Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2671: Stepping on the corpse and never retreating

Jin Jun, Central, Shuaitai.

Liu Yu's gaze, like everyone on this platform, was cast on the left wing. Of course, it was also because of the battle between the forward and the right wing. There was nothing left to see. Although they were still entangled and entangled with each other in a routine manner, it was no longer a hindrance to the overall situation. The Jin army did not chase it out, and the Yan army could not attack it. At a distance of more than a hundred steps, the bow and arrow were shot in each other, and it was considered to continue to fight.

But the fighting on the left wing has become more and more fierce. The bone-serving cavalry of the Yan army have dismounted one after another, holding their shields, holding machetes and spears, and rushing into the car formation. Although the archers of the Jin army are shooting quickly, after each wave of arrow rain, There will be swaths of Yan army falling in a pool of blood, but these red-eyed Yan army is still fighting hard, stepping on the corpse of their companions and moving forward, unknowingly, the Jin army is about a hundred steps ahead of the army. The place was full of blood, and the mud puddles in the grass were full of blood puddles, and the soles of the Yan army's boots, which continued to advance in batches, were all red.

On the right side of the Yuwenbu, more than a thousand riders rushed to the direction of the car array at full speed. Regardless of the rain of arrows, each knight stood on the stirrup, like an acrobat, holding a shield and protecting his head. Biting a big knife in his mouth, holding the rein with the other hand, when he rushed to the distance of only two or three steps from the cart, his feet slammed, and the whole person rose from the horse back into the air, with the momentum of the horse, Flew over the baffle on the car and smashed into the Jin army formation behind the car.

Numerous long stalks rose from behind the shield. It was the Jin army’s hand that was ambushing behind. This time it was no longer hidden. The more than 300 cavalry who flew over the baffle were surprised to find that the place where they were about to land was not a piece of land. On the flat ground, it was a sea of ​​spears, and countless dazzling spears had already been deployed here, waiting for him to pounce on it.

The screams were endless. After the car formation, the Jin Army's phalanx suddenly became a large-scale meat skewers production base. More than two hundred trapeze people had no chance to land, so at least three spears were given birth to thorns. Put it through, and then throw it to the ground, no matter whether it died immediately or not, there will be more than ten spears stabs, until the corpse is stabbed into a human shape, and even some more ruthless guys, directly in the air, flick and pull. , The corpse was divided into several pieces in the air. The visceral fragments were scattered all over the heads of more than a dozen Jin troops around them, and they all shook their heads, patted their shoulders, and severed the limbs on their bodies. The remnant lung was pulled to the ground, as if nothing had happened.

With a "wow", Yu Yue finally couldn't help the huge inner discomfort and vomited. At this moment, there were no servants who had always followed him, let alone those exquisite spit pots inlaid with gold and jade. This prince of the family can only vomit all the delicate breakfast he had eaten in the morning to the ground, and even some pieces of abalone and sea cucumber can be seen inside.

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Yu joined the army, it was really good to eat in the morning. By the way, your abalone does not seem to be stewed. It hasn't been digested after eating it for so long. And this sea cucumber......"

Yu Yue stood up from the ground angrily. A sour smell, mixed with gastric juice and alcohol, made him wipe the saliva from his mouth while turning his head. He didn't want to look at the vomit again. He heard Liu Mu. He said bitterly: "When is the time, you Fatty Liu still want to make fun of me like this. Hmph, next time I have a goose with me, I won't give it to you."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "If you didn't want to bear a few roasted geese, you don't need to be here now, guarding the rear with Xi Le, relaxed and effective, wouldn't it be nice?!"

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "Don't mention the past, is this a matter of roasting goose? This is obviously our gentry and those..."

Having said that, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and quickly closed his words, looked at Liu Yu, and said, "The left wing has fought so violently. Those Yan troops are really not afraid of death. The cruelty of the battlefield. I have learned it today."

Liu Yu nodded: "It seems that the black robe slashed Gongsungui in the battle is still effective. Of course, the cavalry of the Helan Ministry is indeed fierce and abnormal. If you don't hear the sound of Mingjin, you will not retreat, probably because of the previous ones. During the battle, many of their relatives and friends died. At this moment, they are supported by a wave of courage and vengeance, trying to break our car array."

Wang Miaoyin lightly lifted his lips: "But even women like me can see that these Husbands, who cannot ride horses but can only dismount, fight like this with the well-equipped and well-trained heavy infantry of our army. There is no chance of winning. Now there is no one who can occupy a car and open a gap. If it comes up like this, it will just lose lives in vain. What is it?"

Yu Yue looked up and down Wang Miaoyin in surprise, which made Wang Miaoyin a little uncomfortable, and looked at Yu Yue: "Yu joined the army, what's wrong with UU reading www.uukanshu.com, is there anything on my face?"

Yu Yue shook his head: "No, I, the minister is just strange. In the battle just now, why did your Royal Highness, your Royal Highness have no discomfort?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "It turns out that this is the weird thing about Geng's participation in the army. Maybe you don't know. Back then, I had been to the battlefield during the Battle of Feishui, and I saw these terrible scenes with my own eyes. Now it is no surprise. Later, I was also kidnapped by Huan Xuan and witnessed many battles in Jingzhou. Now these scenes can no longer make me vomit."

Yu Yue suddenly realized: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for the minister is really eye-opening. it seems that our family's children should all be modeled by her hjayah for the military affairs."

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu and said, "Liu Cheqi, you haven't answered my question yet."

Liu Yu turned his head and glanced at the still unmoving Shuai Qi, and said indifferently: "The enemy army will not retreat regardless of casualties. It is either to make our army tired or to take advantage of the number of people to break the battle. But now this is the situation. They know very well that our army’s combat power is far above that of their dismounted cavalry, and is backed by a solid chariot formation. The strong attack is only a mere increase in casualties. Their strength is not much more than our army’s flanking forces. They want to rely on the number advantage. It is impossible to break the formation forcibly. If you continue to fight, I am afraid that their bodies will block the path of attack.

"But even so, they are still here. There is only one reason, and that is to hope that we will continue to invest in our forces so that more people can be crowded in this narrow space."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes lit up: "Then, using weapons of mass destruction like catapults and heavy ballistas to cause heavy casualties to our army in a dense formation?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I'm afraid, there are more ruthless methods."

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