Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2671: Take advantage of the enemy

Heipao smiled slightly, patted Gongsun's shoulder on the fifth floor, and said: "Very good, fifth floor, you are now leading the infantry to attack and squatting with the enemy frontally. You will be given 30,000 elite soldiers. You don't want to break the enemy, as long as you can be in front. Just stay with the enemy."

Gongsun said in surprise on the fifth floor: "Fight the infantry front with the Beifu army? Can it work?"

After experiencing this battle, all the Yan army has seen the combat effectiveness of the Beifu army, especially the slaughter-like killing of five thousand forwards, which makes everyone feel chills. After all, these robbers came from the Nanyan Military Academy. , And they are all veterans who have fought for a lifetime, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance, this hour makes them have to admire, this time they are facing, but the world's strongest players have never encountered a powerful enemy!

Hei Pao nodded and said calmly: "The Northern Army is indeed a strong enemy, but they still have weaknesses. Our biggest advantage in this battle, in addition to armored equipment, lies in the number of soldiers. General Gongsun, I will give you The infantry is not a temporarily recruited peasant army, but the elite of Linqu City and Shannan. The number is more than twice as many as the enemy's forwards. Even if you can't defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, you can stabilize the line through rotation and stalemate. Your mission All you need to do is to step forward to fight and block the enemy's forward in the middle of the plain five miles away from the city. If you feel that you can't support it, you can ask for help. I will send elite soldiers to respond."

Gongsun nodded on the fifth floor: "If it's just a stalemate, then the problem is not big. It is expected that the Jin army lacks war cavalry assault, and it is difficult to break through me, but the two wings of the Jin army..."

Having said that, he saw the thousands of large vehicles connected to the two wings of the Jin army, and his brows wrinkled again.

The book booths that the book friends used before have gone down, and now they are basically using \Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\.

The black robe smiled slightly: "I have my own arrangements for the two wings. Don't worry, the Jin army used the central forward to advance forward just now to lure our army forward. Now their combat power has been exposed and the ambush has been used. It’s not that easy to play this trick again. You just have to block the front of the enemy. Helanlu, what is Murong She who is."

The two generals hurriedly stepped out, saluting the black robe, and said solemnly: "The final will be here."

Hei Pao glanced at the flying military flag, and smiled slightly: "The two cavalrymen, each with a rate of 20,000 cavalry, are now divided into the left and right sides and circled to the sides of the Jin army car array. The dust is all over the sky. Don't let the enemy see your movements. Combat the reality and then shoot at the enemy. The attack distance is about seventy steps, not too close."

Helan Lu frowned: "The enemy army has a large vehicle equipped with a baffle for cover. Although our army has a horse archer to shoot, it will shoot at the Jin army equipped with a baffle on this side. It won't take any advantage."

Hei Pao shook his head: "In the front, we used the lives of five thousand soldiers and horses to try out their striker's killing formation, and the two-winged carts, the square rails are slowly advancing, what is the powerful arrangement, I don't know now. So you take the lead in the light cavalry to make a tentative attack. The distance of 70 to 100 steps will not cause a lot of damage. The Jin army can't hurt you, and you can't hurt the enemy. However, we still have a trick to break the enemy. Secret skills!"

Everyone asked in unison: "What secret technique?"

Heipao smiled slightly and pointed to the other's cart: "What are these cars made of?"

Helan Lu suddenly understood: "Guo Shi, do you want me to wait for the fire attack?"

Hei Pao smiled and nodded: "Yes, during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao led his army to the south, connecting the warships in Chibi, and was attacked by the coalition forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei. Hundreds of thousands of troops were wiped out in ashes. Defending his flank, he also drew out the car formation in this way. While stabilizing the front line, it also gave us the opportunity to attack. The wind is not too urgent now, but I watched the sky last night. It was already strong between midday and noon. The east wind lasted for about a quarter of an hour. At this time, if the enemy forces squeeze into a ball, that one fire attack can break the enemy. General Helan, do you understand?"

Helan Lu haha ​​smiled: "The commander is indeed an exhaustive plan. Even today's astronomical phenomenon can be known. There is more than half an hour from the time you said that it is already half an hour to noon. When the time comes, as long as the east wind is strong, we will Launch a fire attack, right?"

The black robe nodded: "So in this battle, General Helan, you go to the east, prepare more rockets, and only wait for the east wind to act according to your plan. The striker will withstand it, and the two wings will stay at each other. Once the fire is successful, you can let the Jin army. In the chaos, when the time comes, the armor and cavalry will be dispatched, and you can win the battle."

Helan Lu said solemnly: "I follow the order, I will go now!"

As he said, he took the Lingjian in the black robe's hand, turned and ran down the tower, and Murong Shehe also saluted and left. Soon, the Yan army under the city, the drum horns rang together again, and they rode on each road. A new round of maneuvering.

Murong Chao's brows frowned slightly: "Guo Shi, can this fire attack really come true? Liu Yu puts out such a car array, it shouldn't have not considered the possibility of this fire attack."

Heipao said indifferently, "Try it first. Even if the fire attack is not possible, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can still trap their troops in place, restrain the troops on the two wings and reinforce the center, as long as the fifth floor can consume the enemy. The strength and stamina of the army forward will be used for my real attack routines."

Having said this, he suddenly looked at a scribe who was standing next to Murongchao, a white-faced and long-bearded scholar who looked like a scholar: "Zhang Shangshu, are you ready?"

The eyes of the scribe named Zhang Shangshu flashed with excitement: "Listen to orders at any time!"

The Jin army, the central government, above the handsome platform.

Liu Yu coldly watched the movement of the opponent's large formation. Countless cavalry scattered towards the left and right wings. The whistle and the sound of horseshoes shook the sky, wave after wave, and in the center, a large area of ​​black was pressed, like the sea. The infantry of the Yan army is striding neatly, with shields in front and crossbowmen behind, shouting chants, pushing towards the forward of the Beifu Army, with a space of nearly 20 miles in front, nearly one hundred thousand Yanjun. Running back and forth, mobilizing, and the invisible murderous aura almost swamped the Jin army on the opposite side.

Yu Yue kept rubbing his hands: "Come here, they are here, this time the Yan army has 30,000 to 40,000 horses coming from the center, and the cavalry on both sides are circling around. They will really stalemate each other as the commander said. Then side assault?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, but the cavalry on their two wings is not armored cavalry, but ordinary cavalry and light cavalry. It seems that they are ready to gallop. As long as we hold the car formation firmly, there will be no problem. However, we still have to guard against enemy fire."

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at Liu Muzhi: "Is it sure that there will be a strong east wind in an hour?"

Liu Muzhi stopped the pen in the book in his hand, raised his head, and pointed to his red eyes: "Last night watching the sky and staying up all night, what are you doing as me?!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Very well, follow the plan."

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