Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2536: High-ranking officials run education

Fan Tai's heart swayed when he heard it, and he slammed his hands and said loudly, "High, it is really high! Such an idea is really..."

He was about to continue speaking, when he suddenly thought of something, his brows frowned slightly: "Great handsome, it's just this genius's idea, and it also requires manpower and material resources, even if the laid-off Confucian scholars from all over the world are willing to come out to the local Xuxu. I’m afraid that the collection of books for teaching is not enough. In this preface to Kyoguchi, a dozen or so students and I took out most of the collection of books at home, not to mention other scholars are It’s not that you’re willing to donate your collection like this. Even if you are willing to donate, I’m afraid you won’t be able to do this in the entire Dajin, every state and county.

Liu Yu nodded: "The textbook is indeed a big problem. I will find a way to solve this. In the current situation, it is impossible for the whole country to engage in order. For one thing, there is no such manpower and material resources. It’s not easy to say what the scholars of and metaphysics will think and do. If they think that this kind of preface will eventually lead to them completely losing power and wealth, I’m afraid they will desperately oppose it. Now our Beifu Army can do its best Support, it’s hard to say. At least today, I still need to encourage everyone to send their children to school. If there is further pressure, will you still insist? You have to wait and see."

Fan Tai nodded: "Yes, such a big event is not done overnight. It has to be done slowly. I can let my disciples and students to transcribe more scriptures in addition to teaching, especially the Meng Xue and the Four Books for children. The Five Classics should be compiled first. In this regard, you may have to ask the help of a handsome man, so that you can mobilize the staff and the scribes to do this work. If there are four to five thousand copying books, there can be two to two in the next two years. Thirty thousand sets of textbooks are enough for people to complete the basic Confucianism. As for the further improvement in the future, I am afraid that they have to enter Guozixue, Taixue and other national official schools to learn some advanced classics."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "This is still too slow, and within three years, I will definitely launch a war. The Northern Expedition will regain lost ground. There are not too many civil servants in my shogunate, but too few. In turn, we need the help of the children in the preface to join the army."

A look of disappointment flashed across Fan Tai’s face: “If this is the case, I’m afraid it’s only going slowly. According to what you said, let the children of the righteous scholars from Jingkou and the people of the heroes go to school first, and slowly expand to Other places are good."

A cold light flashed in Liu Yu’s eyes: “Mr. Fan, don’t be pessimistic. Liu Changshi is implementing a new law. Maybe he can quickly get a lot of books out instead of relying on people to copy books like now, which is time-consuming and laborious. ."

Fan Tai opened his eyes wide and shook his head in disbelief: "A lot of books are quickly produced? How is this possible? Since ancient times, the inheritance and transcription of books has been the most troublesome thing. Hundreds of disciples have copied scriptures as an assessment of their profession. On the one hand, they can copy them and read them. On the other hand, they can also spread the scriptures in this way. Do you think there is no other way?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "The secret of the secret cannot be revealed. I have not tried successfully for the time being, but I believe that there will be good news soon. If we can produce more than 100,000 sets of scriptures every year, it will promote Confucian classics, arithmetic woodworking, and medical books. The technique is spread all over the world, and it’s no longer difficult."

Fan Tai laughed: "If this is the case, it will be very fortunate that day, and for all people."

Liu Yu nodded: "Before this, you still need your husband to work harder. Anyway, even if you have a book, you need enough professors to preach, teach, and solve puzzles. Books can find ways to quickly It's done, but the teacher has to rely on your husband to bother a lot."

Fan Tai said sternly: "I believe that as long as the preface of Jingkou is done well, the scholars and talents of that day will all switch to Confucian classics and work for the country. At that time, this shortage of manpower will naturally be solved. However, I also ask the general to add some official positions to the court in the future to resolve the ranks of these Mr. Hou Xu. After all, if you can't be an official, people are unwilling to come out and be recruited."

Liu Yuzheng said: "I will definitely resolve this matter. The court has custom-made personnel. As many students are opened and students are admitted, there will be as many gentlemen as there are. , There are four Ph.Ds. In addition, my shogunate has also allocated six troops to join the army, and the governor’s organization has also allocated four positions for employment. If it were not for the nearly twenty official organization, it must be Your husband will not go out of the mountains either, you have to give yourself and your students an explanation."

Fan Tai smiled and said: "If there are so many official positions in the prefaces of the world, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must be everyone vying to come and teach, but I also know that this is the commander's special super. According to the court’s laws, this is impossible."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Now the affairs of the court have been on the right track step by step. The Northern Expedition is not in a hurry. What I want to do now is to rectify the interior. Education is about talents and the future of the country. Let the people put up the concept of being loyal to the country and giving up their small family to the country. Only by mobilizing the power of the whole country, the way of metaphysics, only seeking their own interests, regardless of others, this is the fundamental reason that the Jin Dynasty has been unable to gather Chinese power in the Northern Expedition The reason is that I want the Northern Expedition, so I can't do this anymore. Therefore, I use a Confucian like my husband to preside over the preface of Hsu, just to let you spread the concept of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and justice throughout the world."

"When this metaphysics is in power, it is necessary to pay a greater price to promote these vigorously. Fortunately, I have power in my hands. I will play the court and increase the salary of Mr. Xuzhong by three times, even if the official cannot be resolved at the moment. The issue of rank will also allow you to pay three times higher salary than officials of the same level. After all, you can’t have jobs and industry income like officials. This money comes from the military expenses of my town’s general’s mansion. Don't read it, sir!"

Tears gleamed in Fan Tai's eyes: "Marshal, you are really the second-born parents of those of us scholars. For decades, I waited. How did I wait for such a courtesy?! I'm tired to death. The kindness of a handsome man!"

Liu Yu smiled and shook Fan Tai's hand: "Mr. Fan, when we guys first entered the Beifu, it was also because the Beifu army paid three times the standard of the imperial court to attract elite soldiers. , And now, in terms of cultural governance, you are my Beifu army. You can teach and educate people and cultivate talents who are loyal and filial and willing to serve the country.

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