Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2453: 0Ancient Jiahua becomes a tragedy

Liu Yu's expression changed: "Start with Madam and Miaoyin? Does he have this strength? I'm afraid that I would not dare to borrow his ten guts."

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Brother Yu, if you want to hit the senior family of the family, you don't necessarily need to rely on the knife in your hand like you soldiers. For the children of the family, fame comes first, because of all reality. Their interests must be established on the basis of being respected and obeying everyone’s orders, and this is what they have spotted this time."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Do you want to talk about our previous relationship? Huh, but now we don't have any public relationship. Even if we had a marriage contract before, but I am now a general. You are the queen. They are even making rumors. , It is impossible to succeed. What's more..."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu's mouth twitched: "What's more, Madam is now the head of the Xie family, the mainstay of the family, and everyone's hope is well received. Even if there are things that can be used for people to write articles for me and Miao Yin before, Madam Who can make irresponsible remarks? How could it be possible to do something against the lady?"

Xie Daoyun sighed lightly and pointed to a picture scroll in front of him: "This is the deadly weapon used to attack us, Xiaoyu, take a look."

Liu Yu looked at the twelve picture scrolls. On the first picture, there was a group of people and a black bear standing upright. A man wearing a crown and a dragon robe was shocked. Fainted, it was retreating backwards, and the huge black bear was rushing towards the emperor. There were many guards in armor and spears, and women in palace costumes, frightened and fled, and the emperor’s face The upper part is filled with fear. Even the Ninth-Five Lord, facing a huge living black bear, looks as tall as two people, three to four meters high, it is so scared that he almost falls down. On the ground.

Only between the giant bear and the emperor, there were three other people, two of them were guards wearing armour and spears, and wearing a moat head. Looking at the armor system on their bodies, Liu Yu could see that this kind of leather armor coats the armor. The piece was the armor of the Han army, and the halberd in their hands was also a standard weapon used by the North and South Army in the Western Han Dynasty.

The two sergeants were also full of fear. One of them was opening his mouth wide, shouting to one side, apparently calling for helpers, while the other was with a horizontal spear in front of him. He did not stop him. On the front of the black bear, he retreated to one side. Moreover, his spear was to protect himself, not to stab the black bear. Liu Yu knew at a glance that at this moment, this sergeant chose to protect himself instead of protecting the emperor. .

The one standing in front of the emperor was a young woman in her twenties. Her appearance was beautiful and her figure was thin. It seemed that this kind of clothes was not as gorgeous as some concubines and ladies who were running away. It can even be seen that this She is a weak woman, but this thin woman has her hands open, between the black bear and the emperor, her willow brows are erected, her apricot eyes are wide open, there is no trace of fear, even this strong look, Beyond the emperor behind him, there are two guards, such three bearded men!

Liu Yu's gaze fell to the bottom of the painting. With a few words written, he muttered: "Xuanxiong climbs the threshold, Feng Yuan moves forward."

His eyes lit up suddenly, and he thought of a previous story: "Feng Yuan is moving forward, this is, is this the concubine Feng Jieyu of Emperor Han Yuan?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, this painting is the past of Feng Jieyu defending the emperor without fear of black bears. Jieyu was a concubine in the Han Palace, and she was considered a favorite concubine. That year, Emperor Han Yuan brought her concubine. The concubine and the guards went to play in the royal garden of the harem, but suddenly a black bear rushed out and rushed towards the emperor. Suddenly, all the concubines and guards fled in fright, and the emperor almost fell to the ground. , The only two guards, like this picture, hid to the side to protect themselves. They did not dare to step forward. Only Feng Jieyu, a weak woman, rushed forward and blocked the emperor’s front. This black bear may have been caught by Feng. Jieyu's momentum was shocked, and he didn't even go forward. In the blink of an eye, he rescued Emperor Han Yuan and gave him a chance to escape. The other guards also reacted and rushed forward to subdue the black bear."

"After the incident, Emperor Han Yuan asked Feng Jieyu why he made such a move. Feng Jieyu said that she knew that the beast would stop as long as it approached people. The black bear at that time might hurt the holy driver, so she stood up. Even if you shoot the bear to death, you can buy the emperor time to escape. This statement touched the emperor very much and he loved her since then. This painting tells such a story."

Liu Yu sighed, "This is really a good old saying, even I know it, but it's obviously a good thing, I don't see any harm to you."

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned slightly and pointed to the top of the screen. Among the concubines who were escaping, there was a noble woman in purple clothes, who fled in panic while looking back at the emperor~www .wuxiaspot.com~ She said: "Do you know, who is this woman?"

Liu Yu frowned: "I don't know, it should be the concubine of a certain emperor, look at the dress, the level is high, but it should not be a queen."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Yes, this woman is called Fu Zhaoyi. Zhaoyi was originally the highest concubine in the Han palace after the empress, and was above Jieyu. The empress of the Han Yuan Dynasty fell out of favor at the time, and Fu Zhaoyi was out of favor because of her beauty and family background. , Is already the first person in the harem, but at this critical moment, she chose to escape, and Feng Jieyu was the only black bear. Afterwards, Feng Jieyu was promoted to Zhaoyi, and her son was also promoted to Zhongshan Wang, the status is equal to that of Fu Zhaoyi."

Liu Yu frowned: "You mean, because Feng Jieyu stole Fu Zhaoyi's limelight this time, she suffered revenge in the future?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Yes, after thirty years, Emperor Han Yuan died for many years, and finally his grandson, Emperor Hanai, came to the throne. This grandson was born to the son of Fu Zhaoyi, in other words, Fu Zhaoyi became Empress Fu. , Became the real first person in the harem, and then she began to retaliate, sending people to force Feng Zhaoyi to take poison and commit suicide on the charge of witch curse.

"Feng Zhaoyi was also an old woman in her sixties at the time, and she resolutely refused to admit her guilt, but the messenger said, Empress Dowager Fu gave an oral statement that you had the courage to be a black bear back then. Why are you so afraid of death today? Realizing that it was her own actions that made Fu Zhaoyi lose the limelight and held a grudge. It took more than 30 years before she finally found a chance to retaliate and killed her assassin. So she smiled miserably and committed suicide by taking poison. Then, there is such a tragic ending behind it, Brother Yu, what do you want to say now?"

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