Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2537: Life and death 3 brothers

Half a month later, Pengcheng, Sishui Township, Buffalo Village.

An inconspicuous, unremarkable courtyard, surrounded by a fence with mud on it, half a person high, everything in the courtyard can be seen clearly, three brick houses, finished products The font is standing in the courtyard. Several jujube trees, born in the back of the courtyard, have already produced clusters of jujubes. The wind blows gently, and from time to time there are a few jujube grains falling in the courtyard. A standard Jingkou farmhouse is no different from neighbors.

Liu Yu is dressed in casual clothes, sitting in the middle of the main room on a straw mat. There are five people in the room, two of them in their forties. A middle-aged man in silk clothes stands in the room, one in his 20s. , The five big and three thick black-faced brawny men, all dressed in common clothes, stand respectfully at the door, and on the bed, there is a person lying, it is Liu Huaisu!

There was a wound that was a bit deep, and even a white bone wound could be seen vaguely, like a centipede, shaking gently on Liu Huaisu’s forehead. He was originally alive, his face was covered with a faint black air, and the wound was In addition, with thick scabs and medicinal mud, Liu Yu sighed, took a clean white stretch cloth, wrapped the wound around, and muttered, "How could it be like this?!"

A thirty-four-five-year-old man with yellow face and sword eyebrows standing in the house was Liu Huaishen, Liu Huaisu’s younger brother, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Big Brother (Liu Huaisu, the leader of the ranking) last time was in the lead when he fought against Huanzhen. Suddenly, there was a flow arrow on the forehead, but he did not deal with it and continued to rush. Afterwards, it was discovered that the arrow was poisonous. The medical officer repeatedly treated it and could not cure it. In addition, in Jingzhou, the weather was muggy after the spring, and the poison gas rose. He has been ignoring his body and quelling various rebellions non-stop, so, so..." At this point, his tears flowed down, and he couldn't talk about it anymore.

"My eldest brother was so angry that he broke the golden sore, and he shed a lot of blood. I'm so scared!"

This came from another man who had been biting his finger for nearly forty years, drooling at the corner of his mouth and unconsciously, with a smirk on his face. He was Liu Huaisu's second brother and Liu Huaishen's second brother, Liu Huaijing. After Liu Yu was born that year, his biological mother Zhao Anzong died early and no one was nursing at home. His father Liu Jing sent Liu Yu to Liu Huaisu’s home because Liu Huaisu’s father was a distant relative with him, and his mother was Zhao Anzong’s sister Zhao Anzu. Zhao Anzu was at that time Stopped Liu Huaijing's milk and went to feed Liu Yu to grow up, because Liu Huaijing had insufficient milk since childhood and low intelligence. Like Liu Yu's brother Liu Daolian, he was almost the second fool.

Liu Yu sighed, and said to the young man at the door: "Rongzu, help your uncle go out first."

This black-faced youth is Liu Rongzu, the eldest son of Liu Huaishen. He stepped forward to support Liu Huaijing, and was about to take it out. Liu Huaijing suddenly came to the ground and sat down on the ground, crying: "I won't go, I won't go, I want to be with my eldest brother, or else I will I can't see Big Brother!"

Liu Yu's brows frowned slightly, and he changed to a smiling face. He sat down beside him, took out a handkerchief from his arms, and wiped Liu Huaijing's chest wet with saliva and tears. Wiping said, "Huaijing, your eldest brother is okay, did you hear what Huai Shen said just now? The arrow in the eldest brother is poisonous, and the poisonous blood must be discharged before the medicine is applied. Look, the poisonous blood is flowing out. Big brother will be well soon. How beautiful your clothes are. If you are crying wet or sitting on the ground dirty, then the big brother won't have money to buy it for you until his salary arrives next month."

Liu Huaijing stopped crying suddenly, looked at Liu Yu, and said dubiously: "Brother Jinu, are you true? Are you really all right?"

Liu Huaisu on the bed laughed and said, “It’s not the first time that elder brother has been injured. With this minor injury, he’ll be fine after lying down for two days. Huaijing, you go to the yard to pick up dates. You go down to the river to fish together!"

Liu Huaijing smiled and jumped up from the ground, clapped his hands and said, "Oh oh oh oh, pick up dates and fish." He sang and jumped, and ran out of the house like this. Liu Rongzu also retired, leaving only the house. Three people.

Liu Huaisu sighed and closed his eyes, "Huaishen, how can you say this in front of your second child? He just doesn't know how to do it, and he knows that if you die, you will never see him again."

Liu Huaishen wiped the tears from his eyes and lowered his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, brother, it's my fault."

Liu Huaisu turned to look at Liu Yu and said, "Huaishen, go out. I have something to say with Brother Jinu. For other things, we'll follow the arrangements we discussed earlier."

Liu Huaishen gritted his teeth, saluted and retired. Liu Yu's eyes were red, and he said, "Huaisu, you must last for ten days and a half. My magical herbs can be made by UU reading www.uukanshu.com in half a month. This, you must be good!"

Liu Huaisu shook his head and closed his eyes: "Finally, Brother Jinu, I know my body is a small matter. The key is that the poisonous gas in the back, coupled with the fluctuation of the heart, is now a heart attack. It's rescued. I just hate my body for not being able to live up to it. If I can last a year or a half longer, I won't have any regrets when Dao Gui comes to take over Jingzhou stably!

Tears began to burst into Liu Yu's eyes: "It's all my brother's fault. It's because I transferred you from Jingzhou in order to deal with Xi Le. This is unfair to you, and it made you like this!"

Liu Huaisu said quietly: "It's not only that Xile can't tolerate me, but also Wuji, even when I was under Brother A Shou, it was the same. Blame me for being too competitive and getting ahead in everything. Now I know. Dao rules are the real great wisdom and can be tolerated. Only in this way can it be long."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I know you have such a personality, and you shouldn't be involved in the conflict of grabbing merit. I should, I should let Dao rules..."

Liu Huaisu waved his hand laboriously: "No matter, Dao Gui was with Xi Le and the others at that time. Our old Liu family will build our own world in the future. We can only use our own brother, Ji Nu Ge, this, this truth, Brother understands!"

Liu Yu was silent for a while before slowly saying, "I used to only think about bringing our own brothers to be rich, and this wealth can only be obtained by making meritorious deeds. Now it seems that I need to do more. Su, this is the end of the matter. It is useless to say more. If you have anything to explain to me and need me to do, please do not hesitate to speak up. As long as I am within my ability and do not violate the laws of the country, I will definitely do it!"

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