Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2595: Brotherhood

Cui Hao’s voice was full of anger, echoing in the square: "At that time, I was on duty outside the palace with other brothers, but I suddenly felt dizzy. After waking up, I found myself in the palace. Your Majesty was dead. He Lanmin was taking a blessing to force people to recite these confessions. Later, they also used the same method to force me to say this, to lie for them, threatening me to kill my whole family if I didn’t say so, and at the same time to trick me Once Tuoba Shao ascends the throne, I will reuse my Cui family, huh, if I said nothing at the time, I would have died long ago. How can I live to the day when I expose your lies and avenge the first emperor?!"

He gritted his teeth and said: "The first emperor was unfortunate and mistakenly believed in a traitor. He was murdered by the evil thief He Lanmin and the **** He Lanmin. Now the truth is clear. The black robe has always wanted to cultivate immortals and ask questions, and he needs the Lord Wei to give him. To provide convenience, some of your Majesty’s actions in the last few years were also harmed by the pill that this black robe put in. Your majesty’s martial arts have won the world. If it weren’t harmed by drugs, how could the black robe and He Lanmin hurt him?"

Tears gleamed in Tuoba Si's eyes: "It's a pity that the hero of the Father I ended up like this. Fortunately, he arranged for Amber and General Yu to help me early, so that I was not accused of being planted by an adulterer. Tuoba Shao , Since childhood, you have been stubborn and cause troubles. I think about brother brotherhood, I have treated you a lot, and even received a lot of punishment for you in front of your father, but I did not expect that you do not think about brotherhood. That's it, even father and son have to violate the relationship between father and son, in order to ascend to the throne, and even stand for father killing, the world is so big, how can there be something inferior to you!

Tuoba Shao closed his eyes, the giant sword in his hand was placed on his neck, and he murmured: "Nothing, the matter is over, I have nothing to say, my mother killed the emperor, but the reason is not you. What he said was just for power. For so many years, how the father and concubine bullied his mother and concubine, you all know that that day, he used to excuse the mother and concubine to go to Nanyan to counter the failure of the Helan Ministry and attribute the fleeing of the Qinghe people to the incident. On the head of the mother concubine, if you want to kill her, the mother concubine will fight back and protect herself. You civil and military generals, you are not as courageous as a woman, you kill the father and the emperor, and no one dares to resist. Today, my great cause is unsuccessful and dead And no regrets, if there is another life, I will fight for the emperor! No one in this world has the right to judge me Tuoba Tao, I'll go to your grandma's god!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   As he said, he slammed the sword, and a **** arrow gushed out, splashing Tuoba Si all over his body.

   Tuobasi's mouth twitched, and he murmured: "Father, have you seen it? Your grievances have finally been washed away!" 攫欝攫欝巘戅巘戅

   Wang Jian roared: "Da Wei's loyal ministers, chaotic courtiers and thieves, everyone can eat meat and bones. Such great rebels, if you don't eat them raw, how to prove our loyalty, everyone!"

As he said, he took the lead and rushed to Tuoba Shao's body, rushed to his body, bit down hard, "hissed" a piece of meat from his thigh, and even gnawed him alive. As soon as his throat moved, he swallowed it directly, and his mouth was full of blood, and he laughed and said: "The flesh of the thief, eat it, it's too **** hatred!"

Hundreds of civil servants and generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty, as well as the guards they brought, all gritted their teeth and rushed forward with blood-red eyes. Tuoba Shao, Laifu, and more than a dozen of the bodies of the Helan Guards who had just killed the spot. Suddenly, it was like a lamb screaming at a pack of wolves. The scene was indescribably **** and mad. These rulers of the Northern Wei Dynasty, now all incarnate into tigers and hungry wolves, eating live people here and chewing. The flesh of these people seems to be eating some worldly delicacies, even if it is broad daylight, under the sky, this crazy and cruel behavior is enough to scare people to pee.

An Tong retrieved the black giant sword from the crowd and handed it to Tuoba Si. Tuoba Si sighed and returned the sword to An Tong, saying: "The father has this giant sword and will fight the world. But in the end he couldn't end well. Tuoba Shao was also superstitious about this sword, thinking that he could win the world by holding it, and ended up in such a fate. As soon as the sword was used, it would kill people and shed blood, and it would be difficult for the sword holder to control his own character. Master An, let this sword be buried with the father, and don't appear in the world again."

An Tong smiled slightly, put away the giant sword, and said: "The first emperor really did not misunderstand the wrong person. His Royal Highness has a kind heart, and he will be a generation of benevolent monarchs. Now Tuoba Shao has been killed, and He Lanmin has not been arrested, what should I do now? Please also show me the prince."

A light flashed in Tuoba Si's eyes, watching that he did not participate in the crazy gnawing, but stood on the side, silently Ba Ba Song, Shu Sun Jun, Da Xi Jin and others, said: "This time In order to avoid extra-junctions, we deliberately opened He Lanmin with a plan and asked her to go to the Black Mountain Beacon Tower. Now she is afraid that she will know about the city soon. Everyone said, what will she do next?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Ba Basong looked at An Tong and said, "Did Mr. An buy the people of the Helan tribe and take He Lanmin?"

An Tong shook his head: "No, those people are different. The families of these secret guards are in various ministries ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. They have instigated and controlled me a long time ago, but the Helan clan people at the Beacon Tower in Black Mountain , But they have been gathering together in the name of the Helan Tribe. Those people are loyal to Helan Min, but I’m afraid they won’t turn to the sellers for glory like these Helan Tribe secret guards. Therefore, now we need to assemble the soldiers and horses of the Helan Tribes and make surprise attacks. Black Mountain Beacon Tower, kill He Lanmin, this culprit has killed us for decades, and she must not be allowed to continue to be at ease!"

  Ba Basong and Yu Liqian looked at each other and said, "Lao Yu, we haven't killed the enemy side by side for several years."

Yu Lixi gritted his teeth: "This time I will avenge my eldest brother. If you don't let me go, I won't close my eyes when I die. Now my tribe is not around. I can only follow you. Let me be the vanguard instead of killing He Lanmin. , Swear not to be a man!" 厺厽's literature bxwx.co 厺厽

Ba Basong laughed and said to a giant around him: "Abogan, you will go with General Yu. The two thousand fine knights who pull out fat are already on standby outside the North City Gate. You go first, I Then the imperial army rushed there, hoping to see you again, He Lanmin's head is already in your hands."

Yu Liyi and Abogan laughed and left, Da Xijin and Eqing, Qiu and the same powerful generals, as well as Shusun Jun and Tuoba Mohun and others also bowed. Soon, except for those who were still cheating The loyal adults and generals, on the square, only Tuobasi, An Tong and Cui Hong and his sons, as well as the tens of thousands who were guarded by several guards on the side of the carriage, were waiting for their departure.

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