Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2587: Two-pronged calculation

   Tuoba Shao blinked and said, "What about Tuoba Si, you are all gone, who is going to capture him?"

Da Xijin said coldly: "My lord, there is a priority in everything. Tuoba Si can be arrested at any time, but if there is a mutiny outside, then even if you kill Tuoba Si, this leader may not be stable! "

Tuoba Shao's expression changed and he was about to attack, but He Lanmin waved his hand to stop him, and then said solemnly to Ba Basong: "Duke Nanping, what you said is very reasonable, here I want to explain to all the adults. Let’s leave everyone here, not as hostages or wanting to annex everyone’s tribe, but just to identify the inner ghosts. In addition, to guard the spirit of the first emperor is also something that everyone must do, just as the White Horse told me that day, At this time, our mother and son are not doing the big task of hunting down the murderer, and we must also guard the spirit of the first emperor, not to mention all the loyal ministers. This is the loyalty that the first emperor must do, and it is also what we must do as human ministers."

Cui Hong nodded: "The madam is very reasonable. Pull your lord. We will guard the spirit of the first emperor. We should also send him the last journey. I hope everyone will explain this to the tribe after they go back. Don't be provoked by the traitor. Confused."

Ba Basong said sternly: "This is natural. If it were not for the loyalty of the courtiers and the friendship with the emperor for decades, I would not have been here for so many days. Now that the incident suddenly happened, the country is facing the danger of division and civil war. Even if the heroic spirit of the first emperor is on, we will definitely understand that we are now rushing back to the ministries to quell this turmoil that should not have occurred. Now we all know who the murderer is. As long as the turmoil is calmed down, we will definitely come back and pursue the murderer with all our strength. Emperor Wei Xian is in the spirit of heaven."

At this point, his words changed: "It's just that Helan guards the Dian Feng Ju Department this time, no matter what the reason is, it is no different from treason. We can prove the innocence of Madam, but we also ask Madam to be in front of justice. Don't favor favoritism, but give us an explanation. Otherwise, even if the lady avenged the first emperor, I am afraid it would be difficult to convince the public, and..."

Having said this, he looked at Tuoba Shao: "Back when the first emperor restored the country, the Helan Tribe used to make great efforts, but then Helan Lu and others were obsessed with their hearts and betrayed me, Dawei, the first emperor did not favor favoritism because of his wife, and sent troops resolutely. The crusade and rebellion have stabilized the country and convinced me and other ministries. The king is about to take the throne, and the ministers boldly speak up, be fair and convincing, and he is the hero worthy of my following."

Tuoba Shao said solemnly: "Duke Nanping's loyal words, I've written it down, don't worry, if it is really found out that Helan is defending the rebellion, then even if he is a lone relative, he will definitely be dealt with according to national law. Right, mother concubine."

He Lanmin nodded expressionlessly: "Now it is me who can stop Helan's protection. Please go back to the ministries quickly now, sirs, and restrain the people. Don't act rashly. I will go to the Black Mountain Beacon Terrace and restrain the Helan Ministry. By appearing there, the people of our Helan tribe will obey my orders, and there will be no more trouble!"

Having said this, she looked at Tuoba Shao behind her: "Sao Er, my mother must deal with the Helan tribe, but Tuoba Si and the gang must not let it go, and I think this matter is similar to Tuoba. Ba Si can't get rid of the relationship. Maybe they are like bewitching the uncle Sun Lielang and Tuoba Lielang. They tempted Helan Hu to make him commit such a big mistake. Now the Helan clan in the outer city are all out. There are not many reliable soldiers and horses in the entire outer city. I'm afraid that this group of thieves might even take the opportunity to cause chaos, or take the opportunity to escape. Now that their whereabouts are clear, you should not sit here and take the initiative to capture them."

   Tuoba Shao gave an excited high-five: "Okay, I can't stay here if I tell me to stay here at this time. I'm thinking about arresting this group of thieves personally and avenging the first emperor!"

He Lanmin frowned: "You must be very careful, Tuobasi is a treacherous man, An Tong is a treacherous old man, and Yu Liqian has the courage to be unreasonable. It is still unknown how many accomplices they have. There are no more than a thousand guards in Miyagi, and I have to set out a part to **** me and the adults back. If you reluctantly act, you may lose yourself. I think you should stay here first and stay at Miyagi until we come back. thief!"

Ba Basong nodded: "I also agree with Madam. It is too difficult to control the entire Pingcheng with more than a thousand soldiers and horses. It is a victory to hold Miyagi. After I go back, as long as the affairs of Helan tribe are settled, I will follow the order of my wife to bring troops back to Pingcheng, and then seal off the entire outer city. Tuoba Si will not be able to escape even with his wings!"

Cui Hong sternly said: "The tribes of the lords are on the grassland in the north, but the minister’s family guards more than two hundred people. They are all in the house. There are other Han cultural ministers, such as Ding Shangshu, Feng Shilang, and others. The guards of the trilogy ranging from ten to a hundred can now come to Miyagi to help defend, and they are also loyal to the country and the king."

   He Lanmin nodded in satisfaction: "Everyone's loyalty, I thank you, then we..."

  Uncle Sun Jun’s voice suddenly sounded: "Madam, if you want to capture the anti-thief Tuobasi, why do you need to send out a large army? I would like to petition!"

   He Lanmin's expression changed: "Only the two of you? Don't be kidding, even if one is Yu Lixi, you can't deal with it. Besides, you don't know where they are."

Uncle Sun Jun smiled and said: "Last time I was waiting for the culprits to surrender, they gave us the place to contact the gang. Now it’s not too late. We can just rush to the gang on the excuse of the change in the city, otherwise. , The culprits will be suspicious. Seeing that I can’t wait, thinking that I’m rebelling, maybe they’ll jump the wall in a hurry and attack Miyagi!"

   He Lanmin nodded thoughtfully, and Cui Hao beside Cui Hong suddenly said, "Madam, please take a step to speak."

He Lanmin stepped aside, and Cui Hao stepped forward two steps and said in a low voice: "Madam, it is not yet certain whether there are thieves among these adults. In case the spies are allowed to go out and inform, they may know that Miyagi's defense is empty. You will start with Miyagi, so you must either let the king take refuge temporarily, or let Shusun Jun take a few trusted and reliable guards, and follow him to Tuobasi's side, you can act by chance and stop it in one fell swoop, as long as you win Tuo Ba Si, no one else has to worry about it!"

He Lanmin nodded, looked at Haram and Gertu, and said: "Two generals, didn't you always say that you want to capture Tuoba heir and avenge the first emperor? Now the opportunity is here, dare you dare to go? !"

   Haram said without hesitation: "I can't ask for it, we will lead soldiers now..."

A cold light flashed in He Lanmin's eyes: "You bring twenty strong martial arts trusted guards to accompany your uncle Sun Lielang's trilogy, and follow him. When the time comes, you will be entangled in Li Xian, and uncle Sun Lie Lang and Tuoba Lie Lang take Tuoba Si, if the big thing is done, it will be no problem to worship the generals!"


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