Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2670: Follow the sudden

However, before the voice fell, only a "click" was heard. The crossbow arm of the Jin army's crossbow quickly turned, a new crossbow arm was turned to the firing position, and the string was pulled back to the tail of the crossbow. The Huqis who have seen this kind of revolving crossbow opened their eyes and mouths wide, and their faces were full of surprise.

But they didn't have time to scream out, and there was another uniform sound of the kick of the crossbow machine, accompanied by the unanimous roar of the Jin army cars behind: "Wind!"

The sounds of "Woo", "Woo", "P" and "Puff" one after another, the crossbowmen of the Jin Army have not taken any short-length actions since they stood just now. They stood motionless in the car to keep the crossbow in their hands stable. You can also aim and shoot calmly. Four to five crossbows are aimed at an enemy soldier for a salvo, almost instantly allowing him to pierce through even men and horses, with a distance of about 20 paces, for these crossbowmen who have experienced battles. In other words, the target is like the ocean, it can be hit with closed eyes, and there is no even any miss or miss.

In this round, more than five hundred riders fell to the ground on the spot, either people fell to the ground, or their horses stumbled. There were even more than one hundred riders who tripped and tripped their front companions who fell suddenly, or the cavalry in front of them. The fight flew backwards from the horse. Because it was too dense to dodge, it knocked down the people behind. At a distance of more than 20 steps in front of the Jin army, thousands of cavalry have fallen down at this time, almost forming a temporary The obstacles caused the cavalry behind to slow down greatly, no longer the wildness of the impact just now.

However, the two thousand former cavalrymen who were not shot down still dashed through the dead line of the fallen man and horse, and rushed within ten steps of the car formation. More than three hundred lasso hands threw the trap into the baffle. Go up, turn the horse's head, and prepare to pull down these shields.

"Woo" and "swish" sounded again. This time it happened to be the crossbowmen of the Jin Army who turned the third crossbow around. The thousand large crossbows in the right flank almost all aimed at these and rushed to ten steps. The left and right lasso hands, following the roar of the Jin army's "wind", fired again.

Behind the more than two hundred lasso players, they immediately became new targets. Many people spurted blood and fell on the horse back without moving. Some strong crossbows shot people directly from the horse. Flew out on his back.

After the last round of crossbow arrows, the Jin Army crossbowmen drew out their knives and broke the lasso on the shield, and the other two sergeants in the chariot pulled the shield firmly, so as not to be marred. Er pull away.

After the Jin Army's car formation, about ten paces away, the three thousand archers who had been waiting in line also started firing. The bowstrings rang and the arrows rose to the sky, suddenly like a dark cloud, covering the daylight.

The cavalrymen who had stopped at a distance of 30 to 50 paces from the Yan army recovered their minds at this moment. They pulled their bows and arrows, raised the arc, and after facing the Jin army’s baffle, they lobbed. There were also hundreds of sergeants with superb archery, facing the Jin army crossbowmen who had not yet squatted down from behind the baffle, and whose chest was still exposed from the board. There were dozens of Jin army crossbowmen who were shot by bows and arrows on the shoulders, arms, chest, etc., blood flowed across, and stained the baffle with blood red.

The bows and arrows on both sides continued to rise, like two dark clouds meeting in the air. Many arrows collided in the air and fell directly to the ground, while more fell into the opponent’s camp, forty. Yu riding a lasso cavalry, evading the crossbow shot just now, turned around and ran backwards desperately. There were more than 30 war horses that died of their masters, and the pain was unbearable because of the arrows in their buttocks. , Running backwards madly, after all, the manpower is not as good as these horsepowers. Under such a pull, there are also 30 or 40 wooden platoons on the car, which are pulled away by the birthplace. The three people in the car and the whole team of Jin troops behind the car , It was immediately exposed to Yan Jun's sight.

Puguwu opened his eyes. At this moment, he finally saw the real situation of the enemy army. The densely packed Jin army soldiers, holding spears, standing behind the car, their whole body armored, and the steel armor pieces gleamed. Glowing, everyone wears a face, and the eyes are murderous. It can be said that they are armed to the teeth and well-equipped. In fact, compared to the Nanyan ultimate weapon armor and cavalry outfits, these Jin army's heavy infantrymen from the northern government , Is also not inferior, and even worse.

After all, the servant bone warrior is also a veteran general who has been fighting for many years. When you look at the equipment of the other party, you can know how elite it is. It is definitely not the auxiliary soldier and civilian husband that Helanlu said. The voice of the servant on one side was also full of crying: "Ada, what can we do? We are fooled. The enemy army is all good soldiers. Thousands of people have died in front. All of the old books are here!"

Pu Gu Wu gritted his teeth, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com pointed to the direction of Linqu City: "What else? General Helan wants us to attack, then there will be advances or retreats, no sound of gold, no retreat, Gongsun returns His head is still hanging on the head of the city!"

The servant bone slapped his thigh bitterly: "But the Jin army is so powerful, I'm afraid we can't beat it if we die. How can this be good?"

The servant Guwu said one word at a time: "Helan Lu will not harm us. This time it is a tough battle. Only fight. I believe that the soldiers and horses of his Helan Ministry will definitely support us. No matter what, no matter what death. How many people have to break the enemy's car formation, as long as the car formation is dispersed, we have a chance, Ah Man, you will personally come up with me, take my guard here, dismount and rush into the formation, and don't want to kill as many as possible. The army, just need to destroy their car array for me, it is success!"

Jin Jun, on the right side of the car array.

Yuwen's eyes stared fiercely forward, a puff of arrows soared into the sky, and then overwhelmingly fell, in this space within sixty to one hundred steps in front of the car formation in front of him, there were constant cavalry. Screaming and falling, and the living cavalry also gave up the direct impact on the Jin army's car formation. Instead, they bent their bows and set up arrows immediately, and then took a lob shot at the car formation. Thousands of Ubunbu charged in the first round. The leading cavalry of, now there are less than three hundred alive. As long as the people who can move, they also jumped off their horses and rushed onto the chariots of the Jin army, brandishing their weapons, desperately trying to slash those shields. After the Jin army.

However, the Jin army’s car had been replaced by heavy infantry armed with spears. The two sides hacked and stabbed each other with swords and guns through shields. The scene was extremely **** and brutal.

Yuwen shouted fiercely: "Give me up, give me all of them, Xiaoqi Camp, jump in and kill me!"

As soon as his words fell, more than a thousand horses behind him galloped out, leaped over the corpses of people and horses all over the front, and rushed into the car array!

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