Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2313: Sima clan wants to march west

Liu Yi laughed and laughed: "Wonderful, Huan Xuan defeated Yang Quanqi back then. He used this trick to control the granary and force a decisive battle against the exhausted enemy who was short of food. General Lu once experienced this battle. Is it going to be repeated this time? "

Lu Zongzhi lowered his head embarrassedly: "Here in Jiangling, there is a large population, but there is a shortage of granaries. Because it is too close to the Yangtze River, it will flood the grain storage in the event of a flood. Therefore, the grain storage in Jingzhou is mostly concentrated in Xiakou and Baling. In fact, Huanzhen wants to show that he is still in control of Jingzhou by capturing Jiangling. We happen to use our tactics and make a contribution from food. However, those who stay in Jiangling may be a little wronged and lose Jiangling again."

Sima Xiuzhi sighed, "Fine, I am the governor of Jingzhou. I will bear this grievance. Anyway, I have fled from the west to the west, and I have long been shameless. As long as I can eliminate Huanzhen and completely calm Jingzhou. , What's the loss of face? Your Majesty, Minister Jingzhou Governor Sima Xiuzhi, please stay in Zhenjiangling!"

Sima Dewen nodded with satisfaction: "The King Qiao is very loyal and does not care about personal gains or losses. He deserves to be an example of our Sima clan. Now that the national crisis is at the head and the emperor is covered in dust, our Sima clan should also go to the national crisis together and not fall into other ways. After the loyal minister and righteous man."

A rough voice sounded: "Langyan King said that the minister is willing to petition to share the worries for the country."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a forty-year-old fat man with a white face and a small beard bowing his hands. Liu Yi frowned slightly. He didn't know this person, and he whispered to He Wuji on one side. The plane is born very well, but it sounds like someone from the Sima clan, Wuji, do you know?"

He Wuji shook his head, and said in a low voice: "There are thousands of people in the Sima clan, and many of them are just named a noble and live in various places. I also..."

Sima Dewen seemed to have heard the conversation between the two and said with a smile: "Two generals, you have been in the middle for a long time. You may not know much about our Sima clan. Come, let me introduce you to Sima Rongqi. He was the son of Sima Huizhi, King of Gaomi. His seventh ancestor was the younger brother of Emperor Xuan of the Great Jin Dynasty (Sima Yi), and the line of King Gaomi is also the son of the king. Most of them belonged to the clan. , Taichang and other official positions, responsible for the internal sacrifices and clan associations of our Sima clan. They rarely serve as officials in foreign dynasties. Therefore, let alone the two generals who have been in the army for a long time, they are also important ministers in the court. Few people know it."

Sima Rongqi smiled and said: "When your majesty is in trouble, the minister, as the deputy Zongzheng, has been serving before his majesty. This time Jiangling has gained and lost, and has lost and regained. Your Majesty also has several adventures. Your Majesty used to be manipulated by those chaotic officials and bandits for a long time. Before, there were villains such as Wang Guobao, Sima Daozi, and Sima Yuanxian. Later, Huanxuan usurped. Our Sima clan has no way to serve the country. But this does not mean that we are true. No worries for the country, now entrusted by your majesty Hongfu Qitian, everything is back to peace, it is the time when our Sima clan can serve the country faithfully. Although the ministers are not talented, they also know the military slightly. I would like to send troops to crusade before Yujia That slanderous rebel, regained the land of Xichuan for the Great Jin!"

Now Liu Yi almost didn't laugh out loud. He considered that regardless of the ability of the Sima clan, the desire for power is first-class, and only the Murong clan can compare with it, but he still didn't expect it to last a lifetime. This Sima Rongqi who can only control the sect's thinner, dare to ask for his order, this kind of fearless behavior of the ignorant makes Liu Yi, who has always been very cheeky, too shameless.

He Wuji's face sank, and he said coldly, "King Gaomi, a major military matter, it's not a trivial matter. Now we are discussing how to deal with Huanzhen's counterattack. It is a lack of military power. At this time, you still want to go. Isn't it a bit inappropriate to crusade against Western Shu?"

Sima Rongqi's expression changed, and he sneered: "General He, do you look down on my Sima Rongqi, thinking I don't have the ability for you to fight?"

He Wuji shook his head calmly: "I have never said that. It's just that in our army, to be a commander of the army, you must first win the military's heart. You have never been in the army before, I'm afraid that even the soldiers. I don't even know you, so why do you talk about military spirit?"

Sima Rongqi gritted his teeth: "There are also Confucian generals in this world, like Xie Ai of Qianliang, Wang Meng of the former Qin Dynasty, including Xie Xuan who formed your Beifu army. Not all civil servants have any military experience, but they are familiar with them. The book of war, when it comes to command, it is also like an instructor. General He's words are a bit too arbitrary."

He Wuji said coldly: "Even the three you mentioned had been in the army for many years before becoming the head coach. Can you say that you have no military experience? King Gaomi, even if you have the talents of Zhuge Kongming, but now we really don’t have the army to give you, the top priority is to defeat Huanzhen first and pacify Jingzhou. When that day comes, we will discuss the long-term plan to defeat Shu. Matter."

Sima Rongqi blushed, looked at Sima Dewen, gritted his teeth and said: "Although the ministers are not talented, but father and son have always done their best for the country, but our father and son have sworn before the emperor spirit that we must be loyal to the Great Jin Dynasty. Loyal to your majesty and share the worries for the country, my lord, please be considerate of the loyalty and patriotic heart of the ministers and sons."

Sima Dewen nodded with satisfaction: "Very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ King Gaomi has always been loyal to the court and diligent in royal affairs. It stands to reason that you should be considerate of your painstaking efforts, but General He makes sense. Now Jingzhou’s military strength is insufficient, and it is also facing a battle with Huanzhen. It is really impossible to draw out troops and form another army to conquer Xishu."

Sima Rongqi said without hesitation: "At that time, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and the imperial court were similar to the current situation when the ancestors were in the Northern Expedition. They could not draw out troops, but they could be given a name and pay for several thousand people. For the soldiers and horses, you only need a Yizhou governor, the captain of the five states military."

He Wuji laughed: "There is no joking in the army, King Gaomi, General Zuti dared to go out with only one name back then, because he brought tens of thousands of refugees to the south and picked out more than 3,000 tiger and wolf soldiers. Willing to follow him across the river and the northern expedition. But do you have this strength now, King Gaomi?"

A confident voice sounded from outside the hall: "Jing Chu is so big, aren’t there thousands of loyal and righteous people? General He looks down on people too much, your majesty, father, and sons and ministers have raised three thousand elite Pawn, I am willing to fight for the thief for the country, just waiting for the edict!"

Everyone's gazes were cast outside the hall, even Liu Yi, who has experienced a lot of battles, became one of them. He almost stood up in shock. Xiang Jing opened his eyes and shouted: "You are who?!"

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