Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2675: 8 Cattle Slaughter Flesh Fly

With the roar of the overwhelming roar, the smoke and dust that was still in the sky just now dissipated almost at this instant. The air currents gushing out from tens of thousands of voices dissipated. The roaring east wind also disappeared in an instant, only the Jin Army Car Array that still stood unscathed, like the indestructible Great Wall, still blocked in front of the Wan Yuyan Army who was rushing to the front line of the car array like the tide.

At least thirty or forty bows and arrows are inserted on the shield of every big car, and the arrows are deeply nailed to the board. No, strictly speaking, they are stuck in the mud on the board. The mud at the bottom of the Jumie water that was smeared on the board, still carrying the smell of fish and shrimp, after more than a quarter of an hour burned by the rocket, has already been scorched and turned into the kind of cracks on the Loess Plateau. The shape, even some, has the effect of burning a block model in the pottery workshop, but with the protection of the soil, no big car really burns up, tens of thousands of rockets, It was like just shooting an arrow target thirty steps away, nailed all over these mud boards, the car was full of bows and arrows on and off the car, but it couldn't shake this car formation at all!

The generals of the Jin army after the car formation were all covered with wet felt cloth, which caused those rockets that passed the car formation and flew over the baffle to be quickly wiped out after hitting the human body. I don't know when these vehicles were on board. Hundreds of heavy eight-bow crossbows have been installed, pointing to the crossbow arms outside the car, and the cold light above the broken tip is like the eyes of the target that the **** of death is watching, revealing the breath of death, and the car formation After that, Lin Qianhai, a spear like that steel forest, pointed directly at the Yan army crowd who was rushing towards the car formation.

Yuwen rushed to the front with his big axe fiercely, and he was less than three steps away from the car array. Just now, he finally saw clearly in front of him, a crossbow machine was pointing coldly at him, and A brawny man with naked torso, full of muscles, and a wet cowhide, holding a sledgehammer weighing 30 kilograms, standing behind this eight-bull crossbow, looking at his gaze, There was even a hint of pity.

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Yuwen's eyes were so glaring that he fell out of his eyes. He suddenly realized that he would die terribly miserable this time. Together with the thousands of soldiers on his body, it was not a massacre after rushing into the sea of ​​fire, but This chariot became a slaughtered lamb, and there was a thunderous roar of "Eight bulls are running, the enemy is destroying"! It also exploded in his ears, making his brain a "buzzing" sound, and even the shouts of the companions behind him could not be heard.

"Bang", "K", "Woo..................", the sledgehammer hit the crossbow machine, the machine spring ejected, and the four-stranded beast tendons twisted to the extreme quickly popped out, causing the three-foot-long strand to break, intense The sound of the earth jetting out, cutting through the air, wiping out sparks, and then hitting the bodies of the soldiers of the Yan army a few steps away, echoed in Yuwen's ears, the sound of the fish and shrimps being roasted. The sticky smell, the burnt smell when it was not burned, was immediately replaced by the pungent **** smell, and it got into Yu Wen Meng's nose.

Intense plasma erupted, and thousands of bodies were instantly torn apart. The blood circulation was accelerated by running at full speed. When the internal circulation of the body was suddenly broken, it erupted like a volcano, and the blood blew out of the body. The sound, just like when the wind blew through the bamboo forest, was the kind of "rusty" sound. Yuwen Meng's vision was instantly blurred. That's because the people around him were beaten to a pulp in the blink of an eye. , He could even clearly see those who broke straight through the body of their companions around him, and the running people suddenly became torn apart like five horses, and even the entire upper half was flew backwards with two legs. Still continue to run forward.

The viscera that burst out of the human body is dancing in the air, and the intestines are carrying yellow shit, like the lower strip, flying in the air, the fragments of the liver and belly and lungs, which are torn apart, are stuck in Yuwen's face. Above, for the soldiers of the Yan army who were torn apart like this, they couldn't even make the screams. They died, and this squat could immediately penetrate five or six people, and the one or two hapless ones who punched through in front of him. It would definitely not leave a complete corpse, it would become a pile of fragments of flesh and blood, which was exploded within a few steps, everywhere.

Yuwen's eyes became blood-red. He knew that it was the flesh and blood of his companions, which had been glued to his face, and the hammer-stretching man on the opposite side was looking at him at this moment. There was even a smile at the corner of his mouth. By his side, the crossbow arm that had just finished hitting it was spinning rapidly. The next crossbow arm loaded with the broken crossbow has moved to the next shot. Yuwen suddenly realized that he was not a spectator, maybe by killing this strong man, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com would be able to stop a firing of the crossbow machine, maybe it would be able to save a dozen more people, he instinctively wanted to kick it. His own big axe suddenly found that one of his broken arms seemed to be holding the big axe, and it had fallen two steps in front of him, while his body was moving backwards like clouds and fog.

Yuwen looked down at his body sharply, and saw that a thick blood hole had been punched in the front abdomen, and a broken tail was piercing into his body. The speed was too fast, even let him No longer feel the pain, Yu Wen Meng only felt that the whistling wind was pouring into his body, and a feeling of spiritual and physical separation seemed to take him away. At the last moment of this life, his mind A sentence flashed in it: "What a strong crossbow!"

But before these words could change from his mind to his tongue, his eyes went dark, and he couldn't perceive anything anymore. Everything in this world has nothing to do with him, even the same thousand, two or three hundred. Together with the soldiers of the Yan army in the forefront, they all ascended to heaven in just an instant, less than half a minute!

On the handsome platform of the Jin army, Yu Yue lifted her head from a pile of vomit. Even after thousands of steps, in that instant, the horrible state of flesh and blood flying across the ground and corpses all over the place, she still ignored this. The brother of the war, once again induced vomiting, Liu Muzhi's ridiculous laughter echoed in his ears: "It's okay, Yu Gong, just vomit for a while. I was just like you back then, vomiting. I'm used to vomiting."

Yu Yue raised her head, and fled away from her pile of sour-smelling vomit. He wiped his mouth while panting, "It's too cruel and terrible. In this world, this How can there be such a terrible killing weapon in the world, although it is an enemy, but this, this is also a terrible death."

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