Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2454: Regarding the King as Jia Nu Shizhen

Liu Yu was silent for a while before sighing faintly: "I'm afraid this is not for you, but about me and Xi Le. Right?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Brother Yu, you can finally see it. In fact, although this painting is about the jealousy of two women, this kind of jealousy and revenge is the same for men. If you say this giant bear It refers to the former Qin Dynasty. Then you, like Feng Jieyu, stood alone in front of this behemoth with a weak body, saving the emperor and saving Dajin."

Liu Yu nodded: "But Xi Le didn't turn around and escape like Fu Zhaoyi."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head, "Isn’t that the case during the Battle of Yecheng, Wuqiaoze, didn’t it? You stepped forward to block Murong’s iron cavalry, saved A Shou and the others, and also saved those who were attacked by Black Fire. The whole army, but Liu Yi, he turned around and fled. Although everyone was on the run at the time, the more you do this, the more you show your courage and preciousness."

Liu Yu sighed, "You mean, Xi Le will be like Fu Zhaoyi, who will kill me if she catches the opportunity in order to avenge the loss of face in the past?"

Xie Daoyun said calmly: "Didn't he take revenge? Xiaoyu, when you were in Wuzhuang, he was with the demon thief of the Heavenly Master Dao and killed you. It's just that you are dead and you are not dead. Have you forgotten about this?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Of course I will not forget, but he was also assigned by Liu Laozhi Liu Dashuai at that time, not entirely his own decision, so..."

Xie Daoyun sneered, and slammed the leading cane to the ground: "Do you need to find a reason for him like this? If it was Liu Jingxuan, He Wuji, even if Liu Lao ordered, he would not do such a thing, but if it was Liu Yi, even if no one is instigated, he will take your life. From a distance, it’s because you were pressed and lost face. From the inside, you are the only obstacle for him to seize power. Fu Zhaoyi and Feng Jie Wasn't Yu the relationship between the two of you later, from the age of 20 to 60, fighting for a lifetime, how could it be the one time when a bear robbed the limelight?"

Liu Yu was silent for a while before he sighed: "Xiaoyu takes the teachings of the lady in his heart. This exhibition was also organized by Xi Le out of a struggle with me. I have already understood the first picture. Two pictures..."

Wang Miaoyin pointed to the second picture: "This one shows Ban Jie's resignation, and she faints with Huan. It is about Ban Jieyu, who was in the time of Emperor Han Cheng, refused to ride in the same car with the king because she said , If the emperor and his concubines are too close to each other, even if they eat together, they will inevitably lose sight of beauty, ignore state affairs, and eventually miss major national affairs and suffer the world. You see, she walks while walking. , While admonishing, the emperor listened and thoughtfully, while the queen sitting on the side turned her head to the side, either angry, or ashamed, and did not dare to face the admonisher Ban Jieyu."

Speaking of this, Wang Miaoyin pointed to the third painting. It was a woman in Chu clothing, dressed as a concubine. She was extremely beautiful, but she was admonishing to another man wearing a crown: "This is Fan Ji Ganzhuang. Don’t eat fresh poultry, Mrs. Jifan, the favorite of King Chu Zhuang back then, did not eat the birds and beasts that King Zhuang hunted in order to make her king no longer focus on hunting and games. Doing national affairs, not hunting all day long. In addition, from now on, he only paints makeup on the moon, meets people in the daytime, and is indulging in beauty with the emperor. Mrs. Fan is a famous concubine in Chu, and she has been a concubine. King Chu Zhuang, who was obsessed with female **** and hunting, took the right path and eventually became a generation hegemon.

Liu Yuchang sighed: "In the name of Fan Ji, I also know that Gu Kaizhi has lived in Chu for many years, and these allusions are easy to come by. What about the next one."

In this way, Wang Miaoyin went on one by one, and the protagonists in the painting changed from queens and concubines to civil women, and the content of the story also varied from admonishing the king to the husband and the son. But no matter which picture, there is a woman with a positive image, who has done good things enough to make a man ashamed. Most people like Liu Yu are familiar with it.

When Wang Miaoyin finished the last piece of "The Proverbs of Female History, Dare to Sue Shuji", Liu Yuchang sighed with relief, "What a wonderful woman, these are all for teaching women to hold their bodies upright and assist their husbands." Good thing, I watched it around anyway, and I couldn't see any disadvantages to you and your wife. Except for the Feng Jieyu in the first picture, it has something to do with Xi Le and me. Others are nothing."

Xie Daoyun sighed softly: "Xiaoyu, this set of paintings is called Nushi Zhentu. Do you know the origin of this picture?"

Liu Yu was surprised: "Isn't it Gu Kaizhi painted it? Could it be......"

Xie Daoyun’s expression became unusually serious: “This painting is painted by Gu Kaizhi, but every story in this is a pamphlet from a previous generation, called Nv Shizhen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from the previous Western Dynasty. At that time, Sagong Zhanghua satirized a generation of demon queen Jia Nanfeng, persuading her not to control the government and do harm to the world. Instead, he compiled allusions of these former generations of women who were noble and sedate, and wrote them as female history guides and illustrated them. The situation is dedicated to Jia Nanfeng, because Empress Jia is vulgar, poorly educated, and knows nothing about these allusions, so she can understand it only after painting in this way. After the war, the original album was lost, only The words in this female historical narrative were handed down, and Gu Kaizhi based on these words, together with the records left by some painters who had seen the original picture, reappeared this female historical narrative."

Liu Yu let out a sigh of relief: "So, that's it, this set of pictures is to persuade the demon queen Jananfeng, who brought trouble to the world and caused the demise of the Great Jin,? Does Xi Le mean that the wonderful sound is the same Janan wind?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed faintly: "Jian Nanfeng’s accusation is that he used family power to overtake the imperial power, monopolize the harem, punish ministers, and suppress the family. The other is that the harem was a demented child through Emperor Sima Zhong. After the actual authority, the emperor used the words of the emperor to do what he wanted. The so-called suspending the curtain to listen to the government, and then the government will come out later. This is the third..."

When she said this, her pink face blushed slightly: "The third is that Empress Jia and Emperor Jin Hui have no children, but for the purpose of pampering, fornicating the harem, and **** with men outside the palace, trying to give birth to a half son and become the prince. In the end, he did not hesitate to kill the original prince, cut off the royal blood of the Sima clan, triggered the Eight Kings Rebellion, and became the first sinner in the chaos of the world! Brother Yu, by now, do you understand who this picture is aimed at?"

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