Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2674: Take advantage of the fire burst into full attack

Pieces of firebirds, accompanied by the screaming sound of breaking through the air, and the sound of the curse of the masters gnashing their teeth when they launched, flew fiercely into the car formation of the Jin army, the top three of the whole car formation. At a distance of about ten paces, the sky is full of wind and sand, and there are flares of fire inside, accompanied by a strong east wind, which fascinates people’s eyes and makes people unable to see the movement inside. However, these Helan cavalry who are shooting are able to I can imagine that there should have been flames billowing inside, like a sea of ​​fire, and the Jin army must have been buried in a large area of ​​fire. If it weren't for this, how could you not even hear the screams?

Yuwen slammed a large bow and stood at about fifty paces. His large axe was inserted under the horse on one side, and several arrows on his body had been drawn. Several healers were rushing towards His wound was smeared with ointment, but every time he drew his bow and let out an arrow, the wound that had just been smeared with ointment would soon collapse again, and his entire body was covered with blood.

Pu Guwu frowned, followed by an arrow shot, then turned his head and said to Yu Wen Meng: "Old Meng, relax a little bit, don't rush for these two. You can heal your injury first, and then you can kill the enemy."

Yuwen gritted his teeth, stared, and shot another arrow. This time, like a fireball, went straight to the flash of fire in the dust and fog. The sergeants around him cheered, bursting out, just like his right arm. A wound burst out from above, blood was spraying directly, and he said bitterly: "After burning these broken cars in a while, we have to go in and slash it. Anyway, the injury will not get better for a while. Now we have the right to act. It’s a little bit of blood, what's the matter, go back and eat two legs of lamb and make it up." He said, drew an arrow, just like stroking a match, it passed the hand of a sergeant standing by the horse and held it high. The torch, the arrow of the arrow, suddenly burned.

A hint of worry flashed across Pu Guwu's face: "Actually, don't you think something is wrong? According to such a strong east wind, our rocket is so fierce, it shouldn't be the opposite reaction right now."

Yuwen was stunned for a moment, and then put down the big bow in his hand, holding the long spike with the burning arrow in his hand, looking at the wind and sand on the opposite side, and muttered: "You said that, it's really true. What's the matter, why can't the other side even hear the screams? There is also this fire, and it doesn't go up to the sky. There is no black smoke."

Pu Guwu gritted his teeth: "Impossible, this is impossible. With such a wind, the opponent’s cart is made of wood, so how can it not burn. Is it possible? Is it possible that these Jin army have some demon methods that can make The fire attack of our army has failed?"

Yuwen threw the rocket in his hand to the ground fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Whether it is the demon method or the fire attack that succeeded, you will know if you don't see it! Even if it is according to the art of war, our army strikes by the wind. There is a huge advantage. I think it was because the fire just burned too fiercely and violently, and directly burned these bird carts, and the Jin army sergeants were also buried in the flames all at once, and they couldn’t even be called out. Brothers , Don't shoot, it's all **** rush to me, kill!"

At this point, Yuwen fiercely picked up his big axe on the ground, but at this moment, when he lifted the big axe, his face turned pale. After all, he shed so much blood. Just kidding, I just leaned on a breath of air to shoot more than 30 arrows here, and it almost exhausted his last bit of strength, making him usually pick up this big axe like a child's toy, now It was so hard to hold it in the hand.

Pu Gu Wu quickly said: "Old Meng, don't force it, wait until General Helan's order to make plans."

Yuwen fiercely turned his head and pointed to the rear. The three red flags that were still flying high, he sternly said: "Helan Lu has even overwhelmed his cavalry. Is there any other choice now? Or rush in and let go. , Or just follow our brothers who died in battle to meet our ancestors, old Wu, don't stop me, if you are afraid of death, you can stay here by yourself."

As he said, he jumped off the horse and held the large axe in both hands. This allowed him to finally stabilize the long weapon. He looked around and shouted: "Brothers, warriors, Jinjun’s chariots , Has been burned out for us, and now with this shareholder wind, the time for revenge is coming. We will rush in now and let go and kill. In this battle, we don’t want the armor of the Jin army or the slaves of the Jin people, as long as If we can kill one more Jin army, we can avenge one more dead brother!"

There was a violent roar around: "Master Yuwen said well, kill Jinren, take revenge, take revenge!"

A murderous aura flashed in Yuwen's eyes, licked the blood on his lips, and rushed into the wind and sand without looking back. The one who rushed in with him shot out a large number of bows and arrows in his hand. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com picked up all kinds of melee weapons of dismounted cavalry. After all, even a well-trained knight, in such a place full of smoke and flames, would not dare to ride on a horse. No matter how horses are described, they are also livestock and are naturally afraid of fire. If the front is really a sea of ​​flames, then do it. If it is not good, he would throw the knight himself into the fire, but he would turn around and run away. Yu Wen's fierce dismounting and walking impact is also a move that conforms to the art of war.

The servant bone slapped his thigh abruptly and shouted: "Old Meng, Old Meng, don't be impulsive, come back, come back first."

However, his cry was drowned in the whistling wind and the sky-shaking screams. Beside him, behind him, the tide of Yan Army soldiers had already dispersed and no longer formed a line. He rushed to the opposite side and rushed into the sand, which made him and the hundreds of guards of the servant bones around him suddenly look like a rock in a stormy sea, so unusual.

A soldier said excitedly: "Leader, let's rush too. It looks like Master Yuwen and the others have succeeded, and now there is no one on the other side..."

Puguwu screamed: "You guy knows what a fart, this Jin army's broken formation is weird, even if our fire attack is strong, it is impossible to burn thousands of enemy troops here, there is no scream. Yes, besides, if the enemy’s car formation is burned out, how can there be no black smoke on that day, and the smell of gun smoke from the fire, have you smelled it? How did I smell it, it was a fishy smell of stinky fish, rotten shrimps Huh, this wind, why does this wind seem to stop!"

He didn’t finish his words. Suddenly, he heard the three bright red flags rising at the same time in the Jin army formation on the opposite side. At the same time, there was the roar of hundreds of war drums and thousands of others. The throat roared at the same time, with a murderous voice: "Eight cows are running, the enemy line is destroyed!"

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