Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2672: Wolf smoke rises to the east

Wang Miaoyin's face changed slightly: "Could it be the battle of Five Bridgesawa that year, the black fire that set up an ambush to attack our army?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "If the Yan army had a lot of these things, I am afraid it would not have been defeated when the Northern Wei Dynasty invaded. Murong Lan once said to me that the black fire is the secret method of the ancestral Yan of the Murong clan. , Can’t be used easily, and the quantity is very limited. Unless absolutely necessary, it can’t be used on the battlefield, and it needs to be used in places where there are a lot of ignitable things, usually in places with lush vegetation. But I chose this purposely. A wasteland, just don't give them this opportunity!"

Everyone smiled, only Wang Zhen's evil brows frowned slightly, and said: "Marshal, our army's carts are chained together, I'm afraid..." As soon as this word came out, everyone's expression changed. The smile instantly disappeared without a trace.

Liu Yu smiled and nodded: "It's worthy of suppressing evil. I finally let you see this level. But you are worried, I have considered it, or you continue to guess why I am not afraid of black robe using this. What about the trick?"

Wang Zhenyi thought for a while, and said: "The fire attack needs the help of wind to exert its maximum effect. Now there is no wind, even if the enemy uses fire attack, it will not break our army's vehicle formation, but..."

Having said that, he gritted his teeth: "The world is impermanent and unpredictable. Now that there is no wind, it does not mean that there has been no wind. The clouds flowed last night. There should be a wind today. And I heard that these shamans and wizards have prayed. The ancestors, the ability to change the astronomical phenomenon, the commander must be guarded."

Liu Yu nodded in satisfaction, and Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Wang Canjun, the general has fully considered what you are worried about. The wind will indeed rise today, and I am afraid that it will be strong in less than a moment. Dongfeng. It’s just that we have already made sufficient precautions, and even if Yan’s fire is attacked, it can be resolved."

Yu Yue's eyes widened: "Do you even know that the wind is blowing? I said Fat Long History, you are too fascinating."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "It's not just Liu Changshi. I watched the astronomical phenomenon last night and knew that the east wind was about to start. Not only we knew, I'm afraid that black robe could also be counted. I now finally understand why he would The elite Helan army has been placed on the left, I am afraid, it is for this east wind."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "Tan Shao will know how to deal with it. Now everyone, please watch the rest of the battle. I believe that he will never let me down!"

At the head of Linqu city, the black robe coldly watched the battle on the left wing. He didn't even bother to look at the forward and the right wing. On the two thousand battles along the left wing, the life-and-death battle was still going on, stepping on the corpse of his companion. Although the soldiers of the Helan Tribe fighting in the car were still unable to enter the car formation of the Jin army, they also turned the big car of the Jin army into the front line of fierce confrontation. The fighters on both sides held long weapons and separated the boards. The shield stabs as hard as possible. It is only the Helan warriors who are at an absolute disadvantage in the equipment. Ten people are killed in the battle. It may not be able to injure the opposite person. As the battle continues, the casualties increase in a straight line. There were no fewer than four thousand soldiers in the pool of blood within fifty steps of the car formation.

Murongchao saw his scalp numb, he hesitated, and said, "Guo Shi, the Helan Division has fought too hard, but it's useless to fight like this. I think Helan Lu has red eyes and doesn't want to withdraw. Now, is it because the national teacher is here to make money and ask them to pull down and regroup?"

Duan Hui's brows kept frowning. Hearing Murongchao's words, he also gave a military salute to the black robe: "Guo Shi, what your Majesty said is extremely true. The Helan Tribe is the elite of our army. It is a shame to lose in vain. It may also be that you killed Gongsun before, so the soldiers did not dare to retreat without authorization. Only now we are here to make money so that the soldiers can avoid this kind of unnecessary sacrifice."

Hei Pao said coldly: "Now you can't withdraw, and if you work harder, there will be a turnaround. The left wing of the Jin army has become more and more concentrated on the front line of the car formation, and their bows and arrows have slowly stopped. In this way, we can fight for a long time through the baffle."

Murong Chao sighed: "But even if we fight for a long time, we have no chance of rushing in. Those Jin troops are real people, not straw dummies, and they are so well equipped. I think we may not be able to even get out of the armor. restraint."

Gongsun's fifth floor suddenly laughed and said: "The national division must have wanted the battle of the Helan tribe in exchange for the Jin army to concentrate its forces on the left wing, and then we suddenly dispatched armor and cavalry to crush the front of the Jin army, right, the national division.? "

Duan Hui said angrily: "The forwards of the Jin army have always stayed in place, neither chasing nor retreating, nor did they see their intention to move to the left wing to reinforce the left-wing car formation. Frontal assault? Even if you want to use armor to assault, you don’t need to sacrifice left-wing elites in vain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gongsun's fifth floor rolled his eyes and said, "Then, that is to drag the left-wing soldiers of the Jin army. , So that they can not support the front, and then we assault from the front, 30,000 armored cavalry, must be able to break the forward of the Jin army, they do not even have a big cart, how to block my cavalry? "

Heipao said coldly: "General Gongsun, if I don't have anything to say, I don't need you to speculate here. On this battlefield, one soldier and one soldier, and the meeting of the wind will be our help. I have to wait. Yes, it was just a sudden opportunity."

While talking, suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and the helmet on Gongsun's helmet on the fifth floor suddenly flew straight to the west, and the oncoming east wind made his eyes narrow unconsciously.

Hei Pao's eyes lit up, and he looked at the imperial flag at the head of the city. He saw that the flying flag of the flying horse was blown straight to the west. A smile flashed in Hei Pao's eyes: "I finally waited for you, let go. Wolf Smoke, inform Helan Lu, it's time to do it!"

On the left wing, Helanlu's face was as sinking as water, biting his lip tightly, holding the horse's rein's hand, trembling slightly, and the messengers in front of him kept reporting the battle situation in front of him.

"Report, Yuwenbu killed three more soldiers, and the front pioneer Yuwenku died in the fight."

"Report, the Zipline Battalion of the Servant Bone Department suffered heavy casualties and has lost its combat effectiveness."

"Report, General Yuwen's Xiaoqi camp two soldiers rushed into the enemy's car array, all died in the battle, no one will survive!"

"Report, Master Slave Bone's son is full, and the arrow is unconscious. He was lifted down. Master Slug reported that he had tried his best and was unable to attack again and requested to retreat!"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth and was about to speak. Suddenly, a messenger beside him shouted: "Wolf smoke, wolf smoke is rising!"

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