Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2455: I didn’t change my heart

Liu Yu's heart was shocked. This pile of past events can be reproduced in Miao Yin's body after careful consideration, especially this last one. Although it is said that Empress Jia was pregnant with a dragon, he was almost a passerby. Men can be robbed into the palace and become their own guests. This matter has become a joke through the ages, and Miaoyin has already had skin close to him. The only difference is that Empress Jia of the year was eager to get pregnant overnight. What Miaoyin and herself fear most is probably the secret knot of the womb, because everyone knows that Sima Dezong cannot have descendants!

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and looked at Xie Daoyun: "In this way, Xi Le wants to use these paintings to attack the wonderful sound and stir up public opinion that the wonderful sound is the Queen of Jia of the year? His approach is too much. I still Instead of pursuing his wife, he did it first!"

Xie Daoyun sighed: "In terms of your art of war, the best defense is offense. The hatred between Liu Tingyun and Miao Yin is well known in the world. Now he will do this first. If you then attack Liu Tingyun's unscrupulous things. , I’m afraid everyone will think that you are retaliating. In this way, the rumors between you and Miao Yin will be more directly settled, and the things in this painting will be regarded as facts."

Liu Yu looked at Wang Miaoyin: "I'm sorry, Miaoyin, I was soft-hearted for a while. I didn't get rid of Liu Tingyun directly. I still imagined that I could trade this with Xi Le. Now it is my fault."

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Brother Yu, you are not to blame. Whether you are negotiating with Liu Yi about that bitch, Liu Yi has this mindset. He brought Gu Kaizhi with him early in the morning, especially with this one. Painting, I didn’t know you would negotiate with him at that time. Now he just wants to fight for power with you. This is just the first step."

Speaking of this, Wang Miaoyin sighed quietly: "Actually, what this painting says is not an exaggeration. I am indeed a dead queen who can’t speak and doesn’t know whether it’s warm or cold. In fact, it’s no problem to say that the government is self-imposed. The imperial orders issued by the imperial court are all from your shogunate, and then handed over to Wang Mi to play, and finally I will cover the seal. It is equivalent to you and me joining hands and controlling. Power, not only Liu Yi will be dissatisfied, other families will also feel resentment. The reason why Lord Xianggong offended the other three Mafia guards and failed miserably in the past was not a disaster caused by monopolizing power?"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "I am in power, and the order is not for myself, but for the country. The Jiangbei immigration matter is related to the great cause of the Northern Expedition. Even the current immigrants from Tuntian have benefited the family's superiors. Why do they still Want to object?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Because in their view, this benefit is given to them by you, not through their own power. This is a fundamental difference. Only the benefits guaranteed by power can be long-lasting, otherwise, Just like you wiped out Wang Yu and others, once you turn your face, let alone profit, you may not even be able to save your life."

Xie Daoyun nodded: "Yes, just like the Mafia we hate. It was formed to fight against the monarchy. No one wanted to give Cao Cao at that time any reason to kill. Now no matter how noble your reasons are, The power in your hands can already directly determine the life and death of any senior family. Even before this exhibition, many family leaders who came to me have expressed this worry, or fear, either openly or secretly. I don’t want to be the next Wang Yu, and slashed all the charges of treason!

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Then, like Wang Yu, he blatantly confronted the national policy of the Northern Expedition, as before, rampant and lawless, squandering lives and bullying others, so I can ignore it, and Brother Hangyun can die in vain?"

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Brother Yu, the noble family will only consider issues from the perspective of the noble family. They have lived like this for nearly a hundred years, but this time they killed a Beifu brother. It's not Tingyun, but an ordinary Jiankang citizen. Would you still kill Wang Yuman?"

Liu Yu said loudly: "Yes, I will destroy it, because the world I want is for everyone to be equal, no one can bully others casually, and no one can freely decide the world in which he lives and die. It is possible to preserve prosperity and wealth through previous merits, but the dignity and life of the poor should be protected, bullying others, and even driving them to death for money. Whether he is a founding family or an old man of merit, I will not let it go. If it is not Brother Xingyun who died this time, then I will not use the Beijing Eight Principles to destroy the door, but I will also hand over the Wang family father and son to the court lieutenant to find enough evidence to kill them, and in the end I will kill and pay."

Xie Daoyun sighed softly: "This is Xiaoyu. It's still the same as before, with the same passion and integrity. Even after so many years of conspiracy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ after so many things, it is still the original intention. No change, Lord Xianggong, have you seen it?"

She cast her gaze on Xie An's portrait, and there were tears in her eyes, and she murmured: "If our Xie family could be like Xiaoyu back then, we would not fear the darkness and stand up for a fight, it would really be the way the insurgents would get rid of evil , Maybe the current situation in the world will be different. You two children, it's not the same!"

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth: "Mother, it's not the same. At that time, Lord Xianggong did not hold a heavy soldier like Brother Yu, who could decide the life and death of those aristocratic families. Even Liu Laozhi had already been bought by Wang Ningzhi and Xi Chao. At this time, even if Brother Yu and the others support it, it will cause divisions within the Beifu Army and even lead to a full-scale civil war. All the achievements of the Northern Expedition and the temporary peace and unity of the upper echelons of the Dajin will be destroyed. Lord Xianggong sacrificed himself and temporarily gave in. , Saved our Xie family, and also saved Brother Yu and the Beifu Army. If I were in his position, I would make the same choice."

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin turned his head and looked at Liu Yu: "Brother Yu, now is the time we have to make a choice again."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "What choice? This is Xi Le's battle book against me. Do you think I should give in?"

Wang Miaoyin hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Brother Yu, in your and my current position, you must consider the overall situation when making any decision, and you can no longer be arrogant. In fact, Liu Yi challenging you like this is just like those families who are dissatisfied with us. In the final analysis, it’s still a question of power. What they have in common now is that they don’t have any decision or management power on the Jiangbei migration and the future Northern Expedition. Everything is yours."

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