Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2574: False faith and justice

69, the fastest update of the East Jin Beifu!

He Lanmin beamed with joy and nodded: "I'm going now. Also, Shao'er should be there soon, and I will also arrange follow-ups."

Heipao nodded: "Go, I'll take care of other things."

When He Lanmin's figure also disappeared, the black robe's eyes fell on Tuobagui's corpse on the ground. He shook his head gently: "Tuobagui, Tuobagui, I didn't want to be now. It’s going to take your life, but it’s a pity that you are smart and have to attack He Lanmin mother and son. This forced me to kill you, because He Lanmin is still useful to me."

Cui Hao's voice sounded from the tent door: "The juniors have never understood why the seniors value He Lanmin so much? Even if you kill Tuobagui, let their mother and son be in power."

The black robe smiled slightly and looked at Cui Hao, who was standing at the door, wearing leather armor and looking like a guard, and said: "This is a plan I laid out many years ago. The rebellion of the Helan Buddhism is also in this plan. For the Northern Wei Dynasty, for the Southern Swallows, and even the entire North."

Cui Hao laughed: "The predecessors had a foresight and a great deal of conspiracy. This time I used He Lanmin's hand to kill Tuobagui and got rid of this big demon, and also got rid of the handful of people hanging on the heads of the northern Han people. Li Jian, the younger generation will replace all the Han Chinese, and thank the seniors for their life-saving grace."

Heipao smiled and waved his hand: "Finally, the old man is not so noble. In other words, it is for himself. This tyrant has a heavy service and has a tyrannical temperament. He regrets helping him ascend the throne for the world. The Murong clans fought against the world and brought disaster to the world. This allowed the Northern Wei Dynasty to take over. But unexpectedly, after a group of white-eyed wolves came away, a big evil tiger came. Fortunately, it was still too time to correct this mistake with his own hands. not late."

Cui Hao nodded: "Our Cui clan also took the same look back then, and was entrusted with non-human beings. This time, with the help of seniors, we can take the life of this great demon, and it can be regarded as accumulating merit for our Cui family. It’s just that although the demon is removed, millions of Hu tribes and hundreds of thousands of ferocious Husmen are still there. This is not something we northern Hans can resist now. I don’t think Helan’s mother and son can control the situation. Ba Basong, Shu Sun Jian, and Da Xijin led their troops to attack and punish them. I am afraid that the North will fall into a new round of chaos."

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "Ahao, if you say that, you should have an idea. Why not speak frankly."

Cui Hao nodded: "Although Tuoba Shao didn't do it personally, this account will definitely be counted on He Lanmin, because everyone knows that the last person Tuobagui summoned is her, and she will let her own No matter how she composes the story of Tuoba’s assassination, no one will believe it. Everyone will assume that it is Tuoba Shao’s story of killing his father and self-reliance, imitating the story of Maudun. Hu people are brutal and barbaric, and they don’t care about this. It's a big backlash."

Heipao nodded: "That's right, Tuoba Shao will be identified as the murderer, but He Lanmin can control the Miyagi Guards, and will summon all the lords and the court officials to meet, then they will be held hostage and forced to be loyal. You have supported Li ascended to the throne, and your father should also be in it. What are you going to do?"

Cui Hao smiled and said: "It's useless. In recent years, Tuobagui is brutal and easy to kill. Everyone is in danger. The leaders and the important ministers of the DPRK have long given the tribe's soldiers and horses to their nephews and cronies, in order to be innocent. After the killing, the tribe has the power to protect itself and will not be annexed. After all, He Lanmin is no more than a woman. He does not know the affairs of the military state. He thinks that by controlling the adults, he can control the soldiers and horses of the world. In fact, I am afraid that even this The Tuoba soldiers in Miyagi might not really be driven by a few generals who were bought."

Heipao laughed: "Yes, the women don't know about military affairs. This is their fatal weakness. If they control a few generals, it is impossible to control the forbidden army in the city unless they can control their family members. However, if it is not for her Full of confidence, how could she take this last step? So, is your Cui family ready to turn to support Tuoba Si? Now we know that Tuoba Gui has sent Antong to secretly assist Tuoba. Si, do you have any contact with An Tong?"

Cui Hao shook his head: "No, even Tuobagui is top-secret about this matter. It's not that he won't be able to say it just now, but he can't just arrange an assistant from An Tong. He will inevitably leave a team completely obedient to Tuoba Sihe. Antong’s soldiers and horses, Tuoba Shao kills his father and supports himself. They will become the thieves of the world. Tuoba Si only needs to fight together, not to mention the art of war of the adults. I am afraid that even the forbidden army in the palace will turn back and take the initiative. Kill He Lanmin mother and son in order to follow the new emperor."

Heipao smiled and said: "It is indeed Kongming, Hebei. This analysis of the situation is not bad at all. Tuoba Shao's goal is too big, so I leave it to you as a credit, but He Lanmin is still useful to me. I don't want her to die. About this time."

Cui Hao frowned: "But if you want to kill Tuoba Shao, how can you keep He Lanmin?"

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "I'll deal with this matter, and I will arrange a fake death substitute. I know that your Cui family is ready to earn the name of loyalty again this time and win the respect of the world. At the same time, UU reads books. www.uukanshu.com can also win the trust of the future emperor Tuobasi, but you still need another person."

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Cui Hao was a little surprised: "Who?"

Heipao smiled slightly: "When the time comes to punish Tuoba Shao and expose his father-killing crime, it is best to have a personal certificate."

Cui Hao's eyes lit up: "Senior, mean ten thousand people?"

Hei Pao smiled and nodded: "In this matter, in fact, this humble little person played a role in tandem. According to the custom of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Hu people like to accept the father's concubine, if Tuoba Si becomes the throne, he may be Continue to accept her as a concubine and try to make this happen. This is related to the future wealth of your Cui family."

Cui Hao laughed: "Senior is the real countless strategy. It seems that you have placed the hope of splitting the Hulu and inciting civil war on their next generation."

Heipao said with a stern face: "The Han family is unfortunate, the Jin family is incompetent, and the North has fallen into Hu Chen for a hundred years. Although I am an outsider, I can't bear to see this situation lasting forever, but now the Han people are weak, especially The army is not strong enough to fight against the Hulu army who entered the Central Plains. Only letting them consume themselves is the solution to them, but if the means are too aggressive, like Ran Min and Zhu Hu’s attack, it will suffer the Han people. So I can’t rush for the moment. When Tuobasi takes the throne, he can imitate the story of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, let the Hu Ren and the Han family jointly raise it, and then stir up internal fighting and consume their strength. In less than 20 years, the strength and weakness will be easy. However, the Han family headed by your Cui family will regain control of the military and even incorporate some defeated Hulu as their own army. This is the bright road for your future, but if there is a successful day, don’t forget I will do it."

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