Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2576: Fabricate an excuse to control the ban

69, the fastest update of the East Jin Beifu!

Tao Yuanming sternly bowed his hands and said, "Yes, the subordinates will do it."

He turned around and walked out of the tent. The black robe's voice sounded behind him: "Yuanming, we have always trusted you, but because Muronglan and He Lanmin have selfishness, you know what the ending is now. , You are a smart person, you should know what to do, what you can do, and what you can do without thinking about it.

Tao Yuanming didn't look back, and said calmly: "Master's teachings, Yuanming has been in his heart since he was a child, and dare not forget it for a moment. This time, Yuanming is not familiar with things in the north, so he can only follow Master's instructions. It's just Helan Min If you refuse to leave your son to escape, what should your subordinates do?"

There was a cruel smile at the corner of Heipao's mouth: "How affectionate Murong Lan is, He Lanmin is so unfeeling. In order to survive, she will never hesitate to sacrifice anyone, including her own son. In the end, you don’t have to persuade her, she will also beg you to take the escape. I am afraid that you will have many opportunities to deal with each other in the future. Through this time, you two apostles will increase your understanding, which is not bad for you."

Tao Yuanming turned around and bowed and walked out of the big account. Hei Robe turned his head and looked at Tuobagui's corpse on the ground, with an intriguing smile at the corner of his mouth.

Three hours later, Miyagi, Liangyi Hall.

Tuoba Shao was sweating profusely, his eyes were blood red, and his body was fully clothed. Sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes rested on Tuobagui's corpse in front of him, and his hands on the hilt of the sword were shaking slightly. .

He Lanmin was also already dressed in leather armor, dressed up as a female general, with a stunning face, murderous. She looked at the four or five in the hall who bowed their heads and said nothing, but they were sweaty generals, and said in a deep voice, "What are you afraid of? The first emperor has passed away, and he is an assassin of the Tuoba Si faction. The top priority now is to control the situation in the city, and then support the new king as the throne. The country cannot be ruled for a day, and the time to test your loyalty is here!"

A general named Haram, the general guarding the gate of the Liangyi Palace, gritted his teeth and looked up and said: "But, but the concubine Helan, your Majesty was assassinated like this. I will not be there. Press Dawei. The law is a duty of offense and must be sentenced to capital punishment unless the murderer can be found to be self-acting. Did you really see who the assassin was?"

He Lanmin said fiercely: "Of course, that assassin is Yu Suwen! From beginning to end, it was Tuobasi's conspiracy. He had been in collusion with the surname Yu. During the day, he deliberately angered Your Majesty. Then at night, he asked People brought letters and wanted to ask for your majesty’s forgiveness. Your Majesty was soft-hearted and read his old feelings. He was willing to see him, but he didn't expect that this dog would be handed down to his majesty!"

Haram's face suddenly became full of righteous indignation, and he rolled up his sleeves: "This dog thief is so frantic, he only hates that I am not by your Majesty's side at the time and cannot protect him, otherwise..."

When he said this, he suddenly thought of something, frowned, and his voice became hesitant: "It's just this Yu Liqiong, how could he find your Majesty? Who passed the letter again? I'm waiting to think. It's not easy to see your Majesty, how can he..."

He Lanmin sneered and said, "Do you know why Yu Lixi took the initiative to conceal his identity and got into the palace at this time? It's because he and Tuobasi behind him found the loopholes in your Majesty!"

This time even Tuoba Shao was refreshed: "Mother, what do you say?"

He Lanmin said solemnly: "The reason why Yu Lixiong abandoned the tribe and ran to mix with the Han people was not because of what he said during the day that His Majesty violated his oath, but because Yu Lixi had been making good friends with Tuoba Si. I have received a lot of attention from the Dugu tribe before, and that Concubine Liu Gui has some relatives with him, so Tuoba's mother and son, through Antong’s connection, secretly tied to Li Zeng, and wanted to attract foreign aid, precisely because of Antong and Yu Libian. With the persuasion of these important ministers in front of your majesty, your majesty will establish Tuobasi as the prince, and according to my Dawei's rules, kill mother and raise son!"

Tuoba Shao suddenly realized: "It turned out to be their strength. I know that An Tong and Tuoba Si are close to each other, but I didn't expect that this Yu Liqi, who looks like an old man, actually wants to follow the dragon."

He Lanmin sneered and said: "Originally, as a servant tribe, it is impossible for the tribe to have the opportunity to enter the center of power, but over the years, your majesty has killed many arrogant and disagreeable generals and chiefs. This makes Yu Lixi feel that He had a chance. But his tribe was loyal to Wei and refused to follow him. He failed to win over a few generals, afraid of leaks, so he took the initiative to escape, and he didn't count it, Tuoba Si It's an unbelievable waste. He hates the emperor father because of his mother's death and scolds the first emperor. An Tong sees that the situation is not good, and quickly escapes with Tuoba Si, and at the same time secretly order Yu Liqi to start his sinful plan!"

Tuoba Shao gritted his teeth: "But, how did they assassinate the emperor father? The emperor is so wise and martial, even if Yu Lizhen fights face to face with him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't succeed. Not to mention, let alone the whereabouts of Emperor Father, no one has ever been able to grasp!"

He Lanmin said bitterly: "We have all underestimated Antong. This old thief has always been a source of intelligence, and he can inquire about things that others can't inquire about. Yu Lizhen left the tribe for one reason, but for the second purpose. More importantly, it is to find a family!"

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

All the people present asked in unison: "Who?!"

He Lanmin looked at one side of the screen coldly: "You said, who are they looking for?"

Several guards walked out with the haggard tens of thousands of people. Her face was full of scars. At first glance, she was severely tortured. When Tuoba Shao saw her, his expression immediately changed: "Ten thousand, You, how could you be like this?!"

Ten thousand people cried and said: "King Qinghe save me, I really, I really don't know anything."

He Lanmin sternly said: "Bitch, shut up, your majesty's death, you can't get rid of your relationship at all. It can even be said that he died because of you. Now in front of the generals, why don't you call it soon?!"

Thousands of people knelt down, sobbing, and said: "The little girl is from Qinghe County. She entered the palace three years ago. Your Majesty, Your Majesty has great grace for the little girl. Let the little girl be responsible for daily living arrangements. But, but Just yesterday, the little girl saw and saw the little girl’s family!"

Halam said solemnly: "According to the Great Wei Law, people entering the palace must not disclose the whereabouts of their family members at will, and family members are not allowed to come to visit. How did you see your family?"

Thousands of people cried: "Little girl, little girl saw my brother standing next to Yu Lixi in the square yesterday. My name is Lu, and he is the only relative in our family!"

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