Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2668: All-line assault finally hooked

In the various teams behind the Jin Army, the roar of the team leaders echoed in everyone's ears: "Stay steady, steady, listen to my orders!"

"The enemy rides a hundred steps away from me!" The cry of the observers almost tears the air, and the sound of horse hooves and whistle outside the car array are getting louder and getting closer and closer, making people's eardrums swell. , The heart and soul was tumbling.

As the sound of the enemy’s iron hoof approached, the soldiers of the Jin Army leaned down and hid under the car. The crossbowmen in the car hid their entire body behind the baffle, and a whistle rang and broke. The sound of the air is endless. It is the archers of the Yan army who start to shoot arrows, the arrows are like locusts. The first wave of more than a thousand riders hits at a distance of about a hundred steps, and most of the bows and arrows are hit. The baffle was only slightly weaker in strength and could not be nailed to the board, and it fell when touched, just like the previous mutual shooting, so that the baffle and the car fell completely.

There was a sparse horn sound from the Jin army, and more than a hundred crossbowmen leaned out of the baffle, and there was a random shooting at the outside. The sound of the crossbow machine was endless, but it was not like that. The resonance of the salvo, and these crossbow arrows fired are also loose, most of them can only fly 50 or 60 steps, and then fall to the ground. Few can reach the distance of more than 80 steps, for the enemy who is a hundred steps away. Riding, hardly cause any harm.

There was a burst of howls and laughter from the Yan army. Unlike the previous trial of each other, they continued to attack forward. The front team of more than a thousand riders kept their horses at a constant speed, and the riders on the horse. Then he quickly set the arrow on the bow. This operation only took less than 30 steps. At about 70 steps, there was another arrow rain storm. The large black bows and arrows, like locusts, flew towards Jin The army's car array.

Nearly thirty steps this time, the arrow's power is also much stronger. Almost all the bows and arrows hit the baffle accurately and are firmly nailed to the baffle. Some powerful arrows, even The baffle was swaying slightly. Although there was not that kind of piercing arrows, the Jin army who got in and out of the car still felt the killing intent coming from the face, and many people subconsciously. The ground squeezed the weapon in his hand, but the roar of the team leader came from his ear: "Stay steady, hold steady, the crossbowman is fighting back!"

The hundreds of crossbowmen quickly got up, raised the weak crossbow in their hands over their heads, stuck out the board without aiming, and buckled the crossbow machine again. There was a chaotic sound of crossbow strikes. Fifty steps away, ten were heard. The screams of people shouting horses and the sound of horses and horses landing, but for the cavalry who charged more than a thousand, this is very small, and the sound of horseshoes is getting louder and louder, until about 30 paces. This time, the Hu Qis shouted in Chinese in unison: "The Jin Army will die today, and the Jin Army will die today!"

Along with these two roars, a scream of arrows resounded everywhere. Since the distance of nearly thirty steps, the bows and arrows shot by Yanqi this time not only nailed directly to the baffle, but also Many of them crossed the baffle, drew an arc, and landed on the opposite car array. On the armor of more than a hundred Jin troops, they were also hit by arrows. More than a dozen sergeants who had been shot in the critical spot screamed. Flopped on the ground, while the others gritted their teeth and remained hidden.

This time a lot of voices were yelling: "Fight back, shoot them to death!"

More than two hundred Jin army crossbowmen jumped up. This time they were holding their crossbow arrows. They flared their teeth and claws at thirty paces away. They were shooting at the Yanqi who showed off their bows. Although it was a weak crossbow, they took more than thirty steps In the distance of, it can still cause effective damage. This time, more than 60 Yanqi turned and fell off their horses, while others continued to shoot a round of arrows into the Jin Army's car array, then turned and retreated with Hushao.

Many Jin army crossbowmen leaned out again and shot at the evacuation Yan army. Four rounds of confrontation came down. There were dozens of Yanqi corpses scattered in front of the array, and the stalls above the Jin army's car formation The board is also filled with arrows, just like the arrow stack during training.

Helan Lu smiled slightly and said to a lieutenant next to him: "Sure enough, the Jin army has this strength. There are no more than 200 crossbowmen in this car array, and most of them are weak crossbows with broken bows, or they You can't even open a full crossbow, or these crossbows are inferior products that are eliminated, you can only bite the bullet and use it."

The lieutenant echoed: "What General Helan said is extremely true. The assault of our army just now seems to be directly rushing into the car formation. It is said that all enemy bows and crossbows will be fired at this time, but it is one or two hundred. The crossbows are still shooting. I think some crossbows have a range of less than 30 steps, which shows that they are no longer capable!"

A murderous look in Helanlu's eyes: "This is our opportunity. The Jin army is not strong enough. The fighting of the right wing and the forward of our army has dragged down their main force. Now they can't let their central reserve soldiers come to support. .ukanshu.com sent orders to Yuwen Meng and Fu Guwu in front to give me a full impact. After ten steps close to the enemy’s car formation, the lasso pulls the cart or directly overtakes the car and rushes into the formation, as long as we have enough momentum and enough impact. Fierce, the Jin army will collapse!"

Tan Shao coldly watched the Qianyuqi retreat from the front army on the opposite side. A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy squatting on the ground was Tan Pingzhi’s youngest son Tan Hezhi. This time, he followed his cousin out to experience. Surrounded by Tan Shao, he was still nervous when he first started on the battlefield, especially when the enemy riders attacked, his mouth opened wide. Only now did he let out a long sigh of relief: "It's dangerous. I thought they were going to directly attack the car array. Brother Shao, why didn't you just shoot out all the arrows."

Tan Shao smiled slightly: "Their former cavalrymen came to test. This time they rushed for nearly 30 paces. It stands to reason that all our bows and crossbows should have been fired, but I still held back, because it would be nothing to eliminate these more than a thousand horses. Meaning, the enemy’s main force is not damaged. Now they should think that we are really weak, only old and weak. The next round will be a full-scale impact!"

Before his words fell, thousands of horns suddenly sounded on the opposite side, and the wild roar suddenly shook the sky. The 10,000 Yanjun cavalry who had stopped for a mile and a half, 500 steps away, suddenly moved at the same time. The horse ran wildly, and the forward archers who had retreated three hundred paces earlier also turned back before them, turned their horses' heads, and launched a fatal impact on the Jin army's car formation. The sound of drum horns and iron hoofs shook the world. , So that even the scouts in the front car array could not hear the cry: "Enemy distance, two hundred paces!"

Tan Shao raised his head and glanced at the handsome flag, still hanging down, the corner of his mouth hooked: "Pass the order, when the enemy is 30 paces away, give me ten thousand arrows. All the arrows will be shot out the fastest. There are still crossbow bolts that have not been sent when approaching the car, cut it!"

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