Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2673: Helan judges the Jinzhen to be empty

The Jin Army's large formation, left wing, outside.

Helan Lu rode on a tall horse and lived on a platform temporarily erected by several heavy vehicles. However, the height of seven or eight feet was enough to allow him to see clearly the situation in the Jin military vehicle array four miles away. , After all, he had to stand taller and see farther than the Jin Army car array loaded with baffles and large shields.

But while Helanlu watched, he frowned tightly, nodded slightly, and said, "This Jin army is really a good soldier, well-trained, and the moving cart can form a car formation so quickly, servant. General Bone, you Tiele people are known as the high-car people. You move and march on the grassland with tents on such large vehicles. Is there such a fast parking and defense speed?"

This is called General Pugu by Helanlu, his name is Puguwu, about forty years old, wearing a luxurious mink coat, covered with a chain armor, and a noble air. His goatee was tied into a bunch of braids, and it looked different from the normal dirty grassland barbarians, but he was a decent man.

Puguwu is the head of a servant bone tribe among the nine surnames of Tiele in Mobei on the grassland. He has been acting with the Helan tribe for many years, and he has been married to each other, and the servant bonewu is also a Helan Lu Right-handed, he rebelled against Wei and fleeing Yan with Helanlu. Unlike ordinary grassland tribes, their Tie Le tribes, like the Dingling people in the Central Plains, used oxen and horses to drag carts to march, living by water and grass. The so-called Dingling is another name for Tie Le, because of the bell on the car. When it kept ringing, it made a sound of Ding Ling, which gave it its name.

But Bone Warrior still sighed and shook his head: "Our Bone Bone is marching and migrating. Although it is also a cart outside, covering the women, children, cattle and sheep in the inner circle, if you encounter an enemy attack or a pack of wolves, you can quickly move the cart. Xianghuan, as a perimeter defense, usually camps and camps, and it happens to use these big cars, but our speed is far less than these Jin army. No matter how fast, the two thousand big cars should be circled and connected, and then put on the gear. It takes more than half an hour for the board to work. But these Jin troops can actually change from marching to such a line of defense in about a quarter of an hour. Even our large camp is not as strong as they are, too powerful. Even as a high-car type. We can only bow down to the wind. If it weren’t for the enemy now, I really want to ask them how they did it!"

Another lieutenant next to Helan Lu, named Yu Wenmeng, was a black-faced sturdy man. He raised his brows and said in a deep voice: "Our knight has not prepared an attack formation just now. Twenty thousand cavalry. It takes more than half an hour to set up the formation, so we couldn't attack them just now. If our movements are faster, or their movements are slower, then we can attack now."

Helanlu shook his head: "When the Jin army marched, it used large carts to cover the sides. Even if baffles and shields were not installed, it would be impossible for our thousands of leading cavalry to rush down. Everyone has seen that they are well-trained and well-equipped, but the elite troops we have never seen before are by no means comparable to those of the Han infantry who disperse at one blow and collapse at one strike. We can only break through if we are fully prepared. enemy."

Having said that, he paused, and said in a deep voice: "The archers stepped forward and shot in a ring to test the thickness and strength of the enemy's camp. I want to see how strong the enemy is. How many crossbows are there."

Pu Guwu frowned: "Don't we see clearly here, facing our left-wing car formation of the Jin Army, there are at least 15,000 sergeants, and there are so many strong bows and crossbows, archers stepped forward. I'm afraid I will suffer."

Helan Lu shook his head: "The Jin army is cunning, and can show what it can't, if it can't show what it can, think about how Gongsungui died just now. Those placed in front of the Jin army are weak soldiers, even scarecrows. We deliberately lured us into the formation of five thousand assault cavalry, but how many soldiers and horses there really are, how many ambushes, it was not revealed until the five thousand assault cavalry rushed in."

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Yuwen laughed fiercely: "Then you have to try, it is better to directly press on the whole army, and crush them all at once. These carts are no better than those shields, and the Jin army can't bear to give up."

Pu Guwu shook his head and pointed to the car array: "No, there are nearly two thousand crossbows on the two thousand carts. This is not fake. If we charge, we will definitely lose a lot. Jin The army’s strong bows and crossbows, especially shooting behind shields, have always been a weapon to restrain our prairie cavalry. It is not a wise move to try the lives of the soldiers."

A cold light flashed in Helan Lu's eyes: "Liu Yu is very good at using troops. Now we don't know his troop allocation and trends. Once he rushes forward, he may fall into his trap again. Moreover, the national division asked me to wait. Three breads copied, the front is joined by infantry, and the two wings are assaulted by cavalry, but the elite armor and the secret weapon he said have not been used yet. More than half of the strength of UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still not available, just want us First try to find out the reality of the enemy's formation. I don't know where the enemy's main force is located, and it's not easy to launch a general offensive."

Yu Wen Meng's expression changed: "What, listen to the general's meaning, did the national teacher dare to let us try and die?"

Helan Lu smiled and waved his hand: "Master Yuwen, don't think like this. Even if the national teacher has this intention, you will follow me for many years. Can't you still trust me? Will Helan Lu let you brothers who live and die for many years go to death in vain? ?"

Yu Wen Meng's expression slowed slightly: "The general means that we are here for the time being to behave, waiting for the results of the right wing and the front?"

A cold light flashed in Helan Lu's eyes: "No, we are here as the main attack direction set by the national division, but before we attack with all our strength, we must try out the reality of the enemy. Don't look at the cars of the Jin army. They all had strong crossbows and armored soldiers, but it's hard to say that they are not scarecrows and fake crossbows. Maybe their flanks don't have many soldiers and horses at all, or they are mostly auxiliary soldiers!"

The servant bone warrior said in surprise: "It can't be a dummy, right? We all saw it just now. In less than a quarter of an hour, these two thousand big cars were equipped with shields. Could these be fakes?"

Helan Lu laughed: "This is what is worth thinking about. If you install the baffle, stop the cart, and connect the chain so skillfully, it will definitely not be a soldier. How many soldiers do you see who practice this all day long? I'm afraid that Liu Yu's auxiliary soldiers and civilians are placed on the two wings, and then bluff, and the elite soldiers are placed on the forward. The Beifu army has always been forwards rushing, and the two wings are just suspicious soldiers set up to prevent our cavalry raids. These powerful crossbows are true or false. You can tell at a try. Master Yuwen, you bring five thousand bows forward to try their fineness. Remember, without my order, you can't get close to the enemy within a hundred steps!"

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