Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2586: Helan raises troops to summon the old people

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He Lanmin was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while, everyone's eyes were cast directly on her, half mocking, half angry, yeah, all the adults were taken hostage like this, and they were confined here in the name of Shouling , But the people from his Helan tribe fled out of the city under the leadership of his cousin He Lanhu. The news was like a heavy slap on the face, making He Lanmin feel complacent, but could not figure out how to respond.

   After a long time, He Lan Min gritted his teeth and said: "What's the matter, what does He Lan Hu want to do? Is this news accurate?"

Cui Hong nodded: "It's true. Helan guard originally took charge of the Helan tribe in the city by the will of his wife. I also opened the arsenal to give them ordnance and equipment, just like the guards in the city. Ma, but unexpectedly, just an hour ago, Helanhu suddenly left the city, saying that he was going to gather more tribes on the Monan grassland. The officer guarding the city gate wanted to stop him, and killed him on the spot with More than a thousand people just came out from the north gate like this. If it’s an ordinary thief, then I don’t need to ask my wife for instructions. I just send troops to fight against it. But Helanhu is your cousin, the current adult of the Helan tribe. , His wife still needs to show me how to deal with him!"

   He Lanmin said bitterly: "Damn, don't leave early and don't leave late, but at this time, we run away when we are about to capture Tuoba Si."

Ba Basong said solemnly: "Madam, I'm afraid Helan Hu wanted to take this opportunity to annex our ministries. As we all know, after the rebellion of the Helan tribe was settled, the tribes allocated various tribes, and more than two thousand The clansmen at the end of the household live in Pingcheng and no longer exist as tribes on the grasslands. They are also strictly guarded and not allowed to join the army."

"This time, you let Helanhu lead the tribe, take merits and sins, and patrol the outer city. I am waiting for dissatisfaction, but I can't directly oppose it. I can only let it go. Thinking of one or two thousand people, there will be no big things, but It now appears that Helan Guardian wants to use our tribes to be here, when the tribes have no heads, to gather the old Helan clan from all tribes on the grassland. Madam, you have to give us an explanation. This is Is your will, or Helan's personal protection?!"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Why should I make such a fuss? I have Tuoba's Suwei elite soldiers in my hand. They have already controlled the situation in Pingcheng, so why should Helan protect the tribes at this time? The old part of the Helan clan? What I hope most is that he will guard the outer city for me!"

   Cui Hong looked at Ba Basong: "Mrs. Helan makes sense. From her point of view, it is impossible to hope that Helanhu will have another incident at this time. I am afraid this is Helanhu's own ambition."

Da Xijin said coldly, "Whether it’s Madam Helan’s order or Helanhu’s ambition, this has already happened, Madam, I can tell you very clearly that Helanhu wants to gather the old people. It is impossible to achieve. The former Helan tribesmen have been assigned to various tribes for many years, married and integrated, and they are no longer Helan tribesmen. No one will defect to him. Instead, they will make the tribes think that we have already suffered. Unexpectedly, you are stimulating all ministries to raise troops in advance!"

   On Helanmin’s forehead, beads of sweat began to burst out, and she murmured to herself: "No, no, Helan protects him, he is not so stupid, he will not do this!"

A rush of footsteps sounded from outside. It was Haram’s younger brother Gertu. He was sweating profusely, and he didn’t care about bowing. He just cried out: "No, Madam, King, thirty miles north of the city. The Black Mountain Beacon Tower lit up seven wolves, which is the signal of the Helan Ministry to gather people!"

He Lanmin dashed out, and at this moment he didn't even care to conceal his martial arts, a few vertical jumps jumped to the gate of the hall, looking to the north, everyone in the hall also followed out, only to see He Lanmin almost spouted blood. , And the seven rising plumes of smoke shattered her last bit of fantasy.

Ba Basong said angrily: "Mrs. Helan, you must either kill us people now, or go out of the city with us to solve the matter. Tuobasi can be arrested anytime, but if the various ministries raise troops, civil war, then Wei's world is over. In front of Emperor Xian, I tried my best to say this too! My sirs, let's go!"

As he said, he just wanted to walk down the steps, Haram hurriedly stepped forward to block, his hand was placed on the hilt, and he sternly said: "No walk, no one is allowed to walk during the guarding period. This is The rules set by the lady!"

Without a word, Da Xijin slammed Haram's face with a punch. This blow was so fast that he didn't even have time to drew his sword to fight back, so he took a few steps backwards and sat on the ground. Hearing Da Xijin's voice roared like a lion: "What would dare to be so presumptuous with us?! Do you think that even now, we people can't kill you?"

  The sentiment is fierce, all the adults present are following Ba Basong to go out, while the more than a hundred sergeants of the guards of your Royal Highness retreat, while starting to draw their swords, seeing this situation, they are about to lose control! Tuoba Shao said loudly: "Stop it all, UU reading www.uukanshu.com solitary orders you to stop!" But no one listened to him, a **** conflict was triggered.

   He Lanmin's voice suddenly sounded clearly: "Stop it all!"

The sound was not too loud, but everyone could hear clearly. Everyone stopped slowly. The sergeants and the sergeants who had been squeezed into a group in the chaos also separated. He Lanmin's eyes turned to Ba Basong. , Shen said: "Duke Nanping, are you insisting on going back to the tribe now and not guarding the emperor's spirit?"

Babasong said solemnly: "Yes, madam, the situation is out of control now. The Helan tribe is calling the old tribe and raising soldiers. This is tantamount to a declaration of war against our tribes. If we don't return to the tribe personally, the children will definitely Raise troops to attack Helan Guard, and after that, if you do nothing, you will surely raise troops to violate the ban and attack Pingcheng. Even if you kill us, you will not be able to protect yourself."

   He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Then what will you do when you return to your tribe?"

Ba Basong said sternly: "I have already expressed my attitude at the beginning and will follow the king and his wife, and now we all know that Tuoba Si is the murderer, and there is all evidence. I was planning to arrest him, but it turned out. In this matter, the great king is now the only heir of the first emperor, and Yiru is the throne. If we don’t follow him, who can we follow? Now returning to the tribe to restrain soldiers and horses and avoid mutiny is also loyal to the king and his wife."


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