Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2679: Black Robe Toxic Counterattack 5th Floor

The black robe said solemnly: "I personally took 20,000 armor and riding outfits, bypassed the battlefield, appeared behind the Jin army, and assaulted his rear army. Then it will be the real decisive victory. Waiting for you to see the five colors. When the smoke rises, it is when the whole army is attacking and advancing, and I still have a real killer move here, which will definitely give Liu Yu an unforgettable impression!"

Murong Chao opened his eyes wide: "What killer move? The national teacher tell me soon!"

Heipao glanced at Murongchao's side, and the excited generals smiled slightly: "It is not yet the critical moment for the decisive victory. It is not convenient to disclose that this is a military aircraft. Please forgive me."

A look of disappointment flashed across Murongchao's face: "That's it. I can understand it. It's just a national teacher. You have to lead your troops to the enemy's back. How do you start this killer move? Who will execute it?"

Hei Pao calmly looked at the crowd, a figure that dodges his eyes, and the person shrinks back unconsciously, and meets his eyes. With his eyes facing each other, the person hastily lowered his head, but Hei Pao is sneer. Tao said: "General on the fifth floor, please come with me."

Gongsun walked out of the crowd with a sad face on the fifth floor, and saluted the black robe: "Guo Shi, I'm a little talented and inexperienced, I'm afraid I will..."

Heipao said coldly: "General on the fifth floor, this is the battlefield. My words are military orders. I don't need to use them. This commander has already fully calculated and considered before. You just come with me."

Gongsun gritted his teeth on the fifth floor and offered a salute to Murong Chao: "Your Majesty, I will follow the National Teacher to listen to the arrangement at the end."

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Murong Chao nodded and said in a deep voice: "Fifth floor, no matter what the relationship between you and the monarch and ministers is usually, this is a battlefield. I cannot tolerate affection. I have already given the emperor sword to the national teacher. The national teacher decided, please understand this. Your brother violated the order and defeated the army, and he deserved it. It was not the national teacher who killed him, but my Dayan's military law. You must be clear about this. Can you wash away the shame of your brother's defeat? Restoring the reputation of your grandson family depends on your next performance."

Gongsun gritted his teeth on the fifth floor, and said in a deep voice: "Please follow your majesty's military order! The fifth floor must go through fire and water, liver and brain..."

Hei Pao didn't give him a chance to finish speaking, and took his hand as if holding a woman, and walked directly down the city: "The military situation is urgent, just follow me."

Walking to the city, Heipao waved his hand: "Stay away from us, and be on guard fifty steps away."

All the guards and the dark-robed dark guards who emerged from nowhere all saluted and retreated. In the open space outside the city gate, only the fifth floor of Gongsun and the black robe were left.

Hei Pao coldly looked at Gongsun's eyes on the fifth floor, stabbing him to dare not look directly. Hei Pao said angrily: "Look at how you are, why are you still blaming me for killing your brother?"

Gongsun's fifth floor quickly waved his hand and said, "I dare not dare, he deserves to die, he violated the order..."

Heipao waved his hand: "No matter, we don't have to talk about these polite remarks. I kill your brother, you should hate me, but I can't help it. Yan Jun originally came from different tribes, and there are many factions. In the past, when Murong De was there, the prestige was still there, no one dared not follow the orders, but his majesty was newly enthroned, and the hearts of the people were dissatisfied. Duan Hui and Helanlu looked down on him in their hearts. This is also what I must command as the commander in this battle The reason. Originally asked your brother to take the lead to test it. As long as he obeyed my orders, I would reuse him later, but he wanted to grab merit and didn’t obey my orders. As a result, the whole army was wiped out. If I don’t behead him, then the whole army will be used today. No one will obey my orders again. When the time comes, everyone will die together. Are you satisfied?"

Gongsun sighed on the fifth floor: "I understand the truth, but it's a pity that my eldest brother has always been greedy and impatient. I knew that I shouldn't fight for him as a pioneer."

Heipao hooked his mouth: "Even if you don't fight for it, Your Majesty will let him go, because he also doesn't trust Duan Hui and Helan Lu. He won't use these people to lead the battle. Now that's the end of the matter, we have to think It depends on how to win this battle. Although your ability on the battlefield is not enough, there is no doubt about your loyalty to your Majesty. Therefore, at a critical time, I will leave you with the great skill of using the ultimate move. This time, it can be ten million. Don't let down as a teacher."

Gongsun's eyes on the fifth floor lit up, and he nodded: "I will naturally follow Master's instructions, but it's just that I can really do it?"

Heipao sneered and said, "I have already arranged it. You just need to follow my orders when you come."

He said, patted his hands lightly three times, and saw hundreds of people in prison clothes and disheveled hair on one side of the square, with shackles in their hands and chains on their feet. Under escort, walked here, Gongsun was surprised to see on the fifth floor, UU reading www. Among these people at uukanshu.com, there are even some women. There are more than 100. Although it seems that their bodies have been tortured and tortured, many of them are full of whipping and burn marks, but judging from their walking posture, They are all well-trained and capable masters.

Gongsun pointed to a woman in her 30s at the front on the fifth floor, and said in astonishment: "Isn't this the maid Wushuang next to Princess Lan? How could she..."

Heipao said indifferently: "You are right, they are all under Princess Lan. Now Princess Lan is pregnant and cannot show her face for the time being. Some people spread rumors that Princess Lan was imprisoned because she collided with her Majesty, and even harmed her. These people do not argue between right and wrong, believe in rumors, and even went so far as to hijack Princess Lan and assassinate the old man, committing such a capital crime. Wushuang, you really disappointed me too much."

Wushuang raised his head, his delicate face was filled with unyielding color: "Hei Robe, you don't need to talk wittyly here, Princess Lan loyally protects the country, and she wants to give up with the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but she was framed by you. , All of us have been favored by Princess Lan for many years. We won’t let her be framed by you. If we fail to save her, we are incompetent. If you have the ability, we will kill us. Otherwise, as long as there is a chance, we will definitely do it again. Save Princess Lan!"

The black robe grinned grimly: "Sure enough, they are good loyal slaves. It's a pity that your loyalty has been used in the wrong direction. You actually want to hijack Murong Lan to treason and vote for the promotion. Liu Yu bewitched you."

Wushuang gritted his teeth: "Princess Lan and Liu Yu have been married for many years, and they have been in the same mind. Liu Yu is the hero of the indomitable. We have followed the princess for many years. Which one does not know, which one does not know? You start the war and make Princess Lan couple Turning back, now we are going to kill the princess's husband again. Those of us who have tried our best to prevent you from harming others!"

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