Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2677: Hu Qiqiang rushes to the big car array

Linqu, Chengtou.

Under the bronze mask of the black robe, a pair of eagle-like deep eyes, piercing and piercing, looked at everything in front of him. Five miles away from his front, the infantrymen of the Yan Army's front army were still taking turns to fight, but dared to go forward There are fewer and fewer soldiers. The soldiers who died in battle have piled up a dead line in front of the forward of the Jin army. There are more than three thousand people, but it temporarily separates the two armies that were originally connected. , The exchange of bows and arrows continued, but it could not conceal the Yan army’s retreat. If it weren’t for the strict discipline of the Jin army on the opposite side, all the soldiers would stop at a white line and could not hold on. I’m afraid this At a moment, the front of Yan Jun will collapse.

On the right wing, Murong Shehe’s cavalry has basically entered a state of guerrilla and non-attack. The corpses of more than a thousand horses and horses are scattered everywhere, from fifty to one hundred and fifty steps away from the Jin army. The distance, one in the east, and one in the west, many wounded soldiers in a pool of blood are still wailing, while the uninjured horses hissed and stomped on all four hooves, struggling in vain, but they were ignored. The power of the Jin Army’s powerful crossbow has made these not elite Yanqi fearful. Everyone knows that as long as they dare to stop now, they will most likely change from a moving target of the Jin Army to a fixed target. Those unlucky ghosts on the ground are the same.

Murongchao saw his scalp numb and gritted his teeth: "The national division, the forward and the right wing have all been defeated, but they have also tried to show the reality of the enemy line. Do we need to withdraw the troops first and reorganize them? war?"

Heipao said coldly: "No, now is a good opportunity. The Jin army does have good soldiers on the forward and right wing, and there are also a lot of them. But the left wing is weak visible to the naked eye. This attack may not have no chance. Helanlu has already set up an attack formation, this success or failure is here in one fell swoop!"

Murongchao’s eyes lit up, he stood up and looked at the left wing. He shook his head in confusion, "But, wasn’t the left wing the most loose before? The striker was the fiercest, and the right wing was good, but the left wing was It’s like a play house, and I didn’t get close to the enemy within 50 paces to shoot."

Heipao smiled slightly: "That's because the range of the Song Army's crossbow and crossbow is less than fifty steps. I am afraid that your majesty did not pay attention. A warrior of our army, but rushed to the place fifty steps before the enemy line, let go and let the enemy army go. As a result, three crossbows shot him, and two crossbows landed midway, leaving a crossbow bolt, which only hit his leather robe. With this one shot, General Helan tested the reality of the enemy's formation. Adjust the layout and prepare to launch a full-line offensive. Just now I sent eight thousand cavalry troops of He cadres to support, also in order to give General Helan more soldiers and horses to ensure a success."

Murong Chao stretched his brows and smiled: "It turns out that Liu Yu's formation looks impeccable, but there are still flaws. It is the national teacher who is very powerful, and he immediately tried out the reality of their formation. But why not take the armour. The riding outfits are also transferred to the left wing, so what about breaking the thief in one fell swoop?"

Hei Pao shook his head: "Liu Yu is deceitful, what we see now may not be the real situation, so we can't use all our strength at this time. If the layout of the Jin army remains unchanged, the existing soldiers of General Helan Horses are enough to break through the enemy's left wing. Armored armor is now fully equipped. 15,000 armored horses are placed on the front, hidden behind the second infantry line of our army. If the left-wing assault succeeds, the enemy will inevitably be in chaos. At that time, we sent out the armor from the front, and we could take the opportunity to crush the enemy's forwards. This is the best way to play for our army."

Murong Chao smiled and was about to praise, but Duan Hui on one side said solemnly: "Guo Shi, if the enemy's left wing is to lure the enemy and deliberately show weakness, what shall we do?"

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "That means Liu Yu has deployed heavy troops on both wings, plus the forwards. His real weakness lies in the center and the rear army. When the time comes, I will adjust the deployment and I will personally treat them. Weaknesses, attacked."

Speaking of this, Hei Pao raised his head and glanced in the direction of Shuai Qi, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "What's more, even if the enemy has heavy soldiers on the left flank, it is not a bad thing. Helan Lu is ruthless with soldiers, maybe, It can independently solve the left-wing heavy forces group of the Jin army."

As he was talking, three long humonga sounded in the direction of the left wing, and an eagle roar came from the sky, and the black robe looked towards the left wing. Helan Lu, who was standing on the platform, smiled slightly: "Don't let I am disappointed. In two moments, the sky will help me too!"

On the left wing, the wind and sand gradually stopped. The Helan cavalry who had stopped racing and raising dust finally emerged from the wind and sand. The servant bones were on the left and Yuwen was fiercely on the right. Each led their cavalrymen and formed hundreds of wedge-shaped charges. The cavalry, less than two miles away from the front of the Jin military vehicles, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com formed a formation, fierce Xianbei cavalry, one by one with disheveled, even many people drew knives in their own He scratched his face with blood, then smeared the tribe's mark rune on his forehead, summoning the ancestors to bless himself, and finally, did not forget to lick the blood on the fingertips to make it salty. The smell of anger stimulated my nerves and burned a stronger fighting spirit. After completing all these rituals, the whole team howled in unison, like thousands of gray wolves roaring, shocking the hearts of the people on the opposite side.

The voice of Yu Qiujin and the voice of hundreds of Jin Army squads commanding orders sounded almost at the same time: "The crossbowmen all listen to the general's orders, and they are not allowed to shoot without authorization. Offenders, cut! The main crossbow on each vehicle After the hand is fired, the deputy crossbowman needs to change the crossbow and shoot immediately. Some are slow to move, and those who will miss the military opportunity, cut! After the three arrows, the crossbowman jumped out of the chariot, and the fighters stepped forward. , If an enemy wins the car over the shield, the whole team will be cut!"

In the other direction, Chu Sun’s laughter echoed in the car array: "Brothers, when we are in front of us, it is the Xianbei Yuwenbu. They are only defeated by the Murong clan under Liaodong, and because they are the Xiongnu tribe, they have been giving The Xianbei people look down on them. They drive to the front to die in every battle. Look, this time they are here again. Don’t cut themselves off. If you put ghost symbols on your faces, you will be frightened. Don’t think that they are painted like a ghost. It's not easy to get up. Just let these jugglers and clowns, people, ghosts and ghosts, and see how our Great Jin Iron Army fought. The North is mighty, the North is mighty, and the North is mighty!"

Suddenly, there was a loud humming noise and the sound of tambourines, accompanied by the wild roar of Hu Qi and the shaking of tens of thousands of horseshoes. The hoarse roar of the scouts echoed in the car array: "The enemy rides." Strike, three hundred steps away from me!"

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