Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2680: The loyal guard is not afraid of death

Heipao laughed and said, "Well, ambitious and courageous. It's a pity that you don't have the ability to stab me. You will end up like this, and even your Princess Lan will be implicated. Look, who is that?"

As he said, he pointed to the big flag at the head of the city, where Gongsungui’s head was hung. These spies who have been trained for many years can still see clearly even after such a distance. Many people have expressions. It changed all at once and whispered: "This, isn't this Gongsun Gui? He is the brother of the traitor on the fifth floor of Gongsun!"

Some people laughed: "Hahaha, Gongsungui, you also have today. We, Dayan, were murdered by Gongsun the fifth floor and the black robe. We can see you die without a burial place. You can also look at it."

Gongsun yelled angrily on the fifth floor: "Shut up, you anti-thief, you die so close, and you still speak bad words here, come, kill them all for us!"

Heipao waved his hand: "Fifth floor, don't worry, I kept their life for this battle. Wushuang, we don't need to talk too much nonsense. Now Liu Yu is taking Jin's army with him outside the city. My Dayan’s army is fighting, you say, which side are you going to stand on?!"

Wushuang said: "We have been taught by princess Lan for many years by precepts and deeds, and we know loyalty. Now Dayan, power usurped by you treacherous men, is no longer a homeland that can protect our Xianbei people. You treached your faith and broke the contract. , Took the initiative to launch a war and attracted Jin’s counterattack. Now I can’t resist it, but I want us to be loyal? How can there be such a truth in the world! Only by punishing you who are troublesome to the country, is the greatest loyalty to Dayan? , This time, we would rather stand on the side of the Jin army!"

Wushuang's sonorous words and firm expression drew everyone behind him into applause. Even the Yan army sergeants who escorted them had a lot of admiration. After all, this weak woman said too much about the hearts and minds of the soldiers and civilians of the country of Yan. .

Gongsun gritted his teeth on the fifth floor with anger: "Guo Shi, you see, these people will not repent, they are incorrigible, behead them all, and then hang their heads to sacrifice the flag, it will definitely make our soldiers high in fighting spirit."

Wushuang said in a deep voice, "If you want to kill, kill. On Huangquan Road, we are waiting for you two thieves to come here soon."

Heipao said coldly: "Want to die? Easy. But in this world, there are many more terrifying things than death. I know that you have been orphans since childhood and were raised by Princess Lan. In your heart, Murong Lan is your relative, so you will be deceived by the Jin people, betray Dayan, and still be loyal here. Don't you want to think about your treason, what do you think of Princess Lan, and what consequences will it have on her?"

Wushuang's expression changed: "One person does everything, the other person, black robe, it is our own decision to assassinate you, Princess Lan has no idea about this, you should take this to play and pour dirty water on Princess Lan. !"

Hei Pao Jiejie gave a weird smile: "I don't know? You are all dead men, and you can deal with it without knowing it? Murong Lan is a good apprentice I taught myself, and you all know it. She is trapped by love and forgets her home country. , I have completely put my mind on that Jin man Liu Yu, even if you didn't instruct you to assassinate the old man, her husband is now leading the army to destroy my Dayan. This alone is enough to kill Murong Lan thousands of times! "

Wushuang's lips trembled slightly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes: "Obviously you broke the contract first and attacked Jiangbei. This caused Liu Yu to retaliate. It's no wonder Princess Lan. She wanted to return to the university back then. Yan, even her husband and daughter have been abandoned, so loyal, how can treason be possible? If you really want to say treason, you are also a conspirator!"

However, when facing the dark gaze of the black robe and the sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth, Wushuang suddenly felt a burst of invisible pressure, as if his neck was held tightly by his dry hands, breathless, and he was originally awe-inspiring. Actually, he couldn't continue his momentum.

Heipao said coldly: "Everything I have done is for Dayan's national destiny. The Jin people have always been our mortal enemies. If we want to destroy us, we will be fast, and your Princess Lan went to approach and seduce Liu Yu, originally the first emperor It’s just that Murong Lan’s fakes come true, she betrayed the great cause of the country of Yan, and moved her true feelings to Liu Yu. Don’t think that she came back to be loyal to Dayan. In fact, after she came back, she still Don't do anything for Dayan to destroy the Jin Dynasty and expand southward. You are her dead men and subordinates, so naturally you know what I said is true or false."

Wushuang gritted his teeth: "I have a covenant between Emperor Dayan and Liu Yu, no longer..."

Heipao said bitterly: "It's just now and then. The first emperor gave up a great opportunity because he was bewitched by Murong Lan for a while. UU reading www.uukanshu.com didn't accept the land in the north of the Yangtze River. Afterwards, he mentioned it all the time. It was regrettable, and it could even be said that it was a hateful death. Before he died, he asked me to make a living space for Dayan. Now that the Northern Wei Dynasty is strong, I don't take the opportunity to expand to the south of Jin. Where else can I fight?"

Wushuang sneered: "You always have a reason. If the first emperor really regrets this, why not take the initiative to abandon this covenant and send troops to Jin?"

Heipao said in a deep voice, "Because the first emperor died soon after he came back, and protect me, Dayanshe Ji is his last edict. Everyone has heard it. Our Dayan didn't use troops against Jin, but Liu Yu did not use it. Because of his bad thoughts, he originally agreed with the first emperor that he would not station troops and collect food in Jiangbei, not to threaten Dayan, but he took advantage of the new emperor's accession to the throne, and when there was a rebellion within Dayan, he immigrated to Jiangbei and stationed troops to save food, if not for invasion What did he do? Princess Lan also knew his ambitions, and once led the order to assassinate Liu Yu, the result? Not only did not succeed, but also had an overnight romance with him, and now he is pregnant again, you said, who betrayed the big Yan, is it me or your Princess Lan?"

Wushuang was silent for a while, and said, "Heipao, you tell us these things are useless. We only recognize Princess Lan. We only know that you sent troops to commit the war caused by Jincai. If you tell us about the flowers, we don’t. Maybe you betray Princess Lan and come to take refuge in you, so you still have to die."

Heipao smiled slightly: "Okay, you can indeed die now, and then if our army is defeated in this battle, Murong Lan will definitely be executed for treason. Even if I don't kill her, Liu Yu will destroy my Dayan. Muronglan will be put to death as the princess of the Kingdom of Yan. I’m afraid you don’t know what Liu Yu used to deal with Huanchu before, but even a woman would not let it go. So now, you want Dayan to win or Dayan to lose. What?"

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