Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2669: 30-step ten thousand crossbow hair

Yuwen violently waved the long hair in his hand and stood about one hundred and fifty steps outside the car array, under the banner of the word "Yuwen". While touching his beard, he smiled triumphantly: "Warrior Give me a charge. These Jin troops are weak like cattle and sheep. They can't even pull the crossbow, and can't shoot 30 steps. Your women are stronger than them. Charge up, pull the cart, and cut. Break the link, open the gap, and then ride into the battlefield. Use your iron hoofs to trample on the enemy to your heart's content. General Helan has an order. Those who rush into the enemy's battlefield will have a great reward. The capture of this battle, whether it is The equipment or the captives are yours!"

The knights of the Yuwenbu gave out bursts of cheers, and rushed past Yuwenmeng. There were even a lot of front cavalry surpassed the first group of rushing in. On the five-mile wide front, it was like a stormy sea. Generally, go straight to the front of the right-hand car array formed by the thousand big cars, one hundred fifty steps, one hundred steps, seventy steps! They can no longer even take care of shooting and suppressing with bows and arrows, because these cavalry believe that it is no longer necessary to use shooting to suppress the arrows on the opposite side, as long as they rush to the enemy car array, climb into the car, and cut the car. , Pull the car, pull away the car... There are ten thousand ways for them to open this **** car formation, just like pulling the cart of the Gaoche tribe on the grassland, and then rushing in to let go and kill.

Puguwu stood five miles away, on the other side of the front, his position was about three hundred steps away from the car formation, and for the rest of the distance, in front of him, the Cavalry of the Pugubu also shouted and rushed towards Jin. In the army's cart formation, the frontmost thousand riders were waving nooses, and only waited for less than ten paces to approach the cart formation, they waved their shields, and then drove the carts. The Bone Department was a famous high cart tribe on the grassland. Not only is he proficient in the chain of these car formations and the way of marching defense, but also knows how to break these car formations and knows where the fate is.

But Gu Wuwu murmured: "Something is wrong, it seems something is wrong."

A young man in his early twenties with a pocky face was his son Fuguman. He smiled and said, "Ada, what's wrong with you? These Jin people are afraid that they are running away. They even forgot to shoot. What's wrong?"

Puguwu gritted his teeth: "Idiot, if it were our own tribe, the enemy would forcibly attack like this, would you not shoot or fight back? Thousands of enemy troops, didn't they all run away and not shoot?"

Puguman's face changed: "Hey, it's really true, but..."

Su Guwu suddenly shouted: "Quickly, give the order, the cavalry in the back formation immediately stopped, and shot me at the enemy's chariot formation at a distance of sixty steps, covering the lasso hand in front, and no more approach!"

Before he could finish his words, all of a sudden, he heard a thousand drums humming in the car formation on the opposite side. On the high platform three hundred steps after the formation, a red flag rose quickly, like a blazing fire, though Now there is no wind and no movement, but a breath of killing blows on his face.

And most of the Yanjun cavalry have already rushed into the distance of about 30 steps from the car formation at this moment. At this distance, more than a hundred seemingly scattered arrows are scattered every ten steps. Just plugged into the ground, the tail of the arrow was painted red, which was completely different from the color of the tail feathers of other arrow branches. The servant Guwu finally discovered this and shouted, "No, this is their line of attack!"

But it was too late to say this. More than a thousand lasso cavalry had already crossed this line, and the follow-up cavalry with more than ten steps behind them could not care about drawing their bows and shooting arrows. Put your back on your back, or hang it on the weapon rack, draw a saber, or wield a spear, and only wait for the car formation in front to disperse, then rush in and let go.

The cavalry of Ubunbu on the other side has already rushed directly into the line within thirty steps. Many of the horsemen in the front have even stood up, standing on the saddles, just waiting for their horses to approach. At the moment of the chariot, I jumped into the cart, overturned the barriers, and rushed into the enemy line to kill first. This set of attacks and looting the Ubunbu of the Gaoche tribe on the grasslands all the year round is even more handy. At this point, many people even showed triumphant smiles on their faces.

It’s just that the smiles of the Ubunbu knights still stopped on their faces, but suddenly they noticed that the light in front of them dimmed instantly. A large black object stood up from behind the shield of the cart. Thousands of Jin army crossbowmen, Qi Leaning out together, each of them holds an infantry crossbow of more than four stones in their hands, and the eyes that look at them are full of cold killing intent, just like the hunters look at their prey. Facing the crazy impact of the cavalry within thirty steps, these crossbowmen were calm and composed, and they didn't even shake their hands.

The drums sounded right at this time. In the Jin army, tens of thousands of voices roared at the same time: "Wind!"

In an instant, two thousand step crossbows were fired at the same time, and the sound of two thousand buckling crossbow machines was so crisp at this moment, and the crossbow bolts shot out quickly, and the screaming sound of tearing the air. , Even overwhelming the sound of a thousand drums at this moment, from the perspective of the Yanjun knights, you can even clearly see the sharp three-sided crossbow heads of these crossbow arrows and the barbs behind the crossbow heads. And these crossbow arrows cut through the sky because of their huge initial velocity, and the little sparks generated when they violently rubbed against the air, and then the first reaction in my mind appeared: "My grass, good crossbow!"

But the thoughts in these minds have not yet turned into words, and the mouths just opened slightly, these crossbows have already hit the bodies of the cavalry. The four-stone crossbow is enough to nail a distance of 120 steps. Entering the wooden target is enough to penetrate leather armor at a distance of one hundred steps, and enough to penetrate an enemy in chain armor at a distance of fifty steps, not to mention these full-speed impact, unprotected cavalry at the front. , Their speed even provides a reverse bonus to the power of these crossbows.

The sound of a crossbow arrow penetrating the human body is just like the sound of blister dissolving a cow. The sound of "puff" and "puff" breaking through the body, accompanied by blood leaking outward like a fountain, causing The perspective effect of the **** fog, and because of the large number of deaths and bloodshed, the front line was filled with blood. Only in this round of shooting, there were no less than 500 cavalry who flew upside down from the horse, or It was because the arrow fell from the warhorse, a forward dive, and the knight on the horse was thrown off. The effect of inertia made him leap forward for more than ten steps and hit the wheel. It was not a minority.

Yan Qi, who was not shot, is still rushing forward madly because of inertia. Many people have just come to realize that the enemy really has a hard crossbow waiting for them. Some people are yelling while rushing: "Chong, they just shot, don't give them a chance to send a second crossbow, go!"

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