Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2581: Taking hostages and guarding spirits

Pa Basong's face changed drastically, he knelt down and said, "Madam, the minister never has any idea of ​​imaginary king and real power. The minister just hopes that you and the king can respect the rules of the grassland. This rule was formed over thousands of years. , It’s not that one or two of us can go against it, even if the wise **** Wu Ru Xiandi, we can’t..."

He Lanmin said sharply: "Enough, as I said just now, it is because your Majesty cares about these old feelings, old rules, and can't cut the mess with a knife. This is the disaster of today. The grasslands are loose by nature and do not obey. I don't know there are big sweats. , Da Shanyu, only knows the head of the tribe, so the tribe fights and kills, and even sweat can't stop it. Is this the right thing? Now that we enter the Central Plains, the emperor should look like an emperor, and we should say no two , If you can only rely on the masters of the various ministries to control the various ministries, then it is not the emperor, at most it is only a Zhou emperor, this is not the result that your majesty wants to establish Dawei!"

   Da Xijin also knelt down: "Madam, Nanping has no intention of this. He just wants to say that it will take time for everyone's conceptual consciousness to turn over, and can't..."

He Lanmin sneered and said: "Since you call him Duke Nanping, instead of being a master, it means that you have agreed that he is the chief general of the Central Plains, and is no longer a tribal leader of the grassland. Then we have to act according to the rules of the Central Plains. Ladies and gentlemen, let you stay this time. I might as well say clearly, I am not sure which tribe was involved in this rebellion, and who colluded with the culprits. Before, everyone said that Yu Lichi was a hero of the grassland, and he was a clank. Man, but who knows that he is such a vicious traitor?!"

   pulled out and gritted his teeth: "Madam, you compare us with this thief. This is an insult to us."

He Lanmin said solemnly: "So if you want to prove your innocence, you have to speak with facts. Now that the incident has happened suddenly, the culprits may not know the current situation here. If you stay here to plan the dispatch of troops, I will let Qinghe. The emperor's imperial edict mobilizes all the troops to fight against thieves. As long as they are assembled in accordance with the edict, they are loyal to your majesty and loyal to the new monarch in the future. On the contrary, they are accomplices with the anti-thief, and the soldiers and horses must strike first!"

Wang Jian suddenly said, "Madam, it’s absolutely impossible. This tribal military system cannot be changed in a short time. Only the leaders of the tribes have the final say. Even the king’s orders cannot be mobilized. If you order this , I’m afraid that the ministries will think that the adults have been harmed by your majesty, maybe they will be forced to rebel!"

He Lanmin was taken aback for a moment, and then turned to be surprised: "How can this be possible? Does your Majesty personally dare not follow the orders? On the grassland, my Helan Department used to come to meet up without following the orders. Sending troops to your majesty to eliminate it."

Cui Hong sighed: "Madam does not know anything. The Helan Ministry had been exposed for a long time, and the correspondence with the enemy was intercepted by His Majesty early in the morning, and secretly presented to the adults of other ministries. This matter was my personal experience back then, so All ministries dispatched troops and horses to defeat the rebel Helan Tribe, and even the Helan Guards, who did not follow Helan Lu's conspiracy, also attacked them. This is different from today's situation."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "I don't believe it. It's not in the grassland that year. Wei has been in the country for many years. Your Majesty can mobilize one hundred thousand cavalry within a few days at any time. You don't need such a troublesome thing. No matter what you say, don't expect me now. I let you go back. Please stay here for a few days. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Tuobasi and Antong these thieves, please let us know immediately. As for the transfer of troops, there is the Yuxi of the Great Wei here. I will issue an edict under the name of the first emperor, and I also ask the adults to revise the book to the relatives of the tribe, so that they can take loyalty and send troops to respond early."

   Ba Ba Song and others looked at each other, shook their heads, and could only salute at the same time: "Oh, yes."

He Lanmin looked at Cui Hong, and said in a slow tone: "The adults and generals of the Xianbei tribe are temporarily planning to discuss the thieves, and this court is functioning normally, and the Lord Lao Baima presided over. This time the lord saved me. , I also cracked the culprit’s conspiracy, and made great contributions. After I have cracked all the culprits, I will definitely play the new monarch and seek rewards for your Cui family."

   Cui Hao said quickly: "Madam, be loyal to the country in a humble duty and do not ask for anything in return."

Cui Hong said sternly: "Mrs. Helan, the people inside and outside the hall are panicked after such a big incident, and the army needs food, grass, and weapons. I have to do a lot of things. According to the Xianbei tradition, I am catching the murderer. Before, King Qinghe was not suitable for funerals, and King Qinghe should not be enthroned. Now he is the only son of the first emperor in the city. Due to the customs of filial piety and Tuoba, he needs to keep the spirit for seven days. Please also King Qinghe can condescend and accompany him. Emperor Xian, I believe that the spirit of the Emperor Xian will be blessed a lot."

   He Lanmin's face changed slightly: "What, Shao'er should guard the spirit now for seven days? Then who will preside over the thief?"

Cui Hong looked at He Lanmin and said, "This is the rule of the Tuoba tribe for many years. When the old man passes away, no matter what the big thing, it can't affect the seven-day guard. Also, for you, madam, it's best. It’s good to accompany the spirit guard. According to your majesty’s decree, if you want to be promoted to the queen mother in the future, you will also need to follow the Tuoba Ministry’s system to guard the spirit and pay homage to the emperor if you are disrespectful."

   He Lanmin said sharply: "Cui Hong, what do you mean by UU reading www.uukanshu.com, do you want to bury the first emperor?"

Cui Hong shook his head: "The minister had no intention of this, but the Tuoba Department had such a rule for many years. For the concubines who disrespect the heroic spirits of the first emperor, they would voluntarily be buried. Moreover, if the Qinghe King became emperor, he would kill his mother and son before his death. The rules may also be detrimental to you. If you can't accompany your Majesty and King Qinghe at this time, I'm afraid that the world will be lavish and difficult to block in the future."

   He Lanmin bit his lip tightly, his eyes gleaming, Tuoba Shao whispered: "Mother concubine, should you put them back first and make a compromise?"

He Lanmin shook his head: "Let them go back at this time. If they join forces to attack us, our mothers will be over. No matter, the guardian will last for seven days. I don't know the whereabouts of Tuobasi anyway, so I just sent someone to go. Probe."

Having said this, He Lanmin looked at Cui Hong and said solemnly: "Bai Ma Gong, what you said is very reasonable, and Shaoer and I prayed for the emperor's spirit for seven days. In these seven days, I also ask you all to hurry up and gather your troops. I also ask Cui Shangshu to find out more about the whereabouts of the thieves, search for their comrades in the city, and offer a huge reward for buying. Within seven days, I hope that the heads of the three thieves, together with 10,000 people, can be here to pay tribute to the heroic spirits of the first emperor! "

   Cui Hong has a long waist: "The heroic spirit of the first emperor will surely bless us to eliminate the real murderer and return the world to peace!"


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