Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2311: Two giants in Beifu

A hint of unpleasantness flashed across Sima Dewen’s face, as he was about to speak, when Sima Dezong behind him suddenly let out a vague cry. Sima Dewen turned around, approached him, squatted down, and said He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and nodded gently, as if listening to some instructions. He Wuji hooked the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly at Liu Daogui on one side, and whispered: "Your Majesty’s Yuyin always comes exactly right. The time is right."

Liu Daogui nodded, and said in a low voice: "I am afraid that your Majesty does not want to live in this sad place for a long time. I want to return to Jiankang soon and be reunited with the queen."

While talking, Sima Dewen stood up, behind him, Sima Dezong fell asleep again, even turned his back to the officials in this hall. Sima Dewen looked at He Wuji, and said coldly: "He Fuguo, what you said is very reasonable, and your majesty agrees with you. However, Lu Xun in Lingnan is in a different situation from Qiao Zong, although he I rebelled against the court in the past, but this time it was considered a meritorious service to lead the righteous people to capture the pseudo-Guangzhou appointed by the private minister of Huan Chu, and to capture and capture Wu Yinzhi, the false assassin.

He Wuji's face changed slightly, stood up, and saluted: "Majesty, Lu Xun is just taking advantage of the chaos to stand on his own. It is definitely not an act of loyalty. Wu Yinzhi, and Sixing Xiang, Ruan Xizhi who was also captured by the city, Previously in the Great Jin Dynasty, he was an upright official and a good official who was known for his loyalty and honesty. Although he accepted the official position of the pseudo-Chu for a while, he did not help the Huan clan to do evil. Lu Xun only used this as an excuse to raise his troops and wanted to defraud him. The trust of the imperial court, the king must not be fooled by his rhetoric. The demon thief of the heavenly master is a more dangerous enemy than slanderous or even Huanzhen."

Sima Dewen's face sank, and he said solemnly: "He Fuguo, I know that you have fought with the Tianshidao for many years, and the enmity is very deep, so you will want to get rid of it quickly, but you are not only the heroes of righteousness, but also the country. The pillars of the People’s Republic of China should understand that state affairs are the most important thing, and you can’t make personal complaints and neglect official affairs.

He Wuji sternly said: "It is precisely because of the importance of state affairs that we have to understand who is the most dangerous enemy. Didn't the Dajin court never give the demon thieves the opportunity to rehabilitate? Before Huan Xuan usurped and entered Beijing, They recruited Lu Xun and Xu Daofu, but after they got their breath, they rebelled in Linhai County again, causing the court to expend a lot of manpower and materials before driving them to the sea. Now they wandered the sea for a year, and again Taking the opportunity to capture the land of Lingnan is definitely not out of loyalty to the court."

Sima Dewen waved his hand impatiently: "Well, no one knows how the chaos of the heavenly masters came about. No one knows better than me. Back then, Sima Daozi, Sima Yuanxian, father and son, had the power to dominate. The Zhuangke tenant farmers in the land of the Three Wus were enlisted as the army, and the former leader of the Tianshidao Sun Tai and others were trapped. This aroused the revenge of the Tianshidao. After the war for years, the hatred was deepened. The Beifu Army was in the process of countering the rebellion. Although he made great contributions, he burned, looted, looted and harmed the people in the Wu area. The people in Wu area feared you and surpassed the Tianshi Dao. It can be said that the reason why the Tianshi Dao is followed by so many people is probably due to your Beifu army. , General He, do you agree with this king?"

He Wuji sighed and said: "That was because many of the soldiers of the Beifu Army died at the hands of the Heavenly Master Dao, and the people who supported them later turned anger. Secondly, it was also because of Liu Yingyang, the former commander of the Beifu Army. The army was not strict, and the court was short of food and salaries, so he looted and plundered. Since Liu Zhenjun took control of the Beifu, the situation has been..."

Sima Dewen sneered: "The Beifu Army is not someone's Beifu Army. It can't be said that Liu Laozhi's is not the Beifu Army, but Liu Yu's is. Even if it is Liu Yu, didn't he eliminate the Heavenly Master Tao? Drive them into the sea without chasing them. A few years ago, the memorials that participated in your Beifu military to raise the bandits and deliberately let the heavenly master sit in a big memorial, but there are a lot of them, it is annoying to watch them alone!"

Now even Liu Daogui couldn't sit still, got up to salute, and said with a serious face: "Majesty, my brother has never had the heart to support bandits. He was scarred and nearly died on the battlefield several times in order to put down his rebellion. This is well known in the world. The demon thief of the Heavenly Master Dao are mostly Wudi fishermen, who are invincible on land, but without warships, they can’t stop them from boarding and fleeing. The so-called self-respect of the bandits are vicious. Extremely rumored, my soldiers from the North Mansion are brave and loyal to the court, and we can learn from it every day, please check it out with your majesty and the king!"

At this time, from Liu Yi to all the Beifu military generals present, more than half of the people in the hall stood up and officially gave a military salute: "Your Majesty, please check with the King."

When Sima Devin's eyes rolled, he just said casually, and he didn't expect to cause such animosity among the soldiers of the Beifu army. He turned to smile and said, "Actually, Liu Zhenjun and the loyalty of the soldiers of the Beifu, what about your majesty and the lonely? Wouldn't you know? If it weren't for the loyal and righteous people, how could they build up Yijingkou and rebuild the Great Jin Dynasty? The memorials I just mentioned were mostly caused by Huan Xuan instructing his party members to write a letter to frame Liu Zhenjun and the soldiers of Beifu in an attempt to divorce our relationship between monarchs and ministers. Your Majesty has already seen through this point. He Fuguo, please don't misunderstand the meaning of loneliness."

He Wuji's expression slowed down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The surrounding generals also sat down again. He Wuji glanced at Liu Yi, but Liu Yi was still sitting there, saying nothing, He Wuji bit He gritted his teeth and saluted again: "Your Majesty, the lord, the minister thinks that Qiao Zong is just a thief and can be eliminated at any time. Huanzhen is now lurking and fleeing, and it is difficult to find it for a while. Only this Lingnan Tianshi Dao demon thief, yes If they are allowed to stand firm in Lingnan, develop believers, and want to conquer again in the future, it will be even more difficult. They will ask for orders of 20,000 elite soldiers and immediately set off to conquer the demon of the heavenly masters and regain Lingnan. Report to your majesty!"

Liu Daogui also followed suit and said: "The minister is willing to go with He Fuguo to discuss the monsters!"

Sima Dewen looked at Liu Yi: "So, does Liu Guanjun mean that too?"

Liu Yi didn’t change his face, and said calmly: “The attitude of the minister was clearly expressed just now. In the current situation, your majesty is still going to build health and reorganize the court. This is the top priority, whether it’s Huanzhen, Qiao Zong, or Heaven. Teacher Dao is not so important. For Huanzhen, we must step up the deployment of local soldiers and horses to hunt down. For Qiaozong, we must wait for Huanzhen to be eliminated before recruiting troops from Jingzhou to conquer. As for Lu Xun and others, we should temporarily appease them. , Lingnan is sparsely populated, and the epidemic is rampant. Let him stay there temporarily and there will be no waves. Your Majesty, please memorials. You will get up and drive back to the palace and return to the capital as soon as possible. It is the blessing of the country and the people of the world! "

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