Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2582: Questions and Answers about Mother and Child

(There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals come forward!)

Remember in one second [pen ÷ fun ♂ music]

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Three days later, Heicheng, Miyagi, and Liangyi Hall. This former hall of court discussions has now been set up as a mourning hall. Tuobagui’s body is draped all over, as if he was dressed in battle when he was alive. He looked peaceful, as if he was asleep, with his hands standing on the The giant sword is lying among the flowers. This is the old ritual of the Tuoba family. The samurai wears this attire before going out for funerals, but this time, according to the rules of the Central Plains, they have to go so far. Tuoba Shao and He Lanmin's mother and son dressed in heavy filial piety, kneeling and sitting in front of Tuobagui's corpse. There was a brazier in front of the two of them. From time to time, they put paper money in it, or they used fire sticks to stir up the ashes. , More than a hundred adults from various ministries who were called into the palace a few days ago, now they are also wearing linen and filial piety, crying below, and that Wang Jian is crying and grabbing the ground, as if he is even more than the dead man. sad. Only Ba Basong, Da Xijin, Shu Sun Jian and other powerful tribe adults sat in their seats with a sad expression. Tuoba Shao hooked the corner of his mouth. He was very sure that at this distance of dozens of steps away from the crowd, the whispered words with his mother would not be heard. He whispered: "Mother, these days We Zhang Bang searched that Tuoba Si, what news did you have?" He Lanmin calmly grabbed a handful of paper money and put it in the brazier, and whispered: "There is eyeliner in return, saying that Tuoba Si has quietly He sneaked back to the vicinity of Pingcheng, hiding in the houses in Xishanli, and Diaomin Li Dao ran for him to connect, and he wanted to seek support from all over the world." Tuoba Shao's eyes lit up: "He is looking for death. Isn’t this the murderer who killed the emperor father, he doesn’t hide at this time, would he still want to come back to seize the throne? But everyone knows of his rebellious move, we also announced the world." He Lanmin sneered: "That's why He connected the Dao Min Li Dao, everywhere said it was our slain king, he who was wronged, huh, these ignorant fools, listen to the wind is rain, they know what. However, in the eyes of these people, Tuoba Si is a In order for his mother to offend the father’s great filial son, his words are easier for people to believe. Therefore, we must not let him deceive people like this!" Tuoba Shao became a little nervous, glanced around and whispered: "Mother , Is it really the emperor you killed?" He Lanmin's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth: "Now, what do you do with this?! How did your dead ghost father treat your mother these years, don't you know?" Ba Shao's face was a little pale, and his voice was trembling: "But, but you really, really don't think about the relationship between husband and wife for so many years, just start like this?!" He Lanmin was so angry that he almost wanted to slap his son. Just when he raised his face, he realized that it was impossible. He bitterly grabbed the pole and stirred in the brazier. While stirring, he whispered: "Isn't it the trouble that you little thief caused? You and the ten thousand people Your father found out about the fornication. He wanted me to enter the palace that day because he wanted to execute both of our mothers and sons. He first detained the mother and then asked you to come. You said, in this case, I won’t do anything, we Is there still a life? He can still lie down here to receive worship. If we die, we will only be thrown out of the city to feed wild dogs, not even the whole body!" Tuoba Shao lowered ashamedly After a while, he murmured: "Mother, after this incident, can you, can you save ten thousand lives?" He Lanmin sneered: "You really like this bitch? Mother let you Approaching her, but in order to figure out your father's whereabouts, so that you can desperately in an emergency, you become the emperor, are you afraid that there will be no women?!" Tuoba Shao sighed: "She is a miserable woman, maybe, from her On the body, I can see how my mother looks like, that's why the child..." He Lanmin bit her lip and whispered: "She was involved in the assassination of your father this time. Originally, according to the mother's intention, it should be that day. Killed her to avoid extra branches, but Ba Ba Song insisted on leaving her to kill together, and they forced us to guard the spirit like this, huh, now we can’t force these old things against these old things. When you sit on the throne, your mother will be like that Nanyan Like Muronglan, kill all these old things." Tuoba Shao hooked up the corner of his mouth: "She is the daughter of Fan Yanglu's family. Maybe, if the child gets to the throne, if she is forgiven Exempting her and marrying her will ease the relationship with the Han family in Hebei, and we can't put all our hopes on the Cui family. He Lanmin nodded thoughtfully: "You kid, you have some insights. This makes sense. I originally thought that Cui Hao was directly involved in our assassination. Cui Hong would definitely be on our side, but now it seems, This old thing is very ghostly. Who can support it? Huh, these Han Chinese families don’t have a good thing. We support Lu’s women, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is also a warning to them. Well, now the most important thing is to find and kill Tuobasi and his gang. Originally, I thought that Yu Liqi would come to a duel as scheduled, so I would kill him on the spot. There was no evidence of death, but unexpectedly, he did not appear from start to finish, and he was not found in the city. It seemed that someone was still telling him about it, which was very troublesome. "Tuoba Shao was surprised: "Does anyone else know about the assassination that day?" He Lanmin waved his hand: "The wall has ears. At that time, there was a secret guard next to Tuobagui, or whether there was someone eavesdropping outside the door. Anyway, as long as Tuoba Si is taken down, Yu Liquan will not be a problem. After these few days of the watch are over, I can go out and arrange to track Tuoba Si. Humph, it’s okay if he doesn’t show up, as long as he dares to appear, he Tell him to come and go! "Tuoba Shao said excitedly: "Then the hunter Li Dao caught this time, did you find Tuoba Si's whereabouts from him?" He Lanmin sighed: "It's only a pity that Tuoba Si ran away a few hours later, and he didn't know if he was still near Pingcheng." However, the unsophisticated people outside the city seemed to be protecting him intentionally, and refused to reveal his whereabouts. Humph, these useless wastes, I can’t even ask about this information. When the old lady goes out, I can’t find him. Whereabouts! "As he was talking, there was a rush of footsteps outside. Haram and his deputy Huang Taiji hurriedly arrived. Behind them, there were two soldiers who looked like soldiers, and Haram's face was full of excitement. Lulu, ignoring the sweat on his face, hurriedly bowed to Tuobagui's corpse and shouted to Helanmin: "Madam, good news, great news, the whereabouts of Tuobasi has been exposed! He Lanmin bounced off the ground all of a sudden, and rushed forward with a stride. Her voice was trembling: "Where is the culprit?" ! "

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