Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2466: The war is dangerous

Xuanwu laughed: "Then we have to prepare for war within a year. Anyway, if Nanyan is eliminated, Jiangbei will be a safe area. All our investment here will be doubled back. So, this We have to support Liu Yu this time and let him win this battle. Lord Suzaku, do you agree?"

Suzaku said angrily: "I don't agree with what else to do. Is it possible that we can still lean behind our predecessors to seize armaments, play tricks, or even sell military intelligence to the enemy to stop the Northern Expedition? But I still want I'll pour some cold water on you, as if you are pointing here one by one, thinking that Nanyan is something in your bag. Yan's armor and riding outfits have been rampant in the world for 30 years and have never encountered them on the battlefield. As for the adversary, are you really sure that Liu Yu's Beifu Army can really succeed in a battle and eliminate Nanyan?"

Qinglong hooked the corner of his mouth: "This is not necessarily true. Both the former Yan and the latter have destroyed the country twice. If the Armored Cavalry is really invincible, what will happen?"

Suzaku sneered: "So you don't know the soldiers. If you don't believe me, you can ask Baihu and Xuanwu if it is really difficult to wear armor."

Qinglong cast his gaze on Xuanwu's body, and only heard Xuanwu's solemn voice: "Suzaku said rightly. The Yan Kingdom destroyed the country twice. It was not because the armored uniforms could not beat others, but because of internal chaos and the kings vie for the throne. , The coach is incompetent. When Qian Yan died, the coach Murong Ping actually occupied the water source and forced the soldiers to spend money to buy water, and finally ended up with an eternal reputation as a water seller. Before that, he and the Queen Mother Kezuhun Cruel Zhongliang and force against Murongchui. In such a country, no matter how strong it is, no matter how strong it is, it will not last long. Death is inevitable."

"As for the subjugation of Houyan, in the previous battle of Hepo, the kings seized the throne and did not cooperate with each other. Especially Muronglin of the rear army was completely unprepared. This allowed the whole army to attack the Northern Wei for a long distance, and was destroyed in one battle. It’s not a crime of war. In this battle, the armor and the armor were too late to put on the horse. It was a one-sided slaughter. However, in the subsequent Murong Chui campaign and the Battle of Pingcheng, the armor and armor defeated the Northern Wei Dynasty in one fell swoop. Tuobaqian’s main force, Tuobaqian died in battle, and Tuobagui almost flees to Mobei. Doesn’t this just explain the powerful combat effectiveness of the armor?"

Qinglong frowned: "But when the Northern Wei Dynasty entered the Central Plains, Murongbao personally brought more than 100,000 foot rides, including more than 20,000 armoured riders, to fight the Wei army at Baisi. This battle is always a dignified battle. Come on, isn’t the whole army wiped out?"

Bai Hu smiled and waved his hand: "I'm afraid you didn't understand this battle. Wei Jun was defeated by the armored cavalry, so that the master of Wei Tuobagui got on his horse and fled without even wearing his shoes. No, they couldn't catch up with the Wei army. Instead, they set up an ambush, burned them with black fire, and repeated the battle of Wuqiaoze. This also did not show the superiority of combat effectiveness, but rather a trick. Moreover, the incompetent Murongbao, the soldiers do not If he is willing to play, he will first abandon Zhongshan and flee when he encounters a small setback. Therefore, all the defenders in Hebei are watching the wind. If Murongde was the emperor at the time, how could Tuobagui get the land of Hebei so easily?"

"Later, Murongde attacked Qingzhou and established Nanyan. The armor he formed was no more than 20,000. But it was this army that scared Wei Jun from attacking the land of Nanyan for several years. Several small-scale fights were also made. Wei Jun’s fiasco ended. I think Lord Suzaku’s suspicion is justified, even if Murong Chao can’t do it anymore, but at least the armor and cavalry outfit that Murong started in Xianbei still has a very powerful combat power. If Liu Yu really does the Northern Expedition, That may not be a tenacious one. After all, all the advantages of the layout depend on the outcome of the battle in the end."

Xuanwu sternly said: "Yes, before the Yan Dynasty, the Yan Kingdom was in great chaos, Murong Ke just died, Murong Ping was in power, suspicion crowded out Murong Chui, the master was a traitor, and the loyalty was jealous. The general felt that the opportunity had come, and he started the northern expedition. He was invincible at the beginning. Murong Ping was about to take the little emperor to move the capital and escape back to the customs. But behind him, Murong Chui was ordered to take command and went out to fight. He relied on tens of thousands of armor and cavalry. , The battle of Cang Yuan, let Huan Wen Wuyan see the world."

"Behind is the former Qin’s Fu Jian. During the Battle of Fei Shui, a million army was invincible. But I never stopped fighting in the Jin Dynasty. The two sides of Jing Yang did not agree with each other. They were fighting each other. No matter how you look at it, it is Qin’s victory. Thanks to the powerful combat power of the Beifu Army, the former Qin Dynasty destroyed the country in a direct battle. On the other hand, the northern war was chaotic and chaotic, and our Beifu Army was invincible and famous. The Northern Expedition, who would have thought that a fire would be burned clean in Wuqiaoze, Yecheng, and it can't be recovered yet?!"

"Master Qinglong, never look at the superficial strength of the troops in a war, the generals. There are too many factors that determine the outcome of the war. The so-called soldiers are fierce and dangerous. Even Liu Yu sometimes fails to ambush the monsters. Watch out, even his life is gone. He is still the same as the military god, let alone others?"

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"If you want to expedite the Southern Yan from the north, you will first be an expeditionary battle and go deep into the enemy's territory. Second, if you are going to the Qilu land, a large plain, if you pass the Daxian Mountain, you must fight the Yanjun cavalry head-on. It’s hard to say whether it can withstand it. Three years ago, the army was hanging alone, and there were many enemies, both overt and undercover, within Dajin. If you can’t make a quick decision in a short time, no one can say what will happen next. I never know. I don't think that the Northern Expedition to Nanyan is a viable option now. If there is a chance to persuade Liu Yu, it is better for him to wait."

Qinglong's brows frowned: "In this case, why does Liu Yu insist on the Northern Expedition? Once he has a bad war, he will not only lose all his accumulation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and may even lose his life, is it worth it?"

Bai Hu smiled slightly: "Because of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, regaining lost ground was Liu Yu's ideal since childhood. For this ideal, he can spare his life and do nothing. There is a three-point chance that he will fight, let alone fight Nanyan, he at least It is 70% sure. I think Liu Yu should be the person who has personally seen the most armored clubs. If Dajin is not even sure that he has played armored clubs, then no one will have this ability. Sometimes. I am quite envious of Liu Yu. Those of us, limited by our status, family background, and responsibilities, can’t just let go of doing big things, and even if he has power, he can do it willfully. Even the seven sages of the bamboo forest may not have him. Such freedom."

Xuanwu said coldly: "Compared to Nan Yan's armor, I am more worried about Liu Yi. Under the provocation of his good wife, whether he will spoil Liu Yu's Northern Expedition, this is what we need to worry about. , Qinglong, you said last time that Liu Yi will clean up Liu Tingyun this time, really?"

Qinglong smiled slightly: "Before I came, I heard that Liu Yi finally went home. Maybe he is now taking care of this femme fatale."



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