Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2552: Strong dragon does not crush the ground snake

Baba Song said bitterly: "Master Cui (in this era, the Hu people are used to calling the tribe leader an adult, and the same is also called to Cui Hong from the Han family in Hebei, continuing the name of the grassland), you want to use this time to level up The big clans of Qinghe County, so that they can profit?"

Cui Hong shook his head: "I have moved to Pingcheng since I was loyal to Your Majesty. Qinghe County has long gone without any property. If there were any, the dispatch of troops would also hurt my home. How could I say that? As I said, this matter is entirely out of public heart, not for anything else!"

Tuobagui laughed, showing his white teeth: "Very good, it can respond to the order, but also can shock Hebei. Let me pass on the decree, and quickly order 30,000 soldiers and horses. I will go personally, Tu Qinghe, Zhu Wan people!"

As his roar echoed in the hall, a burst of fire suddenly appeared in the brazier in front of him. The rising flames scorched the air into a billowing heat wave, rushing toward his face, making everyone frowned, Tuobagui Suddenly jumped up from the dragon chair, drew out an iron sword that had been leaning against the throne, hacked it in the air, and shouted: "Asshole, you dare to attack me, you dog thief from Murong's family. , Go to death, go to death all!"

Pa Basong’s expression changed and he quickly backed away, and Cui Hong also backed away. Hei Pao didn’t turn around, so he walked backwards calmly, and the three of them retreated to more than 20 steps away from Tuobagui. The position of the palace gate stopped, and Ba Basong sighed softly: "Looking at this, your Majesty seems to have some bad memories again."

Cui Hong hooked the corner of his mouth: "The flames aroused his bad memories. I'm afraid, it was the night attack by the Yan army during the Battle of Bai Si. He kept talking about the dog thief of Murong's family, and it proved this. point."

Ba Basong turned his head to look at Cui Hong, and said coldly: "Master Cui, you can always make the right choice at a critical time. I remember that Helan Lu and Lu Pu betrayed the last time in the battle of Bai Si. Your Majesty, attacked against the water, but you were the only one who brought soldiers to rescue in time. I have always been surprised, why did you not come with them?"

Cui Hong smiled slightly: "Cui, although the Lu family belong to the Hebei family, it does not mean that their positions are completely the same. Lu Pu is like the typical Hebei Han family that Mr. Baaba just said. He has been independent for many years and only accepts The title of the northern dynasty was not restrained by it. In fact, it was just a separatist self-preservation. And our Cui family, at least our family, actively belonged to His Majesty, abandoned our ancestral home from our family, and came to the grassland as the Tuoba family. From the day of our allegiance, we have made a choice. The destiny of our family will only be connected with Da Wei, sharing life and death, without distinction between honor and disgrace!"

Pabasong gritted his teeth and said coldly: "It seems that Master Cui is really different from other northern Han people. But I don't believe it now. You agreed to go to Tu Qinghe and kill people for the sake of Dawei. it is good!"

Cui Hong said indifferently: "When Master Wang Jian suggested that the Seventy Thousand Yan Army prisoners be killed, didn't Master Pull and oppose it to the end? Actually, you and I have all reached the official day. You are close relatives of the Tuoba clan, you can I am guilty of remonstrance, but I, Cui Hong, is only a Han who came halfway to vote. I cannot act against your majesty’s will. In recent years, Hebei has been rebellious in impermanence and has been unable to truly calm down. Your majesty has long been intending to use thunder to establish power. It’s just a lack of reason. This time there was an order from the heavens. What reason do we have to stop? If I opposed you just now, I’m afraid it will become the sacrificial flag of this operation, and the head of the flag will hang."

Ba Basong turned his head to look at the black robe, and said coldly: "Great wizard, since the Helan Witch lost her divine power, Your Majesty has been obedient to you, but I advise you to be kind. If something happens to Wei, right You won't do any good."

Heipao said blankly: "I am just conveying the order from the heavens. Those tortoise shells are gods. No one can do anything to pull the lord. Your majesty has given the order. I think you should order it now. Together, we are ready to go on the expedition."

Ba Basong stomped bitterly, turned around and walked outside the hall, his voice came against the wind: "Great Wizard, take care of your Majesty, if something goes wrong with him, you know the consequences!"

The door of the palace opened and reunited, Cui Hong sighed lightly, looked at the black robe, and whispered: "What do you mean, are you crazy? Tu Qinghe, do you want to destroy my clan?"

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "Then you also responded so loyally just now. Old Cui, you know how to make a play."

Cui Hong gritted his teeth, watching Tuobagui still swinging his sword and hacking in the distance, sighing like crazy Tuobagui, "If you don't act, you will die. Cui Da just wants to preserve the dignity of the Han family~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He didn’t want to obey Tuobagui’s orders, so he ordered to be killed. Zhang Dagon only recommended Lu Pu. He almost failed to save his life for establishing the country. He was finally dismissed from office and died in depression. With these moody hustle and bustle If the monarch is accompanied, it is really accompanied by an evil tiger. If you are not careful, you will die."

Heipao smiled and said, "Then why didn't your father and son just like Helan Lu and Lu Pu, simply work together to kill this evil tiger? If you hit back then, the odds of winning are not small."

Cui Hong looked at the black robe and said bitterly: "It was you who suddenly appeared back then and persuaded me not to turn back. You said that Murong Bao was a mediocre master, and even if you helped him, it would not be any good. Now follow me What do you say about this?"

Hei Pao nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you still have not judged the situation wrongly. Under the master of the yong, you can confuse, but it is impossible to make contributions and gain power. At best, you can only be like the local tyrants who are still in Qinghe. , Be a country landlord. I think you had new ideas when you were catering to Tuobagui just now."

Cui Hong's face changed, and then he smiled slightly: "I really can't hide anything from you. But I am also hesitating. If I show kindness to the people of Qinghe and tell them to run away, this person will have a messy mouth and it will inevitably leak the wind. If we don’t leave a trace and send someone to secretly spread the news to let them escape, this benefit won’t fall to me, why do we need to do it? Wouldn’t it be too obvious if we were only notified of the Cui family’s escape?"

Hei Pao shook his head: "If it's just the people of Qinghe, then you will die. It doesn't matter. Anyway, many of them are refugees from all over the world. They are settled in Qinghe. It's just the major families living in Qinghe. You are still the most Hao send people to secretly inform them to run away. Remember, only with the support of the powerful and powerful clan in Hebei, can you be stable for the millennium!"

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