Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2676: The virtue of a good life is benevolent

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows were frowned tightly, with a look of intolerance on his face: "I have long heard that my Dajin’s eight-stone rancher crossbow is invincible and destroys countless enemies. But when I saw it today, it was so cruel, bloody, and so cruel. Qian Tianhe. Liu Cheqi, it was not the time for a decisive victory. Is it necessary to use such a weapon?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "The reason why I ordered Tan Shao to use Ba Niu crossbow when the enemy is charging is to clearly tell the black robe on the opposite side that the two wings are places where he doesn't have to expect to break through. Fire attacks are not advisable. I can’t beat it. If I charge forcibly, I have eight crossbows here, enough to destroy thousands of people in a moment, just like now.

He said, pointing to the left-wing car formation ahead. The second round of the Ba Niu crossbow has already fired again. After the first round of shooting, it has completely destroyed Yan Jun’s psychology, including Yu Wenmeng. Thousands of the most elite soldiers, with only one salvo, turned into a large piece of meat within ten paces before the car formation, almost unable to find the human form, which made the nearly ten thousand sergeants who followed the charge to give up any The idea of ​​charging, turned around and fled, but he couldn't choose his way in such a panic. In addition to being too dense, the people were all crowded together, densely packed, completely exposing his back to the Jin army.

More than one hundred broken branches flew out. Almost every one can penetrate four to five Yan army, string them into a string, and nail them to the ground. The thirty to fifty steps in front of the Jin army’s car formation have been Completely filled with blood fog, whether it is a dead or alive, the whole body is covered with blood, the screams and wailings of the wounded rang together, and the blood infiltrated every inch of the land because of the large-scale openness. The wound, almost all the blood of the deceased was drained, far more blood shed than the small finger-sized wounds that are usually shot by a knife and an arrow. Some people who were seriously injured and not killed even soaked in a pool of blood. The scene was choked to death alive, and the scene was horrible, and some people pushed to the ground, struggling to get up, but were stepped on by countless people, and after a few convulsions, they could no longer move.

Yu Yue shook his head incredulously: "I'm afraid, even if these Yanjun who fled back, even if they are dead, they will not dare to go on the battlefield again in this life. At least, if I am there, I am afraid that they will faint on the spot. "

Wang Zhen said coldly: "The art of war is to put the most important thing in hurting the enemy and cause the greatest casualties in the shortest time. Not only is it beneficial to the battle, but it can also destroy the enemy's fighting spirit and collapse it. This is the fire attack. , Flooding, traps, and the awesomeness of this kind of crossbow. Of course, if our carts are broken and the enemy is attacked by fire, then they will be trampled on by their cavalry, and they will be slaughtered. On the other side is our soldiers. Yu joined the army without having mercy and sympathy with the enemy. War is a cruel thing to life and death."

Yu Yue sighed: "Of course I understand the truth, but Her Royal Highness also said just now that such killings are so fierce, and there are dry days and peace. Will they be punished in the future..."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Since Yongjia, Hu Qi has swept the world and killed countless people of Han Chinese, including our Dajin army, and suffered from it. If nothing else, just the Battle of Wuqiaoze, which is In an instant, the Yan army launched a black fire attack, and I nearly 10,000 soldiers from the North Mansion were buried in the sea of ​​flames. Most people were dead. Isn't this not cruel, there is no dry peace? And the last time I assaulted Yecheng, Murong Chui is repeating the old tricks again. He wants to launch a black demon fire throughout the city and destroy all my army and all the people in the city. These are all things I have personally experienced. May I ask where is the reincarnation of heaven?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Liu Cheqi, could it be that Murongchui’s later experience in the country of Yan, participated in the battle of Hebei, 70,000 soldiers were killed by the Wei army, and then the lords competed for positions, the seemingly powerful Houyan, It fell apart in less than a year. In the battle of Bai Si, tens of thousands of armored horses were buried in a sea of ​​flames. Isn't it this kind of unscrupulous and unscrupulous retribution?"

Liu Yu didn't reply, his eyes shone with light.

Liu Muzhi nodded: "His Royal Highness's words are very reasonable. Tuoba Guikeng killed the tens of thousands of Yanjun who joined Hebei. In the end, he was resigned and died in the hands of his own son. It is also a kind of retribution for us. We. This time it’s the crime of slinging the civilians. In this left-wing battle, the outcome has been determined, and the enemy has collapsed. Even if it escapes, it is impossible to play a role in this battle. God has the virtue of living well. This is the third Let’s just give it up for the time being."

Xiang Jing frowned: "There is no one who can't kill the enemy in a war. Her Royal Highness and Fat Changshi, this time is not the time of the benevolence of women. Waiting for the enemy to escape and regroup, it may cause our soldiers. Of unnecessary casualties."

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Send Tanshao, stop shooting the Ba Niu crossbow, hurry up to organize the car formation, check the equipment, arrange the wounded soldiers, and give them a joy for the heavily wounded soldiers in front of the car formation."

Xiang Jing's expression changed, and he shouted, "Marshal, don't do it, we obviously can..."

Liu Yu calmly said: "Thousands of enemy troops who fled have been discouraged. UU reading www.uukanshu.com cannot fight again. The Yan army has more than 100,000 in this battle. It doesn't matter whether these thousands of people are killed or not. Although the bull crossbow is powerful, it is not as powerful as the bow and arrow, and the number is not so large. I need to keep a round of flying to fight the more fierce enemy attack. Moreover, the purpose of this battle has been achieved, and now the black robe should I also know that wanting to break through the two wings is a wishful thinking. Next, I am afraid that he will change the direction of attack."

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Speaking of this, Liu Yu paused: "His Royal Highness's words are also very reasonable. In this world, there may be real will, good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Think about the evil, frenzied opponents we have encountered before, Enemies, those who ignore the lives of soldiers and people, and kill in cold blood for their own selfish desires, which one will have a good end? Our Northern Expedition, our previous battles, are to defend our home and the country, and to understand and save the people. , Instead of killing people for the sake of killing. The soldiers of the Yan army are also the people who are enlisted by Nan Yan here. After we destroy the tyrannical Nan Yan, they will also become the people of Da Jin. The ancient sages still know the Internet. On the one hand, we don’t have to increase senseless killings for the reason that the wisher is hooked."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Liu Cheqi still retains the benevolence and righteousness when he joined the army. It is not easy. On behalf of those who survived because of your order, I pay tribute to you. I believe that your subordinates today Be merciful, and you will surely get good results in the future."

Liu Yu looked at the Linqu city on the opposite side, with a killing intent in his eyes: "Kill the big demon to end all this. I can let anyone go, but I will fix his life, and the Jade Emperor will save him. I can't stop him!"

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