Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2672: Ready to meet the enemy

Jin Jun, left wing.

Tan Shao stood with his sword, standing on a high platform carried by eight chariots, about three feet high, which allowed him to clearly see every move within a five-mile radius. In his position, The nearly two thousand carts on the left side connected end to end, approaching the square rails for about fifty steps, and three miles away, you can see the smoke and dust, countless cavalry burrowing in and out of the dust, Hu The sound of whistle and tambourine was shaking, and it sounded that there were more than 100,000 horses rushing back and forth.

Yu Qiujin frowned, staring at the cavalry in and out of the smoke, and muttered: "Look at their armor and flags, they are like the soldiers of the Helan Ministry. They are about to attack us on the flanks. Nan Yan’s northern guard, Helan Lu, is here.

Chu Sun laughed: "Lao Yu, when did you learn to read the Huren's banner and Xianbei characters?"

Yu Qiujin shook his head: "Old Sun, you don't know how to do this homework. The handsome man wants to expedition to the north, and Nan Yan is the enemy that must be defeated. The famous generals of Nan Yan, all the ministries, are in full swing, you Dare to say you don't know China?"

Sun Chu nodded: "It's just that I don't understand. The Helan Tribe is the elite of the Yan Kingdom except the Central Forbidden Army. It has the best combat effectiveness. It has been responsible for defending the northern part for many years and facing the powerful Wei state iron cavalry. Helanlu was also Tuobagui’s uncle in the Northern Wei Dynasty. He can be called a famous general. Later he defected to Nanyan and became the pillar of Nanyan's country. With him, the north can be peaceful. But now the soldiers and horses of Helan Tribe Appearing here, it seems that there are no less than 20,000 riders. It can be said that basically all of them should be here. Are they not going to the north? Aren't they afraid that the Northern Wei Dynasty will take the opportunity to attack at this time?"

Tan Shao said indifferently: "It's useless to think about these things. I only know that the Cavalry from the Helan Tribe who appears across from us now, like a fake replacement. The striker fought just now. Although our army set ambush to win, the grandson The returned Shannan Turkmen still has a fighting power that cannot be underestimated. Its galloping, assault, shield and lasso tactics are indeed excellent cavalry. It is only because the coach is incompetent that we will all be wiped out. This time we can no longer It's tricky like Brother A Shou, only to meet the impact of the enemy."

Yu Qiujin nodded: "The commander had anticipated that he would defend the enemy's cavalry from side attacks, so he used carts to cover the wings. Now our army is less than ten miles away from Linqu. As long as we win this battle, we can take advantage of it. Coming to the city, the commander ordered our army to stop and form a formation to meet the enemy. The cavalry of the Helan Department drove back and forth in this way, creating this momentum, I am afraid that they are going to take the opportunity to force us."

Tan Shao didn't answer this. He glanced at the forward direction, and saw five miles away, the black, tide-like Yan Army infantry lined up and pressed toward his side, while Liu Jingxuan was pointing back and forth, mobilizing. A team of soldiers immediately cleared the battlefield just now, made a clearing, and allowed the rear infantry to move forward in rotation. The slogans on both sides and the sound of the drum horns complement each other, but the distance is getting closer and closer. It has reached an attack distance of about two miles.

Tan Shao twitched the corner of his mouth: "A Shou is supposed to be squatting with the enemy infantry head-on. I believe that with the elite strength of my North House, if it is an infantry squad, then the enemy's 30,000 will not be an opponent. It is only a half-time. It is not difficult to break the enemy at a moment. The enemy forces a large number of infantry units from the front, just to open our formation, mobilize our forces, and cause the weakness of the two wings. The order, from now on, all the soldiers will turn to the left. Facing the enemy, you are not allowed to look around, you are not allowed to retreat or chase out of the car without permission. If you violate the order, cut it!"

Yu Qiujin nodded with satisfaction: "Shao Shuai, when your Uncle Bottle was still there, you commanded the army like this, maybe it's not as good as you. The Tan family is really a successor. Your Uncle Bottle is alive in the sky. Rest in peace."

Tan Shao bit his lip: "When Uncle Bottle was alive, he wanted to go back to his hometown of Gaoping. He didn't wait until this day. My nephew said anything to help him fulfill this wish. Ayi is now in Wuling, and Daoji is following. The three generals went to Jiangling, and I was the only one in my Tan’s family going out this time, and I can’t say anything to shame Uncle Bottle here. Now, assemble the chariot and prepare to fight!"

As Tan Shao’s military order was quickly reached by the semaphore and the horn, all the major vehicles stopped moving and settled in place. The latches under the body were quickly lowered, and the wheels were tightly locked with wooden nails. Dead, the auxiliary soldiers even went forward to hammer and smash the nails, or nail the wooden pile frame to the ground, or put a large wooden shield on the car body, and covered the wooden shield with leather, some large The car was simply equipped with a sword shield, dozens of bright blades pointed outwards.

In each car, two or three crossbowmen jumped on, one of them was holding a single-armed crossbow of four to eight stones. UU read www.uukanshu. The other two of com took the quiver and the spare crossbow. They moved neatly and skillfully. More than a thousand large crossbows pointed to the outside of the car. All the infantry who had been pushing forward on the outside of the car were also withdrawn into the car formation. Inside, he took the spears and swords handed by his companions, stood by the side of the car, and stood with breathlessness. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Jin Army's flank, which was moving forward just now, suddenly became an indestructible fortress, with a sea of ​​guns and arrows, waiting for it.

Tan Shao nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, the usual training is not in vain. This time it is a quarter of an hour faster than usual. It seems that the approach of the enemy can make these little rascals move faster."

Chief Sun laughed and said, "Shao Shuai, you probably overlooked one thing. The grains and grass on this car have not been unloaded. You should give another order to tell these boys not to forget to throw these rice bags down. Don't delay the war."

Tan Shao shook his head: "Brother Six, you guessed wrong this time. These bags are not rice, but something that the commander specifically explained."

Chu Sun's expression changed: "What, something that the Marshal has specifically explained? Is it specially used for this battle?"

A mysterious smile flashed on Tan Shao's face: "Yes, he asked me to prepare specially before the battle. I thought it would be used for forwards, but I didn't expect it would be used for the left wing. But I finally figured it out just now. The Marshal's intention is really high."

Yu Qiujin nodded: "Since it is a special explanation from the general manager, let's use it now, otherwise we will fight for a while, I am afraid it will be too late to use it."

Tan Shao smiled and waved his hand: "Old Yu, don't worry, the time has not yet arrived. If the good things are used in advance, the enemy will know about it. I just have to wait for Helan Lu to make a move before using these things. Please go to their respective armies to prepare for the attack. When it's time to use this thing, watch me give orders!"

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