Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2464: Peacekeeping Pillar Murong Lan

A trace of admiration flashed in Bai Hu's eyes, and he nodded: "Master Qinglong is still amazing, and I even want this. Yes, Yao Xing sets out two conditions for sending Murongchao's mother and wife back. One is that Nan Yan has to honour him. He said that he could make Murongchao the king of Yan."

Xuanwu sighed: "If you change someone else, you will definitely not accept this condition, but Murong Chao is a barbarian, and he doesn't care about this kind of status, and he calls him a minister. In Nanyan, he will continue to act as the Emperor. Cong. It’s just the land of Qilu, which is the hometown of Kong Sheng. I am afraid that a bunch of Han Confucian officials will firmly oppose it."

Bai Hu smiled slightly: "The pen is harder than a knife. There are two Shang Shulang crying and banging on the pillar in the courtroom. As a result, Murongchao simply sent their family on the road, so no one dared to object to it. Yes, even the envoys named after Qin's envoy by Murong Chao used Han Fan, the leader of Hanchen."

Speaking of this, he paused: "In Qidi, the Han family and the Feng family were both important ministers. They were the first among the Han officials. Needless to say, Nan Yan has been the number one Hanchen since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The clan also served for the Murong clan regime since the founding of the former Yan. Feng Song, as his representative, led his clan to vote when Murongde crossed the Yellow River south and captured Qi lands. His cousin Feng Song was also a general and talented Nan Yan I have made a lot of achievements in the battle."

"It's just that after Murongchao came, the sizeless feats occupied the position of prince. He also reused his cronies, Gongsun, the fifth floor, etc., to divide Han Fan and seal Song's power. That Han Fan had a veteran plan and never publicly expressed his position, but Feng Song Young and energetic, he secretly formed Murong Fa, wanted to kill Murong Chao and Gongsun on the fifth floor, and made Murong Fa the emperor. As the result was revealed, he was put to death by Cha Cha, and Feng Rong fled to the Northern Wei Dynasty, so Han Fan became a well-deserved Han official The chief, the civil minister is the first, this time Murong Chao asked him to be an envoy and Qin became a courtier, so he actually left."

Qinglong said disdainfully: "These northern tribes have long been trained to succumb to the wind. Anyway, any Hulu who comes will submit to which one, and there will always be officials. Only power can ensure that their family is in place. This point is the same regardless of the north and the south. Even Murong Chao himself can not have the name of the emperor, so why should he advise him as a courtier? But Yao Xing needs such a name, because even if it is Allowing others to call on the people in name will make his people and soldiers feel that the post-Qin is still strong and still has the strength to reverse the low morale caused by the continued defeat."

Speaking of this, Qinglong laughed: "The ritual and music conquest came from the emperor, so I judged that Yao Xing must not only be a fame as a minister, but more importantly, the band that has always represented Zhongyuan Zhengsu."

Bai Hu nodded: "Let you guess right, this is the second one, that is, you have to give the Royal Orchestra to Yao Xing. Since the Emperor Zhou, this royal band has been kept, and the Qin Dynasty did not promote ritual music, and the band disbanded , But after the founding of Han Gaozu, the Confucian Uncle Sun Tong used Zhou Li to formulate the court ritual system. This band is necessary. For hundreds of years, these musicians have been handed down from generation to generation, and descendants, like Yuxi, are Zhongyuan Zhengshou. A symbol of ."

"Even after the rebellion of Wang Mang and the rebellion of Yongjia, this band has always been occupied by the dynasty that ruled the Central Plains. Starting from the Xiongnu Liu Yuan, the band has been in the north. From Zhao to Qin, to Xiyan, and finally fell to In Murongchui’s hands, Murong Bao was too rushed when he ran away, leaving the band in Zhongshan, or Duan Hong led the band to break through and find Murong De in Yecheng, or else, the band fell into Tuobagui’s hands. The Northern Wei Dynasty has become the orthodox of the north."

Xuanwu nodded: "In the beginning, Murongde was able to quickly settle the land of Qilu. This band's contribution is not small. It is also an important reason for the Han family and the Feng family to fall in favor. Now the post-Qin is promoting Sinicization, Confucianism, and orthodoxy. , We need this royal band to enhance this legitimacy, and then we can fight against Hu Xia in the name of respecting the king and fighting the barbarian. Send away the two women in exchange for a courtier Nan Yan and the royal band, Yao Xing. The pen makes a lot of money."

Suzaku frowned: "Confucius once said that only name and device cannot be faked. Murong Chao is really for a woman. Can he give up even these? If he wants to be so filial and loving his wife, why did he throw it away back then? Leave them alone? For him, power comes first, right."

Bai Hu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Fleeing back then was not only for power, but also for his life. After all, Helianbo had just rebelled at that time. Who knows when Yao Xing killed him in a rage, so as not to make another sly Besides, everyone in the world knows the virtues of Murong's family. It happens that Murong De has no children. Isn't it good to go back at this time and pick up a ready-made prince?"

"But the characteristic of Xianbei people is that they value force, like robbery, and don’t give birth. A man who cannot protect his own woman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not worthy of others. This has nothing to do with the filial piety of our Han people, but to To prove his abilities, Murong Fa, Murong Zhong and others looked down on Murong Chao at the time. They often talked about him abandoning his wife and abandoning his mother and fleeing alone. How can such a person be the son of the son? Although these people have been calmed down, these The words have left a shadow in the hearts of many Xianbei people. Murong Chao wants to welcome his mother and wife back, not only to show his filial piety, but also to show that he has the ability to protect his own women, and then prove that he has the ability to defend his people. ."

Xuanwu nodded: "In this way, Nan Yan has recently been committed to stabilizing the interior, rather than thinking about external conquests. This has allowed time for the Jiangbei immigration plan. As long as half a year later, the food planted this year will be harvested in autumn. , Then even if the Jiangbei immigration plan is successful, once there is a ration of two or three million shi in Guangling City, it will be enough to support a hundred thousand army to fight for more than one year, which is enough for the northern expedition to the southern swallows. Moreover, if Nanyan gives it to Liu Yu will never let go of the reasons for Liu Yu's war."

Bai Hu said with a stern face: "There is one thing you may not have noticed. Although Nanyan also learned the Han system to engage in emperors and ministers, many of the old habits of the nomadic era cannot be eradicated. They cannot control the tribes, clansmen, and especially Some garrison troops on the border cannot be controlled. When the Huns and the Han dynasty were married, they couldn’t control the behavior of the South Monan Government to plunder the border, and Murongchao was even more unlikely to control it. Now the Nanyan border area It is more dependent on the monitoring and maintenance of Muronglan’s subordinates to prevent large-scale conflicts between the southern garrison and Dajin. If Muronglan falls, the conflict between the two sides will be more than a hundredfold overnight, Liu Yu The reason for the dream of the Northern Expedition has come naturally."

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