Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2670: Beheading the battle is ruthless

Heipao respectfully accepted this Shangfang sword, raised it aloft, and said in a deep voice: "Every general is optimistic, this sword is a sword bestowed by the emperor. Seeing that the sword is like a face emperor, there is a violation of military orders, and the author is weak. , This handsome will not be amnesty."

All the generals looked awe-inspiring. This time, they knew that the black robe had already obtained the Shangfang sword and could cut it first and then play it. Anything that relied on old qualifications, status in the tribe, and prestige came from its actions, could not be tolerated. Because of the cruelty and ferocity of the black robe, there will be any violation of the order in this battle, for fear of losing his life.

With this mindset, all the generals of the Yan army salute, and there is no longer the usual pride and arrogance. The black robe nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Return to the defeated general, Gongsun. Be on it!"

More than a dozen sergeants, pushing a five-flower tie, and a blood-stained man walked up to the city. This man was disheveled and depressed. Isn't it the striker Tuqiang Master General Gongsun returning? At this moment, he, how can there be an hour ago arrogance? With arrogance, as soon as he saw Murongchao and Heipao, he knelt down and knocked his head like garlic: "The sin will return Gongsun, he will bear the trust of your majesty, and violate the military order of the national division, come and take the crime!"

Murong Chao said coldly: "Gongsun Gui, now this is the battlefield. The national division is the commander of the army. I have already given him the saber of the emperor. All the former soldiers and soldiers, according to the military law, you will not be able to repay your sin ten times.

Gongsun suddenly knelt down on the fifth floor with a "pump" and cried: "Your Majesty, Marshal, although my eldest brother is guilty, he used to fight for Dayan in the south and north. He has made great achievements this time because the Jin army was too cunning. , Setting up such an ambush, he will be in the midst of the trick. We Xianbei soldiers have always been brave and fearless. Seeing the chaos and collapse of the enemy army, we only want to chase and kill the fleeing enemy, seize the enemy’s equipment, and the terminal general is incompetent and can only I ordered a chase, but unexpectedly caught the enemy’s ambush. I also ask your Majesty to recite his past merits and give him a chance to make meritorious deeds. I am willing to give half of my subordinates to the command of my elder brother. He will surely be ashamed. Yong, revenge and hate!"

Murong Chao nodded. This is the usual routine of Xianbei generals. After defeating the battle, they interceded with each other, borrowed other people’s soldiers and horses to recover the loss. When Gongsun spoke on the fifth floor, the generals all knelt down and started. Plead for Gongsungui, because everyone knows that although Gongsun's fifth floor will not fight, he is the number one courtier in front of Murongchao, a celebrity, and pleads for his eldest brother to avoid death. Basically, there is no doubt that it will succeed. Heipao didn't need to have trouble with his apprentice's brother. At this time, begging for love, the emperor and Heipao agreed. This kind of scene has been staged countless times before.

Murongchao looked at the black robe and was about to speak, but he said coldly: "Gongsungui, where is General He Shenggai? Where is General Yi Fusheng? Where is your five thousand Tuqi?"

Gongsungui broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly said: "General Hesheng took the lead in the assault. I wanted to respond to him before leading the army into the enemy, but I didn’t expect it to be a sneak attack by the enemy, and General Yifu retreated in order to cover the army. After I personally broke, I made a **** road to come back. The two generals, I'm afraid they have already died for the country, and my five thousand soldiers were also killed by the jin thief."

Hei Pao said gloomily: "As the coach, I don’t talk about whether you violated my general order or the crime of lax restraint of your subordinates. I only say that our Dayan military law. The coach needs to charge forward and cover behind. Everyone here can see clearly that if you run for your own life, do not organize counterattacks, do not organize cover, you are fleeing alone, even with a big axe, slashing and killing the soldiers around you, just to prevent people from affecting your escape. B General Fu died in the battle behind to cover you. As the commander in chief, you were throwing down and saving yourself with the lives of soldiers. With this alone, it is impossible to forgive your sin!"

Gongsungui was so frightened that he quickly threw himself to the ground, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Marshal, the final will convict you, and please read the merits of the past and give the final a chance."

Gongsun also stepped forward on the fifth floor and hugged the legs of the black robe, crying: "Guo Shi, please give my eldest brother a chance. I am willing to use all my officials in exchange for his life!"

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The black robe kicked Gongsun's fifth floor aside, and said sharply: "Gong is gong, and passing is passing. The previous credits have been rewarded and cannot be used as a basis for avoiding death this time. If it's all like you, rely on it. You can disobey the orders with the previous merits, greedy life and fear death, then I will destroy the army and the country in this battle of Dayan! Gongsun Gui, you do not listen to the commander's orders, do not restrain your subordinates, do not organize resistance when you are in a heavy siege, take the lead Fleeing, now I'm here again to lie to the military, wanting to deceive the generals, any crime in UU Read www.uukanshu.com is a capital crime. If you don't kill you, why do you do justice to the military? If you don't kill you, how can you calm the army?!"

As he said, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the emperor sword pierced out and plunged directly into Gongsungui's heart. His heavy armor could not stop a stab of the sword. When the black robe drew the sword quickly , The blood arrow burst out, and Gongsun Gui muttered: "What a fast sword!" On the fifth floor, Gongsun let out a mournful cry, stepped forward and hugged Gongsungui's corpse, crying bitterly.

Suddenly, even Murong Chao's golden armor was splashed with a few drops of blood. He couldn't help but change his face, and said in surprise: "Guo Shi, you, why are you doing this yourself?"

The black robe coldly returned the sword into its sheath, and said in a deep voice: "Gongsun Gui is a general and an important minister after all. To kill him, he must be killed with the sword of the emperor, with the upright military method, to recite his old merits and give him the whole body, if Then there are people who think that they can take credit for pride, fail to comply with military orders, and do not fight hard, then this Gongsun will be his fate!"

All the generals did not dare to hesitate a little, all of them saluted and promised.

Heipao looked at Gongsun who was still crying on the fifth floor, and said coldly: "Fifth floor, don't blame this handsome, if this battle is lost, all of us will become Liu Yu's ghosts, and your big brother will run away. Throwing the lower part, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have witnessed it with their own eyes. If you don’t kill him, why can you put your mind on the army? I will keep his whole body, and you can take him back for a thick burial after the war. If you win this battle, I will play your majesty. Treat your eldest brother as a war dead soldier, and listen, this time you can divide half of the credit for your subordinates to your eldest brother. Just treat it as earning an official title for your elder brother's two children."

Gongsun wiped his tears on the fifth floor, stood up, gritted his teeth and said: "It is Liu Yu who killed my eldest brother, the thief, I am not in harmony with him, handsome, I am waiting for your order to avenge my elder brother! "

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