Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2575: After 3 steps

Cui Hao salutes sternly, with a tuck in his waist: "If there is a day in the words of the predecessors, then I am the Cui family, and I will be grateful for the kindness of the predecessors and set up a temple to worship. And the predecessors’ needs, we Cui also will do everything. ."

Hei Pao smiled and nodded, and pointed to the hole behind him: "Thousands of people are in that hole right now. At the end of the corner of the tunnel we entered, she is sleeping there. The rest is up to you. The decision is made, good luck to you, oh, yes, please don't be too loyal this time. Tuoba Shao is cruel and tyrannical. If you confront him face-to-face and kill him directly, then you will lose out. "

Cui Hao smiled slightly: "We know what to do, seniors leave."

As he said, he jumped into the hole, and the black floor suddenly closed, and soon disappeared.

The long black robe breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the carpet on the other side: "Come out."

The carpet moved slightly, and Tao Yuanming emerged from under the carpet, patting the dust on his body, while spitting out a reed tube in his mouth, and smiled: "Master is the real master, even Tuobagui. The overlord of the north is also dead and soul dying between talking and laughing, but Tu'er has always been very strange. This is inconsistent with your original plan to let Tuobagui kill Tuoba Shao mother and son, and then wield an army to attack Nanyan. what."

The black robe hooked the corners of his mouth: "The situation has changed. I originally wanted Tuobagui to slaughter Qinghe County to arouse the resistance of the northern Han people to divide the Northern Wei Dynasty. Unexpectedly, this guy didn't give Wu Shi San his brain. Confused, he was able to set up a bureau in reverse to see who would approach 10,000 people and spy on his whereabouts. This shows that he has suspected me. In the account just now, he is also ready to take action and may attack me at any time. Actually The situation is very dangerous. If it weren’t for his attention to me, ignoring Cui Hao on the ground, I’m afraid that my plan would be ruined. For a moment, I even wanted to call you to help me. ."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "After all, Tuobagui is born with supernatural power and has a high martial arts, so he really wants to do it arbitrarily. He may not be able to quickly kill him. It is the master who has a long way to go and arranged Cui Hao early. I think Tuobagui will count. I have done a ghost, and I will not be convinced."

Hei Pao sneered: "He Lanmin and Cui Hao both have their own abacus. Needless to say, He Lanmin is that Cui Hao, huh, also doing the Cui family can rely on the prestigious leader of the northern Han family. What a dream. This person always has ambitions and greed that are inconsistent with his status. Even though it is ridiculous to outsiders, he is caught in it without knowing it."

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "The Cui family, the Lu family, and the Zheng family, these giants in the north, have been aware of the current affairs for a hundred years, and returned to the Hulu to protect themselves. The Hu people can govern the country without their support, but they cannot have their own soldiers and horses. , Otherwise it would have been wiped out a long time ago. However, the Cui family actually has the idea of ​​the Huren soldiers, I really want to see how they can use the tribe as a unit and only loyal to their own tribe adults. It is already there!"

Heipao sighed: "You don't have to rush to laugh at them. In fact, what the Cui family thinks, may not be unsuccessful. Just like Na Yu Liqian, as the leader of the tribe, he threw the lower crowd and lived with the Han people. The tribal model is Used on the grassland, because the living environment on the grassland is harsh, only a group can survive, a single tent cannot survive, but in the Central Plains, farming is the main thing, which makes it possible to split up and work on its own. The Cui family advised class farmers. Sang's ability can also stand on his own. If he really has a title and title, he might not be able to attract some Hu people to join him."

Tao Yuanming's expression changed: "Master means that they have the possibility of success?"

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "Things are man-made, just like when Xie Xuan formed the Beifu Army, who would have thought that Liu Yu could have today? No matter how we calculate, it is impossible to count all the accidents and variables into it, so we need to adapt to changes. No matter what kind of unexpected situation arises, we must make corresponding changes in order to strive for the best results for ourselves."

Having said this, he paused: "This time the response is to take the initiative to get rid of Tuobagui when Tuobagui is suspicious of me. Then He Lanmin forcefully sets up Tuoba Shao to usurp the throne and Cui Hao and others. Li Tuo Ba Si's counterattack is a two-handed move to deal with this change, and before I return to the north, I need a third move. This is why I am looking for you."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "I would like to ask for instructions on what the master wants to do with his disciple."

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "I need you to bring He Lanmin to Murong Lan intact, and Murong Lan can handle the next thing."

Tao Yuanming's face changed slightly: "Master, I really don't understand the meaning of your doing this. In my opinion, the apostle He Lanmin has completed her mission. UU reading www.uukanshu.com doesn't need to stay anymore. Her goal is too big, but the murderer of the king, the kings and ministers of the Northern Wei Dynasty will not let her go in the future."

Hei Pao sneered: "You will understand the purpose of my move in the future, but now, it is not convenient to disclose. He Lanmin looks inconspicuous now, and even has no use value, but in my plan, she will It is a key member to reverse the overall trend of the world in the future. Just like Liu Tingyun, when I asked you to save her, you would have thought that she could have such a huge energy?"

Tao Yuanming nodded thoughtfully and said: "I understand Master's teachings like this. He Lanmin was to the Northern Wei Dynasty, just like Liu Tingyun was to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Such a vicious and clever woman can disrupt the entire world. If He Lanmin Fleeing to Nanyan, if Tuoba Si succeeded in ascending the throne, he would have the excuse and motivation to send troops to attack the Yanyan, and he would probably meet Liu Yu's Northern Expeditionary army head-on. In this way, the collision between Wei and Jin will officially unfold. I am afraid that is the result that Master really wants."

Hei Pao nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, Tuobagui and Liu Yu, after all, have the meaning of Agan, and it is precisely because of this that they have retained a minimum of rationality, and no large-scale conflict occurred when the conditions were not available. So, I want to create a reason for the conflict between the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Originally, I wanted Nan Yan to play such a role, but it was a pity that Murong Lan betrayed me and did not execute my orders, so I had to find another way. Now I have to go to Nan Yan to take care of the next step. He Lanmin’s affairs are only left to you. Remember, bring He Lanmin to Nan Yan and give it to Murong Lan. You don’t need to ask more about other things. After that, think of a way to go back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty and compile a statement about your whereabouts during this period of time. Liu Muzhi is looking for your whereabouts."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Yes!"

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