?"

Mingyue's face changed slightly, and she knelt down on one knee and saluted: "Senior, the junior is controlled by others, and it is really embarrassing to have two ends. Now the junior's identity is under the banner of the lord, only..."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Heipao's eyes: "You said that your lord can kill you, can't I take your life? Mingyue, in vain, I raised you when I was young and taught you martial arts. That's how you rewarded me. Is it?"

Mingyue was so frightened that she didn't dare to gasp, just kneeling on the ground like this. Heipao's expression slowed down, and he said solemnly, "Fine, I have made an agreement with your lord, and will no longer directly order you and Yuanming in the future. This time, you have come to assist me with your lord's order. , The order he gave you is to completely obey my dispatch. Are there any other instructions?"

Mingyue said sternly: "Yes, this time the lord wants me to obey all your orders, even if I let me slay myself with a horizontal sword, I will still do it."

Heipao nodded: "That's because his goal here is the same as mine, to destroy the Mao family, let Qiaozong be independent, and separate Yizhou, Liangzhou and Ningzhou from the western part of Jin. .. Follow this plan. Once you receive the signal that Mao Jin’s entire army is disintegrating, mobilize the people lurking in the Chengdu camp, cut off and open the city, and let the rebels enter the city. Otherwise, even if the first two troops lose, Mao Fang will still be in Chengdu. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the infant city is stuck. If you can't attack it for a long time, the tribe will slowly disperse, and finally the success will be defeated."

Mingyue saluted her promise and turned to leave. Suddenly, she thought of something and turned around and said, "But, doesn't Mao Jin need me to take action? Can these mobs really defeat the elite Liangzhou soldiers and horses?"

A cold and stern look flashed in Heipao's eyes: "This way, I personally took action, everything has been arranged properly, you only need to do the Chengdu thing."

Mingyue hurriedly said yes, then turned and disappeared among the shadows of the trees outside the forest. A gust of wind blew and the black robe disappeared. Only above the forest, the birds and magpies were still crying.

Jiangling City, Cishi Mansion, above the main hall.

Sima Dezong put on a brand-new dragon robe, but he still lay weakly on the dragon couch, with a long mouth hanging around his mouth, so that he was standing in front of the couch, gesticulating and screaming loudly. Sima Dewen, who was drinking, would turn around from time to time to wipe off these salivation for him, in order to maintain the image of the emperor of Dajin.

However, it is more important than helping the idiot emperor to wipe his saliva. It is obviously to express his inner anger and anxiety about state affairs. This is also the theme of the speech of Lord Sima Dewen, Langyao. His voice is like a strong wind. Reverberating in the hall, directly at the various civil and military groups sitting on both sides of the hall in the hall: "Everyone, you must have seen this Tangbao, too, the great changes in Yizhou, the governor of Maozhu, the captain of Xiyi Mao Jin, and Shu Mao Yuan, the prefect of the county, and one hundred nephews of the Mao clan, all died under the rebel Qiao Zong, Hou Hui, and Yang Mei who killed a thousand knives. Now west of Baidi City, the entire Yizhou has fallen. The thief, what is even more hateful is that this Qiao Zong unexpectedly became the king of Chengdu and named the country Xishu. Doesn't he know how Huan Xuan died?"

Sima Xiuzhi, the first one on the left, said quickly: "The king, please calm down your anger and conspiracy against rebellion. It is an act against the sky and will be condemned by the heavens. However, the soldiers of the Shu area are weak and easy to solve. This time the Mao family is careless. Lost Yizhou was raided at night by the Qiao Zong, and the city gates of Chengdu were opened by the treacherous campers. Only by sending a partial teacher, within ten months, the thief could be given to Exterminate."

Sima Dewen's gaze shifted from Sima Xiuzhi to Liu Yi, who was sitting on the first right and wearing a uniform: "Liu Guanjun, what do you think of this? Your Highness Qiao Wang's proposal, can you agree with it?"

Liu Yi calmly said: "It is abhorrent to indulge in rebellion, but the minister thinks that the Bashu rebellion is nothing but a disease of scabies, which is of little importance. At present, we have more important things to do."

Sima Devin gave a soft "Oh": "Now that Jiangling has recovered, Huanzhen and the others are also fleeing around. It is difficult to catch for a while. What else is more important than crusade against the party?"

Liu Yi sighed: "The most important thing is to ask your majesty and the king to return to Jiankang. Jiangling is where the rebels such as Huanxuan threatened the emperor, and the imperial palaces of the Chu and the inner courts were also detained. Demolished, the home of the emperor is in Jiankang, and the capital of Dajin is also in Jiankang. It is not suitable to stay here at this time."

As soon as Liu Yi said this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, all the civil and military in the temple nodded and said yes, Sima Dewen said disapprovingly: "But now the country is in a difficult situation. Anti-thieves are rampant everywhere. Huanzhen will not be destroyed for a day. Jingzhou can’t be calmed down in one day. The Qiao Zong of Xishu, the heavenly master Dao Lu and the Xu Yao thief in Lingnan all stand in the chaos, stealing from Dazhou, occupying my country and harming my people. At this time, it is precisely When the emperor’s imperial conquest and urging the army to eliminate the anti-thief, how can he easily retreat? Even if you return to Jiankang, you should wait until the anti-thief has been eliminated before returning."

Liu Yi shook his head and said, "What the great king said is in line with axioms, but not in accordance with the art of war. It has been years since this western expedition. The soldiers of the Beifu, from the establishment of justice in Jingkou to the attack on Huanxuan and the capture of Jiangling, have been For a year of continuous combat, soldiers from the Wu area were not familiar with the customs and customs of Jingzhou, especially in the recent period. It was the height of summer, mosquitoes and flies were rampant, and signs of disease appeared in the army. In addition, the soldiers were successful. It’s no longer suitable to continue fighting."

Sitting next to Liu Yi, He Wuji, who was also wearing armor, also said: "Liu Guanjun said, "Now that our army has been fighting for more than a year, it has become a tired soldier. Although the thieves in Lingnan and Xishu are not difficult to eliminate, But the road is far away. Now Jingzhou is waiting to be revived. There is not enough rations. Huanzhen and the others are lurking in the mountains and fields. They may counterattack at any time. This time, it is because of continuous combat and expedition that they have caused military ambitions and incited the culprits to instigate rebellion. Opportunity, please think twice about your Majesty and King."

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