Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2551: The black robe enters the prophet Tu Qinghe

Northern Wei Dynasty, the capital, Pingcheng.

This fortress was called Datong in later generations. During the Han Dynasty, it was the location of the Weizhi in the east of Yanmen County. The Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles ran across the mountains in the north, and a huge three-tiered city wall with a radius of tens of miles. The city is located at the foot of the Great Wall, straddling the nomadic civilization on the northern grasslands, and the agricultural civilization of the southern Central Plains. Isn’t it the most realistic portrayal of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a nomadic power that entered the Central Plains?

At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a great upheaval in the north. Liu Kun lived in Bingzhou and asked for help from the then king Tuoba Yilu. Tuoba Yilu led his troops to the south to rescue Liu Kun. He built the southern capital in Pingcheng and left his soldiers and horses for long-term use. The small county town in the Han and Jin Dynasties became the southern capital of the dynasty. Both its status and the construction of the city have been greatly strengthened.

After the Tuobaguiju tribe entered the Central Plains, considering the lack of favor in Hebei and the destruction of production, it was not enough to support a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands as a national capital, and in particular, it was unable to continuously supply more than 100,000 cavalry with fodder. So Tuobagui moved his capital to Pingcheng. On the one hand, he expressed that his Great Wei was the Central Plains regime, not the nomadic khanate that retreated to the grassland after grabbing a handful. On the other hand, he also made compromises with the leaders.

The city of Pingcheng can be inhabited by tribal leaders who are officials and generals at all levels of the Wei state, and their tribes can be placed on the Monan grassland in the north of the city to delimit regional divisions for nomadism, so that cavalry can be called upon. Coming to fight without occupying the agricultural resources of the Central Plains, this peculiar one country, two systems method has also become the beginning of the Pingcheng era of the Northern Wei Dynasty, providing a wonderful balance between the grassland and the Central Plains when the Northern Wei Dynasty first entered the Central Plains .

The muddy water in the north of Pingcheng, and the Wuchuan water in the west of the city, was led by the canals dug by more than 100,000 civilians and poured into the city, causing gurgling water to flow in both sides of the capital avenue, and the imperial palaces in the city and even the dignitaries There are countless swimming fish playing back and forth in the house. On both sides of the ditch of the main road, there are planted willow trees, silk poplars, the breeze is blowing, and the willow leaves are flying, filling the city with a natural and refreshing taste, to cover up the smell of the cattle and sheep everywhere in the city. .

The outermost circle of Pingcheng is the outer profile with a circumference of 34 li. More than 200,000 Han and Hu people live here. Looking down from the heights, you can find the Han Chinese Central Plains houses and the Hu people’s The tent area is well-defined, separated on the left and right sides of the city. Several avenues run through the east, west, south, and north, which are just right to separate the Han Chinese and Hu people living in the city. The voices on both sides are also half Han and half Hu. Probably only the large bazaars inside the city gate are a mixture of Hu and Han.

Inside the outer wall, is the capital of the Zhouhui twenty miles away. Most of the people who live here are officials or businessmen of the Wei state. It can be said to be rich or expensive, unlike the ordinary Hu people living in tents outside the city. The Hu people and dignitaries here also live in the luxurious and magnificent Han-style courtyards. It seems that the yearning and desire for a high-end and beautiful life is irrespective of race or region.

In the center of the capital, with a radius of ten miles, it is the Imperial City of the Northern Wei Dynasty. There are more than ten large palaces towering in it. It is Tuobagui who has confiscated millions of civilians in Binzhou and Monan grassland for many years. It took several years to build the Lingtai. The mountain stands, the wall pond garden, the double Jue Wanren, the nine qu, the feather Jing Lin Sen, the hall Jiao Ge. Countless soldiers in armors were on duty on the walls of the imperial city, or patrolled the squares in the palace with their arms. The flags of horses and oxes were flying in all directions, representing the totem of the Tuoba tribe, and it was announced to the world that this It is the royal residence of Tuoba clan.

In a side hall, Tuobagui looked gloomy. Looking at the cracked tortoise shell in the brazier in front of him, the lines showed some strange characters. In the brazier, the charcoal fire was still crackling, from time to time. The rising flame, according to his face deformed by the twisted muscles on his face, muttered in his mouth: "Tu Qinghe, punish 10,000 people, Tu Qinghe, punish 10,000 people!"

Standing on the other side of the brazier with the black robe holding his hand, he calmly said: "Congratulations, your majesty, the heaven has sent you a divination, just like those divinations before, as long as you follow the divination, whether it is you or Wei, will be safe."

Standing on the side of the hall, the stubborn man dressed in a gorgeous leather robe and official uniform said in a solemn voice: "Your Majesty, this wizard is nonsense. Qinghe is a big county. If you want to kill 10,000 people in Qinghe County, you will be disappointed. Please think twice!"

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Hei Pao said coldly: "Master Pullba, in the last battle of Bai Si, it was because of the oracle I brought, that your Majesty escaped Murong Bao’s sneak attack and turned the crisis into peace. Two months ago, Mu Chong and Tuo Ba Yi wanted to commit rebellion, but it was only through the instructions of the heavens that he was cracked down and killed. Why did you call it nonsense this time?"

He gritted his teeth and said, "Although I am a nonchalant~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I also know that there is a good life in God, and Qinghe County is a big county with a population of more than 100,000. For no reason, only once. Divination is going to kill people in the city. How absurd? Your tyrants in the Central Plains, such as Jie and Zhou, would do such a thing. Do you want your Majesty to become such a faint tyrant?"

Speaking of this, Ba Basong looked to the side, a man wearing silk and satin Han official uniform, it was the great minister of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Baima Gong, and Cui Hong: "Cui Shangshu, your Cui family belongs to Qinghe County, Your Majesty Now you want to slaughter your hometown, do you think it doesn’t matter?

Cui Hong’s face muscles jumped, gritted his teeth and said: “If this is the price that God must avoid the disaster of the country and ensure the peace of your Majesty, then don’t say it’s Tu Qinghe County, even if it’s killing me Cui Hong family, I have no regrets and no regrets!"

As soon as he said this, Ba Basong's face changed drastically, but he was speechless, but Tuoba Gui had a smile on his face, looked at Cui Hong, and nodded in satisfaction: "Cui Shangshu is really loyal. Ka. However, what the adults said just now also makes sense. Will such an unprovoked killing trigger a civil revolt? Will it make me lose people's hearts?"

Cui Hong smiled slightly: "To manage the troubled times, we need to use heavy codes. The Hebei generation was ruled by the pseudo-yan and Nizhao for decades. The local tycoons were mostly self-defense and did not follow Wanghua. Qinghe is a county, although it is the former minister. Hometown, but also where the great clans in Hebei resided, has always been difficult to manage. Many clans have taken in Jiangyang thieves, raised dead men, and even openly sheltered anti-thief as wings. If your Majesty sends troops to Qinghe to search these lawless families, Destroying the barbarians will not only do what the admonishment indicates, but also stand up to Hebei. Presumably, those aristocratic families who deliberately don't dare to make trouble again.

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