Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2678: After the bypass formation

The scholar with white face and little beard just now was Zhang Gang, the master of the celestial master, who was saved by Murong Lan during the Battle of Yuzhou. These years he has been in Nanyan and has not heard anything outside the window, and has been studying with all his heart. Those wooden armour mechanism skills eventually achieved success, and this time, the secret weapons covered by the heavy curtain that Wang Miaoyin and Liu Muzhi were investigating were also his latest war machines.

Hearing this, Zhang Gang laughed, and his eyes flashed with excitement: "My family was killed by the Beifu army in the chaos of the war, and only my mother survived. Since the gods cannot protect my family, then this Dayan, It is my home and my country. I have waited for ten years to wait for such an opportunity for revenge. Today, the opportunity is here. Teacher, I will not let you down!"

Hei Pao nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, then go to battle according to the plan in advance. Remember, the entire Dayan and these 100,000 soldiers are your strong backing. No matter how strong the Northern Army is, it will not be possible after all. Flesh and flesh, use your killing machine to avenge the soldiers who died tragically just now!"

Zhang Gang bowed to Murong Chao and Heipao, and then walked down the tower without looking back.

Duan Hui frowned: "Guo Shi, it’s not that I can’t believe you. It’s that this Beifu army is really fierce. Even if Liu Jingxuan’s forward force does not have a big vehicle, it’s better than this kind of war machine. I’m afraid it won’t be lost to anyone. Man, this Zhang Gang has never been in a battlefield. He is a scholar, and he uses the fragments of pictures and sketches to make some strange and ingenious things all day long. Is it really good?"

Heipao smiled slightly: "Let him try it. After so many years, isn't it just for this day. Liu Yu can withstand the impact of our army's cavalry, relying on those carts and shields that we usually don't like. Adding to transformation will have such power, not to mention those inventions of Zhang Gang, they are not rigid."

Speaking of this, the black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "During the Battle of Yuzhou ten years ago, his wooden armor mechanism had a great effect. If it weren't for Liu Yu's strategy, how would the battle be won? I'm afraid it's hard to say. This time, I believe Zhang Gang will give us even greater surprises. Even if he fails, it is nothing more than the loss of some wooden things. What is the loss to my army?"

Murongchao sneered: "These Han people are only capable of fighting face-to-face. They can only rely on these gadgets to think about crookedness. However, Zhang Gang designed the flying crossbows and stone dumpers for urban defense in Guanggu. I have seen it. There is indeed something, but I hope he will not let me down this time. National division, the cavalry on the two wings should withdraw first. Since you have tried out the enemy formation, you don’t need to..."

Heipao said coldly: "No, the two wings cannot be withdrawn, and they have to continue to put pressure on the Jin army, especially the left wing. They can't let them transfer these eight cattle crossbows to the forwards. Even if they are filled with lives, they have to drag on. One hour. It was passed to me that Han Zhuo of the left army infantry took his 20,000 Linzi army to reinforce Helanlu and told him that he is not allowed to retreat now and continue to attack the Jin army's chariot formation."

Duan Hui's expression changed: "Guo Shi, they were all beaten like that just now, and the whole army can see them, I'm afraid that General Han is..."

Heipao pointed to the banner, Gongsungui's head with eyes open, coldly said: "The whole army can also see him, knowing that he won't follow the commander's order!"

Having said this, he smiled slightly: "General Han’s elder brother Han Fan, but the Qilu clan, who was a heavy court minister, when his majesty was newly enthroned, was also the Qilu clan’s feudal clan. He wanted to support Murong Zhong as the emperor. Zhuo led the soldiers and personally got rid of the remaining party of the Feng clan in Beihai. He knew very well that if Dayan was defeated in this battle, all the glory and wealth of his Han family would be lost, and the lives of their brothers would not be guaranteed. Those who kill others will be liquidated in the same way in the future."

Murong Chao nodded with satisfaction: "What the national teacher said is that Han Shangshu and General Han have always been loyal to the country. Now is the time to go desperately. They will not back down. It's just this method of attacking the car formation... "

The black robe said solemnly: "Don't attack the cart. Find a way to tie up the cowl or the shield on the car. Just now when I saw the cavalry assault, some lasso cavalry used this trick to fly some shields. , The effect is still good. When attacking, spread out a bit and don’t squeeze into a ball. In this way, Jin’s crossbows, especially Ba Niu crossbows, may not cause too much damage. It is not easy for us to attack the car array. They want to attack. It’s also difficult. Just stalemate like this. By the way, send shields in front and shoot each other. Look for opportunities to pull off the carts and shields. In this battle, I don’t want them to break this Jin army car formation. Just drag the left-wing soldiers and horses of the Jin Army, especially the Ba Niu Nu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, and stop them from supporting the forwards."

Duan Hui nodded: "Understood, I will personally pass the order." As he said, he also paid a military salute to Murong Chao and left quickly.

There was a sneer at the corner of the black robe's mouth, and he said in a low voice to Murong: "Your Majesty, first try to consume the soldiers and horses of these foreign tribes and Han people in this battle. Our Murong clan armour must remain the most important thing. When you use it again, Zhang Gang should be able to make a difference, but now, the minister needs to leave in secret for a while."

Murong Chao's expression changed: "Guo Shi, you are......"

A cold light flashed in Heipao’s eyes and pointed to the Jin formation ahead: "Liu Yu is very good at using troops. His forward deliberately does not leave a car formation. Obviously, he hopes that our army will invest heavily and the main force here. I use Zhang Gang's The wood-armored force attacking here can save troops on the one hand, and on the other hand, by surprise, I believe it will cause heavy losses to the enemy, forcing them to use the central reserve troops to reinforce the forwards, and even to transfer the troops on the two wings."

Murongchao's eyes lit up: "The national teacher means that the enemy's weakness lies in..."

Heipao sneered and said: "Yes, I have been staring for a long time, I believe that the weakness of the Jin formation is undoubtedly in the rear!"

"Liu Yu is cunning, his strength is less than half of our army, so he took the initiative to abandon the big camp, retreat as advancement, and act like a strong attack on Linqu. He wants to fight quickly and take advantage of the opportunity of high morale when the newcomer comes. He defeated our army in one fell swoop. But because he had few troops, he couldn't divide the troops to defend the camp, so he simply set up such a car formation and moved forward in a group. His wings are indeed strong. I believe it is not easy for the forward to break through, but his rear is still possible. Leave heavy soldiers? I don't believe it!"

Murong Chao laughed and clapped his hands suddenly: "Wonderful, the teacher can really guess Liu Yu's mind at once, then what do you mean..."

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