Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2312: Gangneung lures strong enemies

As soon as this remark came out, all the people holding the hall changed their faces. Even He Wuji and Liu Daogui looked at Liu Yi with surprise, as if they were looking at a stranger. Sima Dewen hooked his mouth and said: "Liu Guanjun, why is your statement different from He Fuguo and Liu Zhenwu's statement? They want to conquer Lingnan South, but you let Your Majesty and Gu go back to Jiankang now. Have you discussed it beforehand?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly and said: "If we are in the army and discussing military opportunities, we need to discuss the results in advance and then report to your majesty and the king. But this is a court discussion. It is a soldier’s identity to discuss state affairs, so the three of us cannot discuss first. Here are loyal ministers loyal to your Majesty. Everything can be discussed publicly here. If the three of us decide on these major policies in private, then set Where is your majesty, where is the king, where is your loyal minister?"

Sima Dewen smiled and nodded, "Okay, Liu Guanjun said it well. These major events should be discussed publicly. Then, do you agree with Liu Guanjun's proposal, but it doesn't matter."

He Wuji said angrily: "Since Liu Guanjun said this, the minister also wanted to express his views. The minister insisted that Lu Xun is the confidant. After all, Guangzhou is a big state. Although Lingnan is underpopulated, there are hundreds of thousands of people. , Especially the slang-dong barbarians, who believe in ghosts and gods themselves, are easily brainwashed and believe in evil. If your majesty wants to return to Jiankang, the minister has no opinion, but only a few hundred guards and a few generals can be escorted. , The army should stay here to calm Lingnan and Huanzhen."

Liu Yi said coldly: "He Fuguo, you are too big, right now, Jingzhou, and even Jiangzhou and Yuzhou are not at peace. The stragglers who have been defeated by the pseudo-Chu, the bandits and bandits who took advantage of the chaos are not there. A few, don’t forget, the Xunyang that we once smashed was once re-occupied by the Huanchu Yudang, and even the prefecture of a prefecture can be gained and lost. You are so relieved on this road? What if there is a thief. And the holy driver, then I can’t atone for my sins even after I die!"

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "Xunyang was lost, but it was because there was a gap when our Xizheng army and Liu Jingxuan's reinforcements were handed over. Besides, we were eager to pursue Huan Xuan at that time, and didn't care about those who were defeated. The Chu army gave them a chance to reunite, but now it’s different. Wei Yongzhi is in Baling, Xiangjing Garrison Xiakou, Liu Jingxuan guards Xunyang, and Zhuge Changmin wiped out the remnants of Huanchu in Yuzhou from Jiangling to Jian Kang’s waterway is very safe. If Liu Guanjun is still worried, he can send Liu Fan or Liu Cui to **** his majesty back to Jiankang by the water. Even if there are some thieves along the way, it will not be enough. It hurts your majesty’s safety."

Liu Yi hooked the corner of his mouth: "It's not just about escorting your Majesty. I have made it very clear just now. Now that the sergeants are exhausted and the disease is showing signs of disease, if your Majesty returns to Jiankang, then our Western Expedition will be over. There is a reason for the army to stay here again. Lu Xun, Qiao Zong can’t invade Jingzhou at this time, and Huanzhen’s chase is not something that can be resolved in a short while. We will return to Jiankang this year to discuss merits. In the coming year, we will lead a new group of soldiers who are eager to make meritorious services to return to Jingzhou. We will destroy Huanzhen first, and then calm Lingnan and Xishu depending on the situation. This is the safest choice. If you stay here, in case Huanzhen once again The counterattack hurts your Majesty, who will bear this responsibility?"

Liu Daogui said solemnly: "Champion General, according to your statement, Huanzhen is still the most dangerous enemy. Even if you send your Majesty back to Jiankang, the army should stay here and continue to eliminate Huanzhen, otherwise, just in case. Huanzhen took advantage of our army to be far away, and once again called the old ministry to create chaos, and it would be difficult to continue to quell him."

Liu Yi smiled slightly and looked at Lu Zongzhi, who was sitting second from the left, who had been silent, and said, "What does General Lu think about this matter?"

Lu Zongzhi raised his head and said sternly: "According to the report from the outpost, Huanzhen is now fleeing to the area of ​​Kagawa to collect the old tribesmen. There are crisscross rivers and dense forests in Kagawa. It is extremely difficult to search. Even if tens of thousands of troops pull the net, He might not be able to find his lair, but the lower officials thought that to deal with Huanzhen, they might as well use the plan to draw the snake out of the hole."

Sima Dewen moved in his heart and said, "How do you say this?"

Lu Zongzhi smiled slightly and said, "If Huanzhen stays in Huanchuan, it will be difficult for us to destroy it, but if he feels that he has the opportunity to counterattack Jiangling, then we will have him once and all the old ministries loyal to Huanchu. The Yu Dang, the opportunity to completely eliminate. The minister thought that instead of spending a long time in Jingzhou with Huanzhen, it would be better to complete his work and release a message to the outside world, saying that he was escorting his Majesty back to Beijing, but quietly ambush the main force of the Western Expedition in Baling and Xiakou. Jiangling left an empty city for Huanzhen. After his eyeliner pays back, Huanzhen will surely attack Gangneung again. This time, I will lead my troops to the south from Dangyang and cut off his retreat from the west to Jianchuan. The main force will be pressed from the Matou~www.wuxiaspot.com~shashi area, forcing it to fight a decisive battle. If everything goes well, it can be completely wiped out!"

He Wuji laughed: "This trick is very clever to lure the snake out of the cave, but wouldn't Huanzhen think of this? Can't he stay in Kagawa and watch the changes?"

Lu Zongzhi shook his head: "If Huanzhen is just an ordinary grass bandit, he can indeed hide in Tibet and stand by, but he is the current leader of the Huan family. The last hope is that the soldiers who follow him will dominate all parts of Jingzhou. On the one hand, the tycoon with a big family business, for a while, may be grateful for the past grace of the Huan family and abandon the family to follow, but in his heart, he still hopes that Yu Huanzhen can retake Jingzhou again. Only in this way can they guarantee their success. interest."

Liu Daogui smiled and said, "Or General Lu understands Huanzhen and understands the old ministry that followed Huanzhen. However, if Huanzhen finds out that you have copied his hometown, instead of heading east, you will turn around and attack you who occupy Zhenchuan, then Are you dangerous?"

Lu Zongzhi laughed and said: "Huanzhen is not a place where Huanzhen can stay entrenched for a long time. He puts some grains and straws there at most. After I remove Weichuan, I burn the grains and straws, and he comes back to beat me, no matter if he wins. Negative is meaningless, and the vibration of food shortage will make you jump the wall and attack Xiakou or Baling's granary to the east. In other words, he will definitely collide with the ambush of your northern army. This is a desperate battle. ."

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