Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2594: The truth is the world

Tuoba Shao shook his head in disbelief: "Why? How could this be? You, you are not my mother. My mother has trained and trained for many years of secret guards. Why, why did you betray my mother?!"

The dark guard named Narcissus sighed: "We are dark guards, but we are also human beings. We have our own family, parents and brothers, and the whole family is different from Uncle Lai. His whole family is dead, there is only one. People can have nothing to worry about, but we don’t want to live this life of fighting and killing anymore. In the past, the Helan Tribe could live independently and can control our own destiny. We are favored by the Helan Tribe, but Wei Wei After the establishment, the Helan Tribe failed to rebel and the tribes were divided among the tribes. We are no longer members of the Helan Tribe. Our family, husband, and children are no longer Helan Tribe citizens, then we can obey orders. Who is it for?"

An Tong sneered: "I have been staring at He Lanmin over the years. The old ministry she contacted is all within my grasp. Except for those who have no family like Laifu, as long as they have family members in Dawei, I have found out. To understand their whereabouts, and then educate them on the way of loyalty. You must know that it is Dawei who is raising their family now, not the Helan tribe, and He Lanmin’s ambition is to treason and cause chaos. Even these guards are not. Promise!"

Tuobasi said coldly: "On the grassland, there is no good, and the tribes kill each other. The weak depend on the powerful tribe to survive, but this kindness is also repaid by serving the tribe, fighting, and paying taxes. People used to do their best for the tribe when they were in the Helan tribe, and they are worthy of the Helan tribe. As for the part of the Helan tribe in the future, they are divided among the tribes, and they are no longer the citizens of the Helan tribe. As a dark guard, a killer, a precarious life. But He Lanmin wanted to bring them back to the dark life for the sake of his ambitions. Huh, how can this be unbeaten!"

An Tong smiled slightly: "The prince said well. In the past, the Helan Ministry relied on the family members of the secret guards to force them to serve. But we did the opposite, find their families and protect them. With the exception of individual homeless diehards like Fu, everyone else has turned allegiance to the first emperor and the prince."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tuoba Shao weakly looked at Uncle Sun Jun who was standing aside and sneered, and murmured: "Uncle Sun Jun, Tuoba Mohun, you Are the two acting with them too? Haram and Gertu..."

Shusun Jun said in a deep voice: "Our Shusun tribe has been loyal and good for generations, and Tuoba Mohun has been in the clan. How can we be a thief after receiving the great favor of the country? From the beginning of this matter, we knew it was you What the mother and son did, but we also know that the soldiers of the Forbidden Army are all loyal people. If they know the truth of the matter, they will definitely fight for the country. It’s just that the traitors like Haram have military power in their hands, and they can fight against the truth. At that time, the soldiers were ordered to slaughter Zhongliang. Therefore, we discussed with the prince, Mr. An, and the others a good countermeasures to deceive the two thieves to punish them. Only in this way can the power of the Forbidden Army be transferred to Guard Cui!"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, the guards behind him gave a promise and threw out two chubby things, the blood-stained heads of Haram and Gertu. Both of them grinned and opened their eyes. , Full of surprise and unbelief, it is conceivable that, at the last moment before their death, they will have such an expression when they know the true position of Shu Sun Jun and Tuoba Mohu, just like the Laifu fallen in a pool of blood.

Tears gleamed in Tuoba Si's eyes. Looking at Tuoba Shao, he almost bit his lips and said, "Tuo Ba Shao, until now, don't you tell the story of how you killed your father? "

   Tuoba Shao shook his head blankly: "I, I wasn't there at the time, it really wasn't me doing it."

   Yu Li Qi said angrily: "Who else can you have? Without you, who else can sneak attack on Emperor Xian?!"

   Ten thousand people suddenly said: "My sirs, you have misunderstood this Tuoba Shao about this matter. The Emperor Xian was really not killed by him. Before and after the whole incident, he was not there!"

Pa Basong raised his brows: "Thousands of people, just now you said that you heard the above situation in the underground, and you have not finished speaking. Now you are the only witness at the time. Continue to say what happened later. Yes, who is the guard who held you back?"

Ten thousand people gritted their teeth: "It is the black robe of the national teacher. He is the real murderer. I held it for him at the time and hid it underground. On the top, his Majesty and He Lanmin quarreled until the end, He Lanmin wanted to change his majesty to Lituo. Ba Shao was the crown prince. At this time, His Majesty suddenly sneered and said that he had known He Lanmin’s conspiracy a long time ago, and that she had colluded with Nanyan Muronglan and wanted to avenge the Helan tribe. He secretly informed Helan Lu and took Qinghe away in advance. The people of the county. It’s just that your majesty counts, but he didn’t count the identity of the black robe. It turned out that He Lanmin and Muronglan were all his subordinates trained by him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole thing is him. Conspiracy!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning, and Wang Jian shouted: "Yes, I always wonder if someone is missing, but I don’t Come out, today 10,000 people say that, the only one who is the national teacher’s black robe is the little one. But, isn’t this black robe the great hero who saved your Majesty in the Battle of Bai Si? He has also fortune-telled for Wei Wei many times over the years. Ji, won the trust of your majesty, why does he do such a thing?"

Ten thousand people sighed: "I don't know the specifics. I only know that I was taken by this black robe and jumped out of the hole. Your Majesty asked the black robe to check He Lanmin's whereabouts. When the black robe first went out, he pretended The action restrained He Lanmin, and this Majesty completely trusted him. He originally wanted to execute He Lanmin himself, but unexpectedly, the black robe and He Lanmin attacked his Majesty at the same time, and He Lanmin fell to the ground and stabbed his majesty with the sword. It is the fatal wound of your majesty!"

   Everyone was angry, crying and howling. At this time, they all thought they knew the truth thoroughly, but Wan Wan and Cui Hao casually looked at each other, and at the same time a weird smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Tuoba Shao suddenly thought of something, and sternly said: "Wait, where was Cui Hao at that time? If this black robe and my mother killed the emperor father according to what you said, it should be murder and eloquence, why did you stay? Next you two..."

Cui Hao sneered: "Because Heipao and your mother need someone to fabricate a lie for them, fabricate the story that your Majesty was killed by General Yu, so as to plant the blame and put the crime of killing the king on the Crown Prince and An Your lord, General Yu and them!"

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