Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2673: Fire attack car array mad riding sudden

Helan Lu's face changed, and he turned to look towards Linqu City to the north. He saw three brown wolves rising into the air, not straight smoke pillars, but leaning towards the west, looking from a distance, as if It looked like three bent spears, and turned into an inverted J shape.

Helanlu turned his head again and saw that the banner behind him was also raised high. Behind him, the helmets on the helmets of all the soldiers were raised straight in the direction of the opposing car array. , Even the mane on the horse, Helan Lu finally smiled so that tears flowed on his face, the tears were also blown by the east wind, and drifted in the wind: "God has eyes, the east wind, the east wind finally rises. La!"

The guards on one side all looked puzzled, and the captain of the guard Helan Changkong blinked: "General, what does this wind have to do with our battle? Does it make you so excited?"

Helan Lu haha ​​smiled: "What do you idiot know, hurry up, give the order, let the soldiers in front of you withdraw all the money, and then, the cavalry of Helan Department prepared it for me, and everyone brought rocket torches and prepared to give it to me. Fire against the enemy's vehicle array, within a quarter of an hour, I will turn the Jin army's position into a sea of ​​flames!"

Jinjun, Chezhen, Shuaitai.

The soldiers around Tan Shao were cheering and cheering. In the two thousand carts ahead, the heavy-armored soldiers were waving their weapons, facing the retreat like the tide, while fleeing and dragging them onto the road along the way, they were soaked in Qi. The ankle-deep blood water of the corpse of his companion, weeping and carrying the corpse on the horse, and then rushing back, the Helan cavalry, many archers jumped onto the chariot, ready to draw their bows and release arrows to shoot them. The defeated Yan army was stopped by the team Zheng and the officers around him, and said: "The general has an order to save his arrows. Didn't you follow the order?"

The direction of Yu Qiu’s advancement, the semaphore again and again, and the Lingling soldiers were quickly issuing orders to Tan Shao, as if Yu Qiujin himself was speaking on the opposite side: "Happily, it is really comfortable to kill, do you want to chase him and hit him?"

Chief Sun's semaphore came over, as if his smiling face was dangling in front of Tan Shao: "Shao Shuai, the Helan Bud has killed more than four thousand in this battle. The mission you requested to kill five thousand enemies, We are done. I think they are going to withdraw their troops."

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Tan Shao shook his head, looked at the handsome flag raised high, and said calmly: "It's time, give orders, quickly open the bag on the car, and quickly smear the dirt in the bag on the cart, hurry!"

When Yu Qiujin saw the semaphore, his face changed slightly, he leaped into a big car in front of him, drew out his sword, and cut open the mouth of the bag, only to see that the inside was filled with silt, a smell of fish and shrimp on the bottom of the river. , So tangy.

Yu Qiujin understood it all at once, and he shouted: "Quickly, smear the outside of the car and the baffle with this silt. This is for fire prevention. The enemy is about to attack. Come on!"

With the orders from the officers, tens of thousands of bags were quickly opened, and the soldiers of the Jin army ignored the stench and wiped the mud from the bottom of the river directly on the outside of the cart, from the baffle to the The wheels on the outside were all smeared with these mud, a pungent smell, even surpassing the **** smell, permeating the front of the entire car array.

On the handsome platform, Liu Yu smiled and nodded. Yu Yue’s laughter echoed on the stage: "Awesome, too powerful. Last night, the commander asked the Chinese army's auxiliary soldiers to go to the Ju Mi underwater to dredge. , We thought you were going to set up a camp, or to find something. Unexpectedly, it was to smear it on the wood to prevent fire."

Liu Yu sighed and looked at the Meng Long Fu beside him, the corpse sitting on the Shuaitai, with tears flashing in his eyes: "Let the Raptors seize the Ju Mie water not only for the army to have water to drink, but also for the bottom of the river. The silt of our army is out of the chariots in this battle. Fire attack is the only weakness. Only this mud at the bottom of the river can protect my wooden cart from loss. Raptors, have you seen it? Your sacrifice has robbed the river. Also saved the whole army!"

And while they were talking, the cavalry of Helan had already made waves of howling wolves, a pungent smell of gun smoke, coming along the strong east wind, in front of their charging position, more than 20 firewood The pile has been ignited, and a team of cavalry passed by the burning pyre quickly, and then, either the arrow burned up, or the torch was held in both hands, like a few long fire dragons, from Coming out from behind, the cavalrymen who passed the defeated Servant and Ubunbu in front, rushed to the opposite chariot quickly.

The smoke filled the sky, with the wind, pressed towards the direction of the Jin army car array, 300 steps away, almost invisible beyond ten steps, can only hear the sound of horseshoes shaking the sky, the sound of whistle is endless, and The sparks of fire, accompanied by immense heat, are like putting people on the side of a volcano. However, the smoke also blocked the Yanjun’s sight, so that they did not even see it. UU看书www.uukanshu.com晋The army had already covered the cart with mud before they charged.

Pu Guwu widened his eyes and watched as a group of cavalry with torches rushed past him, and murmured: "It turns out that this is the case. It turns out that the commander wanted me to wait for the death to prepare for the fire attack. what."

Yuwen's fierce cry echoed in his ears: "Master Servant, Master Servant, you are here too."

Pu Guwu looked at the five arrows stuck in his body, covered in blood, but Yu Wenmeng, who was still brandishing a big axe, nodded: "Old Meng, go down and heal your wounds, or you will bleed to death."

Yuwen laughed fiercely: "My Xiaoqiying camp, more than a thousand brothers, and my Aganhe Gantie, all died in the hands of the Jin army. They are all good, so they jumped into the camp. None of them came back alive. If it weren't for General Mingjin, I would also rush in. Now we are going to attack by fire, and the Jin army's car formation will be turned into flames. If we don't take the opportunity to kill and revenge, when will we wait?! "

Servant Guwu gritted his teeth: "My son is seriously injured and unconscious. At this moment, I don't know whether it is alive or dead. If this hatred is not reported, I will be a father. Old men, let's go together!"

He said, waving the weapon in his hand, and shouted: "Warrior of the Servant Bone Department, it's time for revenge, charge me!"

There was a burst of fire, and the killing sound shook the sky. At the position of fifty or sixty steps outside the Jin army, countless Helan cavalry stopped on horseback, bent bows and arrows, facing the opposite that looming, in the smoke The car array that cannot be looked at directly, launching rockets, and many cavalry with torches jumped off their horses and held the torches high, so that the cavalry around them kept putting arrows painted with sulfur, kerosene and other ignitable objects on their backs. I ignited my torch, and then fired at the car array on the opposite side. Suddenly, the sky was full of flaming crows, and the heat wave was rolling. I wished to wipe out the car array on the opposite side!

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